There's a bunch of dupes going around in Diablo 2 resurrected, mainly mage plate enigmas with 761 defense, and let's just get into the guide.
Enigma Mage Plate disappearing
Ginger Gaming Mentor showed a clip from one of the streamers on Twitch, he had a mage play Enigma on his character, and they were doing a Baal run, what happened is he left the game during one of the Baal runs, and then he joined another bail game, and you could see the armor was still on his character in the lobby, but when he entered the new game his armor disappeared, so this confirmed that there is some kind of dupe going around because the guy's armor completely disappeared when it was on his character in the lobby and the game before.
Scammer Accusation Twinkies vs Chobot
We started doing more research and we came across a scammer accusation on d2jsp, and this is currently an ongoing investigation by d2jsp between twinkies and Chobot, Chobot is the one that sold the Enigma in Twinkies is the one that bought it, now the response from Chobot says to keep it very minimal for clarity we bought these items a couple of low Mage plate enigmas shako's via in-game trade in the EU region for items runes, we re-logged to North America the items were intact after relog in the stash, there was nothing to be detected, everything looked normal, and we sold these items to JSP people after that we got contacted by numerous people that they cannot find these items after they left the game, obviously, it does not make sense to argue with people because we cannot verify what they did with the d2r items after they left the game, we replied everyone to their PMs and adjusted.
Blizzard Ban Corrupted Black Screen
As JSP for assistance and advice on how to proceed, he said the main account got corrupted, none of the characters can join or create games, and he's saying that when he logs onto Diablo 2 resurrected, he gets a completely black screen, now this is telling us that blizzard actually found out that he is duping in Diablo 2 or at least suspect that he is and they are now blocking his account completely with a black screen.
How the Dupes may be happening
Mage Plate
Sale [15ED]Enigma

+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense (varies)
Sale [+750-759 Defense (varies)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
We did tweet this out to Diablo Community manager Adam Fletcher to see if maybe they could do some investigation to see if they can log on to his account or check his account to see if they can figure out, exactly, how he duped if he did, how he duped these Mage plate enigmas in the Diablo 2 Community, a few other players in the community gave their feedback on what they think is actually happening and how the dupes are actually being effective in Diablo 2 resurrected, one user said you do by running a very special program on your PC which is sending special corrupted messages to the server, on d2lod you needed to flood the server with many messages to force it into a rollback mode not sure if the current d2r servers are more resistant to these techniques, the recent DDOS attack may actually be related to duping, and as many users across many different platforms on Diablo 2 resurrected are saying that these dupes are actually for d2r items only not for runes or anything, so this user said the rumor is you can only do equipment not stash stuff.
Best Dupe Method
So the character file limit was never updated from 8kb but the stash size was, in the previous d2 it used to auto-corrupt your character making it unplayable, the way they solved this was for the game to auto-delete items rather than your character becoming corrupted but still they haven't raised the 8kb file limit, don't overload your stash with things with too much text, especially rings and amulets that are crafted, this is how we found out after 5 characters full of crafted amulets were missing 20% in each stash. Maybe try overloading and joining a game on a different realm via a friends list, that might be the key to victory, realm switching might cause the game not to check straight away.

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