Easter is here, let’s check out the most interesting Serect Easter Eggs in Diablo games, covering Diablo 1, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Diablo 2, and Diablo 4!
Diablo Serect Easter Eggs in Diablo 3, D2R, Diablo 2, Diablo 1
Throughout the history of the Diablo series, there are some crazy Easter eggs that you would have never thought to actually obtain or be able to see in the game. Now some of these were available for a limited time, and some of these go way back to even Diablo 1, but we're going to go ahead and cover some of the best and craziest Easter eggs in the Diablo Series.
1 - Secret Diablo boss (Diablo 3)
The secret Diablo boss can only spawn in Diablo 3 Season 19 when you get a thousand-kill streak. So what happens when you get this you can see there's a giant pentagram forming in fire chains and this will spawn the Super Uber Diablo that will one-shot you, so don't do this in Hardcore in fact you can't really do it anyways in the game. What would happen if you got a thousand-kill streak during the season is you would spawn on this secret Diablo boss and he would just one-shot you. Eventually you can kill him. But you can see over in the health bar underneath it says physical resistant, fire resistance, lightning resistant basically you weren't going to be able to eliminate this Diablo eventually though you can, it's just for a while, there's a brief moment where you can't really do anything. They don't drop anything special, but it is an Easter egg as they actually revealed with this mechanic that there was a secret at 1000 in terms of the kill streaks but that was a really cool Easter egg and that one is in Diablo 3.
2 - The Diggler Dirk (Diablo 2 & D2R)
Diablo actually has a lot of references to movies and different famous people and some of them even date back to Diablo 1, but in Diablo 2 there is The Diggler Dirk - this is actually a reference to a movie called Boogie Nights which came out in 1997. There are a lot of different references to different actors or even movies, a lot of the names of certain items are actually going to be related to some of the people that worked on the game, one of the more notable ones is Schaefer's Hammer. It's not anything too special but some of them are going to be references to movies and other things in like social media. Schaefer's Hammer is kind of a popular one as this item was in Diablo 2 is actually a solid item for a while before we got Diablo 2 Runewords.
3 - The Murlocket (Diablo 2 & D2R)
But on top of that, we actually have a very unique item that you can get that's actually a magic item as well. So inside the Act 2 Sewers of Caldium, there is a monster that's named Moontooth Dreadshark, now this is one of the more interesting hidden Easter eggs and secrets because it drops an item that is called the Merlokit. Now, what does the Murlocket actually do it's one of the more interesting Easter eggs, it has a secondary legendary power but it's on a blue item. So it doesn't really do anything it's basically you could see them for a level 70 item as it has basically no stats. If you want to form the Murlocket by another awesome Diablo content creator Bloodshed basically you can go to that area, it's not going to be guaranteed though just as a heads up in case you do want to go ahead and farm it, it does take many tries and you can get this item. But it has a secondary Legendary Power that says Call Forth a Creature From the Depths, so it doesn't do anything that's really good, what it actually does is bring out a Murlocket.
4 - Soundchasodebug (Diablo 2 resurrected)
This is actually in Diablo 2 resurrected as well as the base game. If you type Soundchasodebug in and hit enter, this works not only in Diablo 2 Resurrected but in the base game as well, and for whatever reason. What is the point of this we don't know, but it's available in the game and if it's supposed to debug usually this gets removed, but nonetheless it's kind of a secret and some people might not know about it, and what the point of it.
5 - Hidden Words on Startup Screen (Diablo 1)
This is one of the more crazy Easter eggs in Diablo 1, but this one is really close to being at the top of the list as well. At the startup splash screen, hit "Print Screen" on your keyboard, go to paint and hit Ctrl+V (paste), put blue or any color around, it would have some secret messages. There's one message that says buy War 2 and Natalie Portman rocks which is an actress.
6 - The Warrior, Rogue, and Sorcerer inside of Diablo I are the Dark Wanderer, Blood Raven, and The Summoner in Diablo II (Diablo 2)
This one is an Easter Egg Slash lore. There are a lot of people that maybe only started playing Diablo 3, but there's a lot of really cool lore that has some of the same characters from Diablo 1, 2, and 3 in all the series, and even in Diablo 4, there's going to maybe be some references to previous characters. The Warrior, Rogue, and Sorcerer inside of Diablo 1 are the Dark Wanderer, Blood Rven, and The Summoner in Diablo II. So you can actually fight the characters that were like the main characters in Diablo 1 in the sequels.
7 - Glitter's Rift (Diablo 2 & D2R)
Glitter's Rift is a phase blade that was actually a contest someone actually won and they got to have their item in Diablo 2.
8 - Halcyon's Ascent (Diablo 3)
Diablo 3 actually has a lot of Easter eggs with different celebrities and things, and this one is a very interesting one. if you know the EDM artist and Deadmau5, they actually used to go by Halcyon now. This one's officially tweeted by Diablo so we know for sure that this one is a real light collab reference here. This is a legendary amulet and obviously via the artwork it's Dead Mouse's like mask. But it has a secondary power over here that says when you use it's any of the classes legendary ability like Vengeance wrath Observer, you actually make enemies jump up and down. One of the coolest Easter eggs in the game and another bonus fact is Deadmau5 actually has streamed Diablo multiple times, they actually played the game and they are kind of in the game in a sense with their amulet.
9 - The Flavor of Time (Diablo 3)
There are a few other celebrities slash and other people's presence in Diablo, the Flavor of Time is actually one of the best amulets in the entire game because you have pilot effects lasting twice as long, this is a reference to the rapper Flava Flav when he has that necklace that has a little time on it.
10 - Kimbo's Gold (Diablo 3)
There is an item in Diablo 3 called Kimbo's Gold and it's kind of an open Fist holding a coin that's a reference to Kimbo Slice.
11 - Development Hell (Diablo 3)
There is an area that's called Development Hell and it's in the Cemetery of The Forsaken. This is an area where you can actually find a bunch of the people that worked on the game - their names are actually in Diablo 3. You can eliminate them, they don't drop anything as far as we are aware of in terms of like special items here and then there's no point to farm it, but it's a random thing that can spawn. It doesn't always spawn in, but if you go to the Cemetery of the Forsaken which is in Act 1 of Diablo 3, you can actually fight some of the people that worked on the game.
11 - Diablo 1 Hellfire: Hidden Cow Quest Easter Egg (Diablo 1)
This is one of the crazier Easter eggs and it requires you to actually open up the Hellfire directory. And you have to create a file and it requires you to type "Multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest barbariantest" in and this accesses a secret area of the game where you can play it in multiplayer. Hellfire was a Sierra expansion for Diablo 1 and it had a lot of very interesting things in the game, it actually added a lot more Unique Mechanics that we eventually saw in other video games like Path of Exile. Nonetheless, this is a really crazy Easter egg, it actually gives you the Bovine Bovine Plate from Dark Lord Dash. The Bovine Plate is a very unique thing in the game, it's indestructible and gives you all resist +30%, negative 50 mana, and spells are decreased by two levels. There's a really weird Quest where someone actually becomes in a cow suit and again to find this out you have to go change the files of the game.
12 - Cow Pet & Royal Calf (Diablo 3)
This was actually with the Darkening of Tristram event in Diablo 3. This only happens in March every single year, so you can still do this one. You can go back whenever the event happens to go live again. There's a secret Wirt's Leg that you can actually craft, when you craft the Wirt's Leg, you can actually salvage it. Then you have to go to several different areas and activate and click these cows in a very certain area, then another area opens up called the abandoned farm set, you will then go in here and this is really cryptic because you have to collect like the magic mushroom and do these things in a certain order you have to get this paper. But at the very end over there, this is kind of like a secret cow level although in Diablo 3. If you open up this chest over there, you can get the cow pet. There is another area similar to Tristram but that's how you get one of the pets in the game that a lot of people want, it's called Royal Calf pet, but it's only available for a short time every single year.
13 - Diablo 1: Hellfire - Na-Krul's Crypt (Diablo 1)
This real Easter egg is actually from Diablo 1 Hellfire. Na-Krul's Crypt is one of the bosses in Hellfire. He has the same strength as Diablo, but the battle is significantly simpler since he lacks the throngs of foes who join Diablo in his counterpart boss fight. He lacks magical attacks as well, but travels and strikes rapidly. The player may weaken Na-Krul before the encounter by reading three spellbooks in front of his chamber. Releasing Na-Krul in this manner decreases his life by half and diminishes his armor rating by approximately the same amount.

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