This a guide to the Sanctuary Aura skill for Paladins in Diablo 2: Resurrected. It examines how to acquire, level up, and maximize the damage absorption provided by this vital aura, which bolsters party resilience by reducing damage taken by allies within its radius.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Sanctuary Aura Guide
In the perilous world of Diablo II: Resurrected, survival is never assured. Paladins stand as stalwart guardians, wielding both weapon and spell to turn aside threats. Yet even the stoutest warrior risks being overwhelmed without strong defenses. Here the protective powers of Sanctuary Aura shine as the paladin's premier ability to guard allies from harm. Through its blessed grace, this aura bolsters comrades' resilience against all attacks. With Sanctuary Aura shielding them, adventurers find the resilience to face any darkness that challenges the light. It is the bulwark that defends both life and victory against the horrors that would consume mankind's hope.
What is Sanctuary Aura?
Sanctuary Aura is one of the powerful defensive aura skills available to Paladin characters in Diablo II: Resurrected. This aura provides damage absorption to both the Paladin and nearby party members, reducing the damage taken from all attacks and spells. Damage absorption works similarly to armor by diminishing damage before it is calculated.
How to Get Sanctuary Aura?
Sanctuary Aura is learned as an aura skill for Paladins. Players must spend skill points to unlock and raise the level of Sanctuary Aura. It becomes available at skill level 12. The higher the skill level, the stronger the damage absorption bonus and larger the aura radius. Most players aim to max it out by level 99 for the full 20% damage reduction.
How to Use Sanctuary Aura?
Sanctuary Aura is always active once learned, protecting party members passively without any mana cost. Its aura radius starts at 6 yards and grows up to 10 yards at level 20. Within this radius, all allies benefit from the damage absorption bonus, which ranges from 3-20% depending on skill level. It stacks with other sources of absorption for maximum survivability. For group play, keeping Sanctuary Aura active is essential for staying alive in challenging fights.
Other Combat Benefits
With Sanctuary Aura constantly reducing damage for allies, it gives your party formidable durability against any threat. Combined with other defensive abilities, players can withstand hits that would normally kill them. This allows for more aggressive playstyles with higher risk tactics. The added safety from Sanctuary Aura also encourages grouping up for tougher content rather than soloing.
Leveling and Breakpoints
Most players focus on leveling Sanctuary Aura alongside their main damage skills. Maxing it out last provides the strongest benefits in Nightmare and Hell difficulties. The aura also has important breakpoints at levels 12, 16, and 20 where the radius increases, multiplying its protective power.
Does A Sanctuary Aura Stack?
Yes, Sanctuary Auras from different Paladins can stack. The aura explicitly states its damage absorption stacks with other sources of this effect. So if one Paladin provides 15% absorption and another 10%, party members receive a total of 25% damage reduction from attacks and spells. This powerful stacking allows for near-doubling of defensive benefits when multiple Paladins use the aura in a group. Mechanically, all absorption sources are applied sequentially to damage taken, resulting in strong mitigation when combined. Sanctuary Aura stacking effectively boosts party survivability through maximizing its damage absorbing power.
How To Stack Sanctuary Aura in Diablo 2 Resurrected?
Here are the main ways to stack Sanctuary Aura in Diablo 2 Resurrected:
Play with multiple Paladins in a party who each have Sanctuary Aura equipped. The damage absorption will stack additively from all sources.
Make sure the Paladins invest skill points into leveling up their Sanctuary Auras. Higher levels means more damage absorbed.
Position Paladins close enough to each other so their aura radii overlap, ensuring all party members benefit from the stacked absorption bonuses.
Use gear like Insight runeword polearms to boost auras. More +skills increases the power of each Paladin's Sanctuary Aura.
Reach the higher aura radius breakpoints at Sanctuary levels 16 and 20 to maximize the number of allies protected.
Combine auras with other sources of damage absorption like skills or armor items in Diablo 2 Resurrected for truly formidable party survival against enemies.
In end-game, multiple maxed out level 20 Sanctuary Auras can provide 45% or more damage reduction through efficient stacking.
Does Sanctuary Aura on Merc Work for Player?
No, the Sanctuary aura from a Paladin will not provide its damage absorption benefits to a mercenary. Here are some key details:
Sanctuary aura only applies its damage absorption to players/characters within its radius. It does not protect hired mercenaries.
For an aura to work on a mercenary, it specifically needs to say it affects "hired companions" in the skill description. Sanctuary aura does not include this text.
Other Paladin auras like Defiance, Conviction, and Zeal explicitly state they work on hired companions. But Sanctuary aura only lists "party members".
Mercenaries in Diablo 2 are hired characters controlled by AI. They are not considered actual "party members" that would benefit from player auras.
Testing in-game confirms mercenaries do not receive any damage reduction from being near a Paladin with Sanctuary aura active. They are not treated as party members.
Does Sanctuary Aura Passively Damage Monsters?
No, Sanctuary Aura does not passively damage monsters in any way. Its singular effect is reducing damage taken by party members within its radius of effect.
Sanctuary Aura is arguably the most valuable aura for any Paladin, providing critical damage reduction to keep parties alive through even the deadliest of combat scenarios. With careful skill allocation, it becomes a core defensive asset in Diablo II: Resurrected.

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