Today going to be doing a complete breakdown of the Diablo 2 fire Druid, go through quite a few segments, including a frequently asked questions segment gonna discuss some gameplay skill tree gear.
Best Druid Build Diablo 2 - Diablo 2 Patch 2.5 Druid Build Wrecks
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Hoto VS Facet Sword
The first major question is what is the best weapon of choice part of the oak versus a fire faster Crystal Sword?
Heart of the Oak Flail
Gemmed Crystal Sword
This really depends on where you're farming and how big a player groups you typically play with, you're mostly doing solo P1, you may be up to P3 and you'd like to farm areas that sort of benefit a fire Druid, like maybe the Stony tombs or Heart of the oak is a better weapon choice.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Flickering Flame VS Ravenlore
What is a better Druid Pelt for a fire Druid Raven lore or flickering flame again?
Ravenlore Sky Spirit
Flickering Flame Earth Spirit
This depends on how crazy of a flickering flame base you find, if talking about a plain antler Pelt versus Raven lore, definitely think Raven lore is the better choice, the three-dollar mental skills, the negative Fire Res and all res are going to be better suit you for Pure damage.
Especially if you don't quite have some of the insane required room words to really Excel with this build like if you don't have an Infinity mercenary, you don't have a fire faceted Crystal Sword, the higher portion of negative Fire Res, and Ravenlore is going to suit you a little bit better early on.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Fire Druid Skills To Use
What is the best use or rotation of skills?
One is using every single skill, Armageddon and cycling, and volcano Fisher molten Boulder and Firestorm, and the other playstyle which actually advocates for just using Armageddon, Fisher, and Firestorm, and Telestomping monster packs and slinging Firestorm, like you, would With the Wind Druid slinging tornado you can try out either play style.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Plague VS Infinity Merc
What is a better Merc is set up to use with the fire Druid, the Act 2 Infinity mercenary or the act 5 plague Mercenary?
Now, this is obviously subjective, but the Actified plague mercenary is a lot better.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Plague Mythical Sword
Why first off plague is it a lot cheaper than champ Shale?
Compared to burmal burst, you get a cleansing Aura that is going to consistently move curses, this is especially important if you have Amp damage or Decrep or lower res that curse is instantly gone, and then in addition to that the lower res proc goes off relatively frequently with Telestomps not quite as consistent as a conviction Aura, but it goes off enough and you get, level 12 lower res is negative 56 against, a non-sundermonster and negative 12 against a thundering monster.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Infinity Giant Thresher
Now if you compare that to burmail burist, obviously a lot more expensive to roll Infinity on the active mercenary, and you do get that consistent negative 86 on non-fire Sunder monsters, but it's only negative 17 against a fire starter monster, so you kind of have to weigh the pros and the cons, you get a more consistent Aura and a little bit more negative res versus, the cleansing Orange support in a semi-frequent very similar lower res curse that provides very similar negative res. Definitely think the flag mercenaries are better again.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Elemental Skill Tree
The skill tree goes starting off with the elemental skill tree very straightforward, you're basically just gonna take a straight shot from Firestorm all the way down to Armageddon, so put 20-yard points in a firestorm 28 points in molten Boulder 20 points at a Fisher one of your points at the volcano, and then 28 points in Armageddon, now this setup has over 11 000 Armageddon damage five and a half thousand fissure damage, and then 8 000 fire damage per second with firestorms, so it's very solid damage compared to.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Shape Shifting Tree
Now as far as the shape-shifting skill tree goes, you don't invest a single point in the skill tree, there was no beneficial skill point or a shapeshifter or at least a purifier damage Druid setup, and as far as summoning goes.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Summoning Tree
Just put 1R Point into Raven summon spirit wolf, Oak Sage, to summon Direwolf, and then summon grizzly, but summon Grizzly acts as a tank for when you Telly Stomp, and then oak Sage is just for that additional plus life support as you continue to level past 94, you'll have a fully synergized fire tree at that point, you can continue to invest points into Oak Sage to get more plus life.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - FCR VS 99 FCR
This fire Druid has two different gear setups depending on the shoot for the 99 FCR breakpoint to get faster teleporting or maximize the full extent of fire damage, so the pure fire damage setup.
Gemmed Crystal Sword
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring
Horadric Cube
Suicide Branch Burnt Wand
Chaos Grip Ring
Just do a quick weapon swap
To switch out the Sword and the ring or a suicide branch in a 10 FCR ring, this effectively jumps from 40 fcr to 99 fcr which is very important again.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Slow Tele setup
If you want to cover distances, like a terrorized Zone that has very widespread monsters, it's much easier to run a higher upstairs breakpoint, but if pure damage the cow Sanctuary, the fire passes sword is definitely a lot better, jumping back to pure damage setup again.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Rest of Druid Gear
Gemmed Crystal Sword
Ravenlore Sky Spirit
Dread Necklace Amulet
Enigma Archon Plate
Phoenix Monarch
Sale[15% ED]Spirit
100% Chance To Cast level 40 Blaze When You Level-up
40% Chance To Cast Level 22 Firestorm On Striking
Level 10-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped (varies)
Sale[Level 13-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped] (varies)
+350-400 Defense Vs. Missile (varies)
Sale[+370-400 Defense Vs. Missile](varies)
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Sale[+15% Enhanced Defense]
-28% To Enemy Fire Resistance
+50 To Life
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
+10% To Maximum Fire Resist
+15-21 Fire Absorb (varies)Aldur's Advance Battle Boots
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring
Arachnid Mesh Spoderweb sash
Magefist Light Gauntlets
Call To Arms Crystal Sword
Spirit Monarch
Hellfire Torch Large Charm
Annihilus Small Charm
Amber Small Charm Of Balance
Amber Small Charm
Flame Rift Grand Charm
Natural Grand Charm Of Strength
Natural Grand Charm Of Sustenance
Call To Arms Crystal Sword
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Build - Diablo 2 Druid Res Problems / Merc Gear
Plague Cryptic Sword
Plague Mythical Sword
Chains of Honor
Chains of Honor
+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsFlickering Flame Destroyer Helm
Diablo 2 best druid build Zero Fire Res which is pretty punishing, if you farm in chaos one cold res one poison res, and then 80 lightning res that can agree is pretty brutal and punishing if you're farming like a sanctuary, but if actually go into the world of Diablo, you'll see then jumps up to 85 fire, and how do actually achieve that well.
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