What is the drop chance of sunder charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2? Where is the best place to farm sunder charms? How to quickly get the specified sunder charm for your build? In this D2R guide, we'll take you through these questions in a Reddit post from u/Obliivescence!
D2R 2.5 Sunder Charm Drop Rate & Fast Farming Guide
Sunder Charms is a brand new item added to Season 2, which not only changes the creation mechanism of the game character build, but also the best support for running Terror Zone. Any player absolutely wants to own a Sunder Charm in the new season to experience the new game mechanics. So to help you find one of these break immunity charms fast, we go over the drop rate of sunder charms on the different types of mobs and areas and figure out the best spots to find them!
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Where to Farm Sunder Charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2?
Sunder Charms are exclusive to Ladder Season 2.
Sunder Charms drop from Champion, Unique, Super Unique, and Boss-type monsters in Terrorized Areas.
You must be level 75 to wear a Sunder Charm.
What is the Drop Rate of Sunder Charms?
Speaking to the drop rate, Sunder Charms are unique D2R charms like Gheed's Fortune that drop "relatively often" or rather a very rare rune like Ber or Jah. While Gheed's Fortune only requires level 62 to wear, Sunder Charms requires level 75 (the item level is roughly around 80), so it is inferred that the drop probability will be slightly lower than that of Gheed's Fortune.
Sunder Charm Drop Chance Bug (Fixed)
After the Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2 launched, a major bug related to Sunder Charms Drop Chances Exploit was found by players. By using a method that was very easy to reproduce, a Barbarian could indeed ensure the drop of a Sunder Charm. The bug involved Barbarian's Find Items ability. By activating this ability on monsters in terrorized areas, you were guaranteed to drop a broken charm if no other had dropped in the game.
The problem of course was reported to Blizzard on the official forums immediately. Players were sorry for the situation and believed that players who abused the exploit deserved to be suspended or even banned from Battle.net. This would cause a lot of ink to flow because several players, and in particular streamers, were launched in a frantic race to reach level 99 as quickly as possible and validated the World First. However, some of them took advantage of the exploit.
Although the bug was quickly fixed, the in-game economy obviously has taken a big hit from this overabundance.
So now the drop chance of Sunder Charms return to normal, and most of you would have missed the high chance to drop sundered charms, so if you want to know to get the one in the game by yourself, the following analysis about Sunder Charm Rarity from fox will be very helpful to you.
Rarity of Sunder Charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected
The 'Rarity' value assigned to uniques means that whenever a Unique item spawns and there are multiple uniques for that runeword base item, the odds of choosing a specific unique are Rarity/TotalRarity.
For example, Tyrael's Might has a rarity of 1, while Templar's Might have a rarity of 8, making it such that when a unique Sacred Armor drops, it has a 1 in 9 chance of being Tyrael's, and 8 in 9 chance of being Templar's Might (assuming its ilvl 87+ to allow Tyrael's into the pool).
For rings, Manald's have a rarity of 15, Nagelrings have 15, and SoJ has 1. So for an NM andy unique ring, 15/31 are Manald Heal, 15/31 are Nagelring, and 1/31 is SoJ.
For Sundering Charms, they've each been assigned a rarity value of 1, and Gheed's has not had its rarity increased, which means following the constraints of only dropping from TZ elite/boss mobs, each type of Sundering Charm is equally rare as a Gheed's.
Based on the % chance for any given item in the game to roll as unique (based on the monster's UniqueFactor, mlvl, whether the item is norm/excep/elite, and whether it is or isn't class-specific), we can safely assume that there is no weird secondary and brand-new system in place to make Sundering Charms harder to spawn than any other unique (following the TZ-only and elite/boss-only constraints). If they wanted them to be rarer than rarity 1, they would have simply given Gheeds a higher rarity value.
Any specific element Sundering charm is 6 times as rare as Gheeds, and only from TZ elites/bosses
Any Sundering charm is equally as rare as Gheeds (in TZ's from elites/bosses), but has only a 1 in 6 chance to be the one you want.
Any monster in the entire game can drop a Grand Charm, so the only factor we need to look at is what the chance is for each mob to drop a base GC, and the odds of it rolling as unique (based on UniqueFactor and mlvl).
Different bosses have different drop distributions, both in regards to item type and UniqueFactor
Different super unique all have the same chance to drop a GC
Different unique/champs all have the same chance to drop a unique GC
Therefore, the only thing we need to check is which zones have Super Unique mobs and what their UniqueFactors are, how many elite packs they have, and how good the Act Bosses are at dropping Unique Charms.
Find Item (Horking) Effect on Sundering Charm Farming
For most SU's, all Unique mobs, and all Champions, Hork % is equal to the proportion of a kill that it will grant in terms of drops; e.g. a 75% hork chance is worth exactly 75% of a kill for these mobs types.
Council members are the notable exceptions to Hork, since they have an actual NoDrop chance and have multiple picks. Horking is worth more than %hork chance (in terms of a kill) for council members, especially on p1. Working council with a high hork chance actually drops more items than killing them in the first place.
The important thing to note here is that, again, x% hork = x% more items from unique/champ/SU's, other than Trav/durance Council.
Magic Find (MF) Effect on Sundering Charm Drop Rate
Magic find affects the amount of unique items you find from all sources by the same amount; basically meaning that stacking MF will not benefit a boss-farmer more than a SU-farmer or unique-mob farmer, its all proportional.
As per diminishing returns:
170 MF = double the drop rate for uniques, so cut the avg kills required in half.
1000 MF = triple the drop rate for uniques, so cut the avg kills required down by 2/3.
D2R 2.5 Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Mobs/Bosses in Different Areas
(*note - Mlvl is calculated for a class lvl 85 character in a TZ; Unique mobs in a TZ are monster lvl 90 at just clvl 85. Going from mlvl 90 to 99 only yields about 3% more uniques, anyway.)
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Champion Mobs:
1 in 57,506 Champs will drop a Sunder Charm
1 in 345,039 base chance of dropping a specific Sunder Charm from each Champion
How to calculate:
All TZ Champion mobs will drop exactly 1 item that could potentially be a GC.
This item slot (i.e. each kill) will have a 3/100 * 3/65 = 1 in 722.22 chance of being a GC.
Champion mobs will all have a UniqueFactor of 800, meaning a base chance of 1 in 68.25 to roll a GC as unique when one does drop
This means each Mlvl 89 Champion Mob you kill will have a 1 in 53,083 base chance of dropping a Unique GC, and then a 6 in 7 chance to be a Sunder Charm
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Unique Mobs:
1 in 26,643 Unique mobs will drop a Sunder Charm
1 in 159,855 base chance of dropping a specific Sunder Charm from each Unique mob
How to calculate:
All TZ unique mobs will drop exactly 1 item that could potentially be a GC.
This item slot (i.e. each kill) will have a 4/62 * 3/65= 1 in 335.8 chance of being a GC.
Unique mobs will all have a UniqueFactor of 800, meaning a base chance of 1 in 68 to roll a GC as unique when one does drop.
This means each Mlvl 90 Unique Mob you kill will have a 1 in 24,593 base chance of dropping a Unique GC, and then a 6 in 7 chance to be a Sunder Charm
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Superuniques:
1 in 30,953 Super unique mobs with [UniqueFactor = 512] will drop a Sunder Charm
1 in 185,718 base chance of dropping a specific Sunder Charm from each Unique mob(UF=512)
How to calculate:
Some Superuniques have a UniqueFactor of 800, while others have only 512. SU's are strictly better than Unique Mobs for dropping Sunder Charms, so they're worth it. Superuniques also do not have their mlvl altered by Terror Zones, but this does not affect their distribution of Grand Charm dropping, it only slightly affects the % chance to roll as unique (<4% difference).
Superuniques with UniqueFactor = 512:
All Terror Zone Superuniques will drop exactly 2 items that could potentially be a Grand Charm.
Each pick will have a 4/62 * 3/65 = 1 in 335.8 chance of being a Grand Charm.
The base chance for each GC that does drop to roll as unique with a UniqueFactor of 512 will be 1 in 158. (mlvl ~= 85)
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Cow King:
1 in 12,448 base chance of dropping a Sunder Charm from The Cow King
1 in 74,685 base chance of dropping a specific Sunder Charm from The Cow King
How to calculate:
The Cow king gets 5 picks, and has a NoDrop of zero. (max drops on any player count, exactly 5). He has a very high UniqueFactor of 850 as well, better than other Super Uniques, on top of more item drops.
Cow King drops 5 items that could potentially be a GC.
Each pick will have a 1/3 * 4/62 * 3/65 = 1 in 1,008 chance of being a GC.
The base chance for each GC that does drop to roll as unique with a UniqueFactor of 850 will be 1 in 52.85
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Council Members (super unique mobs only since minions probably can't drop Sunder Charms):
1 in 17,835 base chance of dropping a Sunder Charm from each SU council member
1 in 107,010 base chance of dropping a specific Sunder Charm from each SU council member
How to calculate:
Each Council Member has 3 picks, and has a NoDrop>0, so their drops will vary with playercount. On p1 though, we will factor in this NoDrop value of 19 of 55.
Council has 3 picks which could potentially drop a GC.
Each pick will have a 3/55 * 3/65 = 1 in 397.4 chance of being a GC.
The base chance for each GC that does drop to roll as unique with a UniqueFactor of 650 will be 1 in 115.4.
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Act Bosses:
1 in 450 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 2,702 base chance for a specific SunderCharm
1 in 461 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 2,766 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
How to calculate:
Probably drops 6x Town Portal
Otherwise, has the same distribution as Andy except for +1 weight to an essence, so his chances are 2.3% lower for dropping a Sunder Charm.
1 in 1,271 base chance for Sundering Charm
1 in 7,626 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
How to calculate:
Due to their item distribution being the same, other base items (equippable gear) being in the pool do not affect the difference in drop rates of Sunder Charms for these three bosses
Sunder Charm Drop Rate on Other Bosses:
Blood Raven / Izual:
1 in 6,976 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 41,858 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
How to calculate:
Besides the very small difference in mlvl (2), Izzy and Blood Raven will have the same drop rate for Sunder Charms.
5 picks, 3/60 * 3/65 = 86.66 kills per GC
UniqueFactor of 800 means a 1 in ~69 to roll as unique
1 in 107,652 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 645,912 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
How to calculate:
1 pick that could roll as GC
1 in 1,446.67 chance to drop GC
1 in 68.69 to be unique
1 in 4,306 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 25,835 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
1 in 3,568 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 21,405 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
1 in 3,746 base chance for Sunder Charm
1 in 22,475 base chance for a specific Sunder Charm
Sunder Charms Drop Rate on Terror Zone Boss:
Bosses in Terror zones are in fact "terrorized," though they do not get any sort of TC-upgrade allowing them to drop higher base items. You will not be able to farm a Griffon off of Mephisto, even when he is level 99.
With all 5 act bosses being able to be Terrorized when their zone is chosen, how often will we actually be able to farm them? There are 34 Terror zones and only 4 of them have spammable Act Bosses, so that's an 11.7% uptime on farming Act Bosses (other than Baal) for Sunder Charms while they're terrorized. Keep in mind that Andy and Duriel are almost 3x as good of Sunder Charm droppers as Meph/Diablo/Baal, and you'll have a 5.9% uptime on Andy/Duriel.
Best Location To Farm Sunder Charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected:
Where is the best place to farm Sunder Charms and how to farm fastest in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2? From the above data we can get some conclusions:
Farming Sunder Charms in Ladder Season 2 efficiently will come down to prioritizing things that rings/charms frequently.
The fastest way to farm Sunder Charms is via Act Bosses while stacking MF. Andy/Duriel in particular in this case, since its a Charm.
Bosses (particularly Act Bosses that don't take long to get to like Baal) are by far the best way to farm Sunder Charms when they are available to do so (when the Terror Zone selects a Boss zone).
If you farm Terrorized Andy/Duriel with high MF (~550), you will have a ~25% chance per hour to find a random Sunder Charm and a 4.3% chance to farm a specific sunder charm.
Any specific Sunder Charm is about as rare as griffons if farming Unique Mobs in Terror Zones.
A non-specific Sunder Charm is about twice as common as a Shako from a Terror Zone unique mob.

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- 5. Do Charms In Horadric Cube Work In D2R?
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