Naturally, players are highly interested in discussing the experience gained from defeating monsters, with each seeking to obtain the maximum XP for every foe encountered. Such a pursuit is quite logical. The purpose of this Diablo 2 Resurrected guide is to talk about the experience being calculated for single-player & multiplayer, list the XP chart for acts in different modes, and assist you in advancing through the game as rapidly as possible.
D2R Solo Experience Calculate for Single Player
The experience for characters playing alone:
For characters below level 25:
If there is only a small difference between the monster and you (5 levels or less), you will receive the full experience.
If the monster is 6 to 10 levels below or above you, you will receive between 100% and 5% of the experience points, receiving fewer and fewer points as the difference increases .
If the level difference is very large (10 or more), you will only receive 5% of the experience for the monster.
For characters level 25-69:
For all monsters above your level, you will receive EXPERIENCEx(Player's Level / Monster's Level).
For monsters that are 6 to 10 levels below you, you will receive between 100% and 5% of the experience points.
If the monster is more than 10 levels below you, you will receive 5% of the monster experience points.
For characters above level 70:
For all monsters above your level, you will receive EXPERIENCE*(Player Level / Monster Level).
For monsters that are 6 to 10 levels lower than you, you will receive between 100% and 5% of the experience.
If the monster is more than 10 levels lower than you, you will receive 5% of the monster's experience points.
D2R Experiences Penalty Chart
Once the experience is calculated, you must apply the following penalties. For example, a level 70 character will receive 95.31% of the experience.
Level | XP | Level | XP |
70 | 95.31% | 85 | 25.00% |
71 | 90.63% | 86 | 18.75% |
72 | 85.94% | 87 | 14.06% |
73 | 81.25% | 88 | 10.55% |
74 | 76.56% | 89 | 7.91% |
75 | 71.88% | 90 | 5.96% |
76 | 67.19% | 91 | 4.49% |
77 | 62.50% | 92 | 3.42% |
78 | 57.81% | 93 | 2.54% |
79 | 53.13% | 94 | 1.95% |
80 | 48.44% | 95 | 1.46% |
81 | 43.75% | 96 | 1.07% |
82 | 39.06% | 97 | 0.78% |
83 | 34.38% | 98 | 0.59% |
84 | 29.69% | 99 | 0.49% |
As you can see, high-level characters only get a small amount of experience from killing low-level monsters. Similarly, low-level characters only receive a small amount of experience when attacking high-level monsters. You will always receive at least one experience point for killing monsters that give experience.
In Diablo 2, the full experience penalty chart is as follows:
| Level Difference | Penalty |
| 0-5 | 0% |
| 6-10 | 5% |
| 11-15 | 10% |
| 16-20 | 20% |
| 21-25 | 30% |
| 26-30 | 40% |
| 31-35 | 50% |
| 36-40 | 60% |
| 41-45 | 70% |
| 46-50 | 80% |
| 51 or more | 90% |
This penalty applies to the experience gained when killing monsters that are higher or lower level than your character. For example, if your character is level 30 and you kill a monster that is level 35, you will receive only 70% of the experience that you would have received if the monster was the same level as your character. Conversely, if you kill a monster that is level 25 or lower, you will receive 100% of the experience.
What happens if two neutral characters attack the same monster?
The player who lands the last hit will gain the experience.
Group Experience Calculate For Multiplayer
The total experience gained by killing a monster is increased by 35% when a party member is in the same playing area, referred to as the "level" on the automap.
The total experience gained after killing a monster is divided among all members of the group. Each experience share is equal to the member level divided by the sum of all member levels. This experience sharing is then multiplied by another percentage, calculated on a scale based on the difference between the character levels and the monster level, whether you are in the party or not. The scale only applies if the difference is between 5 and 10 levels.
With a small difference (5 levels or less), you will receive 100% of your share of experience. With a big difference (10 levels or more), you will receive 5% of your share of experience. High-level characters receive only a small portion of the experience when they kill low-level monsters. Similarly, low-level characters receive little experience from high-level monsters. This is how a low-level character playing with a high-level character won't get a ridiculous amount of experience fighting high-level monsters that only his companion can destroy.
Finally, the members of the group share the experience only when they are less than 2 screens away from the slain monster.
Do I receive an experience bonus when I am in a group?
Loss of Experience
In the Nightmare and Hell difficulty modes, you lose experience every time you die. However, you will never lose a level. Your loss of experience (5% in Nightmare and 10% in Hell) applies to the difference in points between your current level and the next level. For example, if you have reached level X with 1,000,000 experience that you want to reach level X +1 to 2,000,000 experience, then the penalty is 5% or 10% of (2,000,000 - 1,000,000), i.e. 5% or 10% of 1,000,000 points.
You can recover some experience in Nightmare and Hell by finding your corpse:
In Nightmare Mode and Hell Mode, in DiabloII: Lord of Destruction games, you can recover 75% of the experience points you lost. To do this, you just need to find your corpse. On the other hand, if you leave the game and recreate a game to take your corpse in town, you will not recover any experience points.
More about the experience
Do you get experience killing monsters that have been resurrected by other monsters?
No. You only get experience by killing the monsters the first time.
Do mercenaries or creatures share your experience?
No. You don't lose experience using mercenaries. In fact, you gain experience because the experience points from their murders are added to your total.
Monster experience in multiplayer games
A monster's experience value and hit points will change depending on the number of players in the game. When people join the game, the monsters get stronger, and when they leave the game, the monsters get weaker. For the maximum challenge, play solo against monsters in Hell Mode in an 8-player game. In multiplayer, when a monster dies, its life points are multiplied by the number of characters in the game: (Life = Life points * Number of players). A monster's base experience value is determined by the following formula:
Experience = X *(n+1) / 2
X = Base Experience
n = Number of players in the game
How do I simulate groups in solo and TCP/IP mode?
Typing in the "/players X" text box, where X is a number between the current number of players and the maximum (8), will change the number of players in the game (in single-player, open, and TCP/IP mode only). This will increase the difficulty of monsters, experience, and the quality of found items.
D2R Experience Chart (XP Allocation for Acts in Different Difficult Modes)
Here is the number of experience points that must be reached for each level. You will notice that the experience points continue to go up until a certain number after level 99. Once reached this ultimate number, the experience does not go up anymore.
After some fierce fighting, you will have the chance to see your character gain experience and level up. During a level-up, two kinds of points will be distributed. First, you will have 5 points for your attributes (strength, dexterity, energy, and vitality). Then a point will be available for skills. The game will indicate the effects if you add a point to this or that skill. Practice.
Leveling up in Diablo II is a little different than in Diablo. The first few levels will be quite easy. On the other hand, high-level characters have much more difficulty climbing an additional level. And if it was possible to reach level 50 in Diablo with a lot of courage, it will take you 10 times more to reach level 99 in Diablo II. This is mainly due to the penalties we told you about in the previous content.
What do I need to kill to gain maximum experience? (V1.09)
The higher you level, the stronger the monsters you have to kill must be. It is obvious that when you are level 75, a mob is no longer really an opponent allowing you to gain a lot of experience.

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