The Druid is an outcast and astute survivor, a master of the natural elements and beasts alike. The Elemental tree enables the Druid to summon the destructive side of nature, invoking wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters to punish his enemies. The Elemental playstyle is similar to that of a traditional caster, with an emphasis on positioning. The Shape Shifting tree allows the Druid to directly bear arms by transforming him into a cunning Werewolf or a powerful Werebear. This tree transforms the Druid into a melee beast. The Summoning Skill summons a variety of wild animals, creatures, and spirits to protect and support the Druid and his allies, as well as to destroy his enemies in a whirlwind of fangs and claws.
Tornado Druid
-Skill Tree
If going for a walk in the woods isn't your thing, you can channel your inner nature spirit by learning the Wind Druid. The Wind Druid is extremely tanky and has extremely powerful summons while straddling two different elements: wind and ice. This build, which focuses on wind spells Twister, Tornado, and Cyclone Armor, as well as the icy Hurricane, is one of the best for Druids due to its high damage output. Each of these will receive 20 points, with Arctic Blast receiving one point as a prerequisite. All of these work together to demolish your adversaries from afar.
You'll want to max out your Strength as far as the d2r items require, then look to drop some points into Dexterity and Vitality.
Fury Werewolf
-Skill Tree
The Fury Werewolf build is one of the most appealing for the Druid, allowing you to unleash the beast and gain 5,000 health by the end of the game. This one is for you if you want to shred enemies in style while not getting hurt. Fury, along with Lycanthropy, is the primary attack you'll need to max out. Oak Sage is a must if you want to play more defensively, but Heart of the Wolverine is a must if you want to tear the hoards of hell apart. Finally, you'll need to invest in Werewolf and Rabies. We also recommend learning an elemental spell. Because of its high damage, Hurricane is an excellent choice.
Vitality is where you'll want to spend your attribute points, as it's the foundation of this build. If you want to use a shield, you'll gain some Vitality points as well, and you'll need to max Strength to item level once more.
Rabies Druid
-Skill Tree
While many original Diablo players scoff at poison builds, the Rabies Druid is one of our personal favorites. You'll take a bite out of your enemies with maxed-out Rabies and watch the rest get infected, requiring a hit-and-run style of gameplay. Because of their synergy, Rabies and Poison Creeper should be given 20 points each. Lycanthropy must be maxed once more, and you can choose between Oak Sage and Heart of the Wolverine. Werewolf will also require 5 points.
Strength appears again in terms of attributes, but Vitality is the big one for you. Dexterity is also useful for shield bearers if you're playing more melee.
Beastmaster Druid
-Skill Tree
The Beastmaster Druid is ideal for those who want to immerse themselves in the wild. The core skills you'll need to rely on leveling his Summons and fighting from afar are Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf, Summon Grizzly, Poison Creeper, and either Oak Sage or Heart of the Wolverine. Each of these will receive 20 points. Your Grizzly will be the primary meat shield in your animal arsenal, with the wolves dealing less damage but still chowing down on health bars. Poison Crawler isn't a big hit, but it prevents your enemies from healing while you and your beasts annihilate them.
In terms of attributes, increase your Strength as much as possible for d2r item advantage. You'll want to put a lot of points into Dexterity and the rest into Vitality because this Druid relies on his bow.
-Skill Tree
If werewolves aren't your preferred full-moon powerhouse, you'll be relieved to learn that you can transform into a terrifying werebear. While not as powerful as the werewolf, the Maulbear build is ideal for annihilating your opponents.
You should invest 20 points in Werebear, Maul, Lycanthropy, and Heart of the Wolverine to maximize your damage output. The Werebear has a large health bar, so you can go in guns blazing without worrying about defense.
Everything is funneled into Vitality, with Strength and Dexterity upgraded to reflect your gear levels.
Fire Druid
-Skill Tree
The Druid can wield hellfire and char enemies to a crisp, just as he can harness the power of the storm. The problem with Fire Druid is that many of the prerequisite skills will require you to waste points on other elements, pushing it much lower on the power list. This means it excels at low-level play. Armageddon, Fissure Molten Boulder, and Fireball will be your go-to spells. You'll need some points in each to do any reliable damage, and you'll also need some practice to aim them correctly.
Your attributes should be leveled similarly to the Wind Druid: enough Strength for gear, and the rest of your points should be invested in Dexterity and Vitality.

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