How you can easily make gold as new players to Lost ark? Let's get straight into it, how to make gold, if you're a new player in the lost ark, this list of important things is the best ways to make lost ark gold for new players in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Gold Making Guide- How To Make Gold Easily When Play Lost Ark?
1. Lost ark gold making- Life skills fish Excavating, and meat
Just start off with number one life skills fish Excavating, and meat, because obviously, you do need to make fusion materials, and crafting your own Fusion materials is cheaper than buying them at the auction house, they just go up and up in price in Korea, they're like 60 69 70 gold right now for the latest ones in the latest patch, the fusion materials will never go out everybody always needs them, especially once you're honing past 13 70 acres under 1370, you don't really use these that much anymore, past 1370 Fusion materials you need them for every single home, and it is a really good source of income, especially now the price of fish, just show you with Gatherings, all you do to get to the auction press alt EP, let's just go add an item.
2. Lost ark gold making - Flowers
Show you straight from inventory, if go over to stronghold and life skills over there, so start out with flowers, you can see the price over there, flowers are pretty expensive and what you use flowers for is Battle items, and then wood is Bell items as well, and strong old stuff, and then mushrooms and all that stuff, these three pretty much are stronghold and better items.
3. Lost ark gold making - Three Hunting Fishing and Excavating
The bottom three Hunting Fishing and Excavating are all for your Fusion materials meat is not too bad, but fishing is always a good investment.
Look at the price of fish right now, 89 gold for a deck of 100 fish, you can easily go fish that up yourself, so use your life energy never let your life energy cap out at such a waste of gold.
If to sell on fish, there's 3K right away, 3K for a new player might be quite a bit, it could be the difference between 1370 and 14 15 early on, so go ahead and do fishing, you can always use the stuff that is Excavating as well, it's really efficient. Just haven't done it for a while, just go sit and do fishing while researching or doing something else at the same time, because fishing is so easy and relaxing, so that is really good there fishing, so life skills flowers wood or fishing all of that just always do your life skills.
4. Lost ark gold making - S Plus rank
Another one S Plus rank is your dailies, do your dailies every day your chaos dungeons, your gun rates and your owners, this is on your main character, and then whatever else like your main six your main roster try and do them all the time, you're not gonna do them every day try and at least do your Mains ones every single day, because this is the biggest value in the long run in Lost Ark, doing your chaos Dungeons and your guardian raids and your owners, your owners will just save you a lot of gold in the long run, because they'll give you the greater leaps or you could be doing the honor Shard ones which both of those are always the most expensive thing to honing, especially on your chaos dungeons as well is the best income of Destruction Stones which is the red stones used to upgrade your weapons which is always the most expensive, so doing your dailies chaos dungeon Garners and unas will save you the most gold in the long run, and just be the best value of your time whenever you're playing the game as a new player old player whatever it doesn't matter all players focus on doing that stuff all the time, and then moving on get number two the unusas.
You can do this on reset, reset every week just press Alt J and this is the owners' tasks over here. For your dailies you get weeklies and then you get ones from The Guild as well, the ones from The Guild don't give you any point of view, but they do give you contributions to your guild, and they do give you Bloodstone, so you should do them as well.
5. Lost ark gold making - Boss Rush one
The Boss Rush one, repeat this one, get the rep and get all that contribution and that stuff, you can repeat it over and over, so you can do Boss Rush as many times, as you want, you can do Cube, you can do whatever is up on the guild one there, but just make sure to cap out every week. There are different thresholds that you meet and you'll get these unus tokens and you can take those to a gold vendor and turn them in and you'll actually just get raw gold for these up to four to five k usually or say about three to five k for completing a weekly task of owners, and you could also get lucky where you get a chance to drop a golden bar, and those can go from 100 to a thousand to ten thousand gold depending on which one drops for you, it's completely random.
6. Lost ark gold making - Doing your own weeklies every day
Doing your own weeklies every day, every week, so the weeklies give you 12 points perk, you can do three on-one characters, so you can get up towards 12 24 36, you can get 36 points on one character by doing three weeklies the quick and easy ones that normally always do is the two boss rushes, and then the last one either do a cube or just put the guardian saw one as well because when you do the guardian saw one.
Usually, do this one for the leaf Stones, you can do that and you can do your challenge Guardians as well, so that counts for three out of the six dolls already, and you do your two dailies, and then you only need to do one more Guardian for the rest of the week, and if it is your main, you should be doing your guidance every day anyway, so then you just get it from that as well, so owners do them, they give you quick and easy reliable gold and then moving on to a raid.
7. Lost ark gold making - Adventure Island
Adventure Island as well which is another 700 gold per day, any day that is up today is an adventure island day, it is Thursday today that's this free 700 gold, and these are really easy to get through all you got to do is go in-game to your alerts on the left, you can find them see their Lagoon snowbank Island, there's a gold one right there in an hour and 25 minutes, you can go ahead and do that or you can check your production's compass right there on your map, and you can see what is available.
8. Lost ark gold making - Selling materials
Selling materials destruction Stones Garden Stones honors shout pouches and gems, these are roughly always two gold, if they're ever one gold, usually just buy them out straight away, and then these are usually around 13 to 15 gold as well, obviously this will change depending on your region and your server, but you could start selling these, if you need gold the best thing to sell out of all of this would be the great honor leapstones, these are roughly between 45 and 50, so the greater leaps over there are the best things to sell for like consistency, and then the honor Shard patches as well, those are always expensive no matter what time and these only start getting more expensive with time, so if you do ever get these from daily Maps or stuff like that oh that's another good point, you should do your chaos Gates whenever those are up, because you will get a daily map that can get you some honor Shard vouchers, and you can sell those for some good gains all the time.
9. Lost ark gold making - Selling excess gems
Then gems are another thing bout selling excess gems that you have lying around see these over here, these gems always sell for really good an easy way, as a new player, you probably want to start saving up your gyms, but if you can make yourself one level 7 Gym you sell that on the auction house that's an easy 17 to 20K depending on the gym, just took over here, the two cheapest gyms that could find for sork that are legendary, and you can sell those, they're quite easily for 17K, and they do sometimes go up to 20 22k depending on the gym, so if you need a quick little income early on build yourself up for level 7 James sell it off on your way up, so you can get some more gold income, and then you can just start building your gems up yourself and James are pretty easy to come by especially, if you have multiple characters all doing Boss Rush each week, so from Boss Rush, it's 9 to 11 boss rushes will get you one level seven gym, this is in tier three, so you can work that out between all your alts try and aim for at least 10 boss rushes a week, and then that's a level 7 Gym a week just from boss brushes alone that's a nice little income over there from Jim.
10. Lost ark gold making - Wouldn't suggest bussing for completely new players
First thing, wouldn't suggest bussing for complete new players, but once you reach 1445 and upwards and your at least 4x3 with level 5 gems, then you can start easily doing or rear-free carry no bid runs, they start on a rear free carry, take any three people with you, you run them through for free, and then they don't put on the legendary book, if one drops at the end, so you pretty much take it for the 50 gold and you could get really lucky, and it could be something like igniter's Hawk that's selling for 17K right now, so you could easily make 10 15 17K, depending on what drops, if something drops and if not you just have a bunch of people out, it's a quick run for you, you get roster XP, you get a chance at cards as well, so this is pretty much, a card run for you and just a bunch of little materials as well, some stones and some destruction and guidance tones as well from dismantling the stuff that drops from there, you just won't receive the raw gold, because obviously you are over 14 15. and you can also start working on Argos four-man as well, once you have 1445 and upwards, you can try and get into a four-man Argos.
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