This Greatstaff of the Crone Build, Heightened Malice, damage to poison, damage to CC paragon. For Greatstaff of the Crone, Claw is now a Storm skill and casts Storm Strike at 120%-150% damage.
Greatstaff of the Crone Build for Diablo 4 Open Beta
Basic Skills
Storm Strike 1pt, Enhanced Storm Strike, and Fierce Storm Strike - These are taken with the understanding that Greatstaff of the Crone will only give Claw the chain lightning proc and the 25% damage reduction. So with Claw's 50% Lucky Hit and a chance to hit twice, we want pretty much 100% immobilize/Vulnerable uptime (with the storm/lightning passives). This will also be the main Spirit generator until Greatstaff of the Crone is actually acquired.
Claw potentially 5 points if that puts it to 150% damage with Crone staff - Will probably end up being the main attack and may not even need Shred.
Core Skills
Shred 1-5 pts, Best case scenario - 1 point going to Primal Shred for the movement and proccing Ancestral Guidance. If 1 point for the movement, then can skill Vine Creeper for added crit chance and poison. If the Crone staff does not work how I envision, then 5 points + Raging Shred.
Debilitating Roar (with aspect) - becomes werewolf > immobilizes poisoned enemies + DR + Heal + Fortify.
Maybe Blood Howl with aspect for 5% crit.
Hurricane 1-5 pts - high scaler, +2 shapeshifting skills aspect.
Rabies 1-5 pts, low scaler (no data on what the added poison damage is yet or the formula), keeping enemies poisoned for Heightened Malice.
Cataclysm or Petrify: tough call here - more lightning or extra CC/Crit damage.
A lucky hit from Claw as Storm Strike and all the damage reductions from Debilitating Roar, Hurricane, Storm Strike, while keeping everything poisoned with Heightened malice and the poison passives > with lightning strikes and lightning shred or lightning+poison shred, etc. Lots of potential variables here, but just a rough guess on how this build could potentially turn out. Tons of everything.
[+30 RES]
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Steam Epic Games
Diablo 4 Season 3 Leaks & Update: Runes, New Character & Class, Changes and More1/15/2024 5:22:00 PM