Diablo 4 Event Guide News
12/26/2023 6:13:27 PMCould Diablo 4 be gaining a new follower or mercenary system with its first expansion - Vessel of Hatred? If recent leaks are to be believed, Blizzard may be working on adding depth to character progression and customization through the implementation of a robust mercenary mechanic. Here's a breakdo...
12/14/2023 6:04:09 PMWant to obtain the Midwinter Blight Cosmetics in the Christmas event of Diablo 4? Read this guide to learn the fastest route and methods to farm Midwinter Proofs and unlock Midwinter Blight Skins!Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight Cosmetic Fastest Unlock GuideThe Midwinter Blight is a periodic in-game event ...
12/7/2023 5:51:56 PMStep into the darkened realms of Diablo 4, where the Abattoir of Zir awaits—a challenging event that has ignited the passion of seasoned adventurers and newcomers alike. Here we go over efficient strategies for fast tiering and leveling the Tear of Blood glyph, ensuring you stand a chance against th...
12/5/2023 6:07:37 PMToday, we bring you the Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir tier list, we have ranked the best builds for the new endgame system. Our D4 Abattoir of Zir build tier list is based on the performance and effectiveness of different character builds in that specific endgame content. Diablo 4 Best Abattoir of Zir Bu...
Top 3 D4 Season 2 Sorcerer Endgame Builds for Abattoir of Zir (1.2.3) | Diablo 4 S2 Best Sorc Builds11/29/2023 2:11:07 PMWith the Abattoir of Zir event coming in Diablo 4 Season 2, Sorcerers need to prepare their best builds to take on the challenges. Here are some of the top Sorcerer builds to use for the event in the 1.2.3 patch.Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Sorcerer Endgame Builds for Abattoir of Zir Event in 1.2.3 PatchT...
11/22/2023 7:34:19 PMWith the Abattoir of Zir rolling out in Diablo IV Season 2, let's update the best class and builds for the endgame event with this D4 Abattoir of Zir Tier List!Diablo 4 Abttoir of Zir Tier List - Best Class & Builds for AoZ EventThe Abattoir of Zir is an event in Diablo 4 that offers a highly chall...