In this D2R 2.6 Trap Assassin Build guide, we break down the best budget and end-game Lightning Trapsin setups!
Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.6 Season 3 Lightning Traps Assassin Build Guide
Yes, Mosaics runeword made Martial Arts Assassin a new favorite in Season 3, but Trapin is also a very strong build in different areas throughout the game stages because finally applies -x% Enemy Lightning Resistances from weapons. If you prefer an assassin and want a build with a high tank, high mobility, and ease to use, then the very beginner-friendly trapsin is definitely an ideal choice.
Today, we're talking about the infinity traps in recent patch 2.6. They applied minus enemy resistance to traps, this is a stack minus resistance build. We are going to take you through the skills, the stats, and the gear (D2R uniques & set items) to create the best Trap Assassins at the different game stages.
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build Skills Setup
Death Sentry: Max
Lightning Sentry: Max
Charge Bolt Sentry: Max
Shock Web: Max
Burst of Speed: 1 Point
Fade: 1 Point
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build Budget Starter Gear Setup
Weapon: Spirit Crystal Sword
Shield: Rhyme Bone Shield
Armor: Smoke Hard Leather Armor
Helm: Lore Cap
Amulet: Entrapping Amulet
Boots: Garnet Heavy Boots of Speed
Rings: Beast Band Ring
Ring: Doom Spiral Ring
Belt: Arachnid Mesh - Garnet Belt of the Squid
Gloves: Cobalt Heavy Gloves of Alacrity
Switch Weapon: Battle Staff of Teleportation
Inventory (D2R Charms): 20 Life 20% Cold Resist Gran Charm, 15% Fire Resist Large Charm, 15 Life and 5% FHR Small Charms
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build Mercenary Gear (Prayer) Setup
Weapon: Insight Partizan
Armor: Smoke Studded Leather
Helm: Gemmed Helm with Ort & Ral Rune
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build End-Game Gear Setup
Weapon: Infinity Scythe - For conviction and minus lightning resistance
Armor: Enigma Archon Plate - For a tele support strength skills
Helm: Griffon's Eye - For minus enemy resistance skills, faster cast rate
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope - For skills resistances, you can also use a 220 assassin amulet
Boots: Shadow Dancer - For the shadow skills, faster run walk, and faster hit recovery and dexterity
Rings: Raven Frost - For dexterity, mana, and cannot be frozen
Ring: Bone Master - For faster cast rate, mana and resists
Belt: Arachnid Mesh - For skills, faster cast rate, and increased Mana
Arachnid Mesh
Defense: 119-138 (varies)(Base Defense: 55-62)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
16 Boxes
+90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Slows Target By 10%
+1 To All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Increases Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)Gloves: Trang' Qul'S Claws - For faster cast rate, cold resist
Switch Weapon: Call to Arms Flail & Spirit Monarch
Inventory (Charms):
(Lightning Sunder Charm), a few trap charms, Hellfire Torch, Annihilus, and then some 20 Life 5 all resist charmsCrack of the Heavens
Req level: 75
Monster Lightning Immunity is Sundered
Lightning Resist -(70-90
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build Mercenary Gear (Prayer) Setup
Weapon: Insight Cryptic Axe - For Mana regeneration
Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate
Helm: Andariel's Visage
Andariel's Visage

Required Level: 83
Required Strength: 102
Durability: 20
+100-150% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2 To All Skills
20% Increased Attack Speed
8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
+25-30 To Strength (varies)
+10% To Maximum Poison Resist
Fire Resist -30%
Poison Resist +70%
15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poison Nova When Struck
Level 3 Venom (20 charges)
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
D2R 2.6 Best Trapsin Build Stats Setup
Strength: Enough points to wear gear
Dexterity: Enough points to wear gear
Vitality: All rest points
Energy: Nothing need
This is our trap assassin guide, hope it helps you to build up an unbeatable trap assassin. And if you want to learn more meta builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 3, welcome to check our D2R 2.6 guide here. What's more, our cheap D2R Ladder & Non-Ladder Items can elevate your builds to the next level!

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