When using the Paladin Lightning Skill Fist of the Heavens in Diablo 2 Resurrected, Holy Bolt is one of the most effective abilities you may equip. Are you looking for the best Paladin build in Diablo 2 Resurrected? In this D2R 2.5 Paladin build guide, we talk about the gear, mercenary, stats, skills, and tips for the best Fist of Heavens Paladin build.
D2R Best Ladder 2 Paladin Build Guide - FOH Paladin Build In Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5
With a 0.4-second cooldown and a massive area-of-effect (AoE) attack, the FoH Paladin is a popular choice in Diablo 2: Resurrected due to his ability to do damage to all undead and demon-type foes. If you like doing Baalruns or Travincal runs, this D2R Ladder 2 Paladin FoH is one of the best for this job. You can also instantly kill all the counsel and quickly reach the Throne in order to annihilate all the waves and Baal itself on Diablo 2 Resurrected. Now, let's check the best D2R Paladin build 2.5.
D2R 2.5 Fist of Heavens Paladin Build Gear
Left Hand Weapon - Hand of Blessed Light
Hand of Blessed Light

Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 103
Durability: 70
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+130-160% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 20-45 Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
100% Bonus To Attack Rating
Regenerate Mana 15%
+50 Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Fist Of Heavens On Striking
+2 To Fist Of The Heavens (Paladin Only)
+4 Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+4 To Light Radius
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Right Hand Weapon - Herald of Zakarum
Herald of Zakarum

Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 89
Durability: 50
Chance To Block: 82%
Smite Damage: 20 To 28
(Paladin Only)
+150-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Sale [+200% Enhanced Defense]
30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
30% Faster Block Rate
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+20 To Strength
+20 To Vitality
All Resistances +50
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
+2 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Armor - Enigma
Helm - Griffon’s Eye
Griffon's Eye

Required Level: 76
Durability: 20
+100-200 Defense (varies)
+1 To All Skills
+25% Faster Cast Rate
-15-20% To Enemy Lightning Resistance (varies)
+10-15% To Lightning Skill Damage (varies)
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Amulet - Mara’s Kaleidoscope
Mara's Kaleidoscope

+2 To All Skills
All Resistances +20-30 (varies)
+5 To All Attributes
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Gloves - Trang-Oul’s Claws
Rings - Stone Gyre, Raven Frost
Belt - Arachnid Mesh
Boots - Waterwalk
Charms - Hellfire Torch
D2R Ladder Start 2 FOH Paladin Build Mercenary
Left Hand Weapon - Headstriker
Right Hand Weapon - Oath
Helm - Guillaume’s Face
Armor - Duress
D2R Ladder Season 2 Paladin FOH Build Stats
Strength - 173
Dexterity - 191
Vitality - 380
Energy - 51
D2R 2.5 Fist of Heaven Paladin Build Skills
Defensive Auras - 1 Prayer, 1 Cleansing, 1 Defiance, 1 Vigor, 1 Redemption
Offensive Auras - 1 Might, 1 Holy Fire, 1 Holy Freeze, 20 Holy Shock, 1 Thorns, 1 Sanctuary, 6 Conviction, 1 Blessed Hammer, 1 Fist of the Heavens, 1 Smite, 1 Charge, 1 Holy Shield
Combat Skills - 1 Sacrifice, 1 Zeal, 1 Vengeance, 1 Conversion, 20 Holy Bolt
D2R Ladder 2 FOH Paladin Build Gameplay Tips
Fist of Heavens is our sole offensive ability. The targeted foes take some Lightning damage, then you unleash a barrage of Holy Bolts, each doing 5,000 magic damage and allowing you to rapidly clear a large area. You won't have much success against other monster kinds since Holy Bolt exclusively harms Undead and Demons. The other side is that farming Chaos Sanctuary on 8-player difficulty is a breeze.
Teleportation remains the most popular mode of transportation. In order to utilize teleport switches, you need to equip an Enigma, or if it is out of your price range, an amulet or an Ondal's Wisdom staff. The build may easily hit the 125% FCR maximum breakpoint, while 75% is recommended to meet the 10 frame teleport casting breakpoint.
The survival rate of FOH Paladins is consistently high. The protection they get from Holy Shield is sufficient against melee and ranged assaults, and they can easily get to 75% of all resistance. Since Holy Bolts continuously heal you, you don't need any equipment bonuses like % damage mitigation or elemental absorption. If that weren't enough, utilize the aura of Redemption and redeem almost every dead person you come across to restore 200 life and mana. The inclusion of any extra item that increases one's chance of survival is a pleasant bonus. Wearing a Stormshield, which reduces damage taken by %, is a good idea if you're playing on Hardcore and want to stay alive no matter what happens. In addition, the ability to use Call to Arms as a switching weapon is useful.
You can run Chaos Sanctuary on high difficulty with a group of eight players and not need a single healer. Probably no other build in the game can achieve it as well as the FOHdin. Everyone at the party will adore you because of how quickly they can level up. You may also employ Auras of Conviction, Salvation, or Fanaticism to help your cause.
Equipment with magic discovery will not hinder your ability to slay creatures. Compared to other magic finding builds (with the exception of sorts), this one has a potential magic find% of about 600%. However, it's possible you won't want to dial down your damage output during 8-player games.

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