Lost Ark Farming Guide News
4/11/2022 12:03:20 PMThe land of Arkesia in Lost Ark is so expansive that making exploration become more difficult, especially for venturing into Treasure Maps. Now, we’ll bring you a brief list of Lost Ark Treasure Map locations, rewards, and the steps for finding these secret maps. What are Treasure Maps in Lost Ark -...
4/8/2022 5:01:04 PMThe Lost Ark Caldar fusion materials, it's gonna go up in value pretty soon and a lot of that has to do with the price action that's been occurring within the materials that build caldar fusion materials. So the supply for the materials has become very expensive and very limited with all of the act...
4/8/2022 10:21:02 AMHow to farm Lost Ark gold fast? Check this guide and we are going to go over top 5 best ways to make consistent gold in Lost Ark including chaos dungeon runs, guardian raid runs, trade skill materials, una task tokens & gold chests, and weekly abyss dungeons.5 Best Ways To Make Gold In Lost Ark - Da...
3/29/2022 3:54:56 PMIn order to get item level from 1370 to 1415 in Lost Ark, you need numerous materials. Users on Reddit present simple tricks on how you can save costs and effort.Lost Ark Cheap & Fast 1370 To 1415 Gear Honing StrategyIn a post on Reddit, the user civocivocivo shows an infographic on how to reach ite...
3/26/2022 5:34:18 PMHow you can do gathering and crafting in the Lost Ark? Why you should do Lost Ark life skills? It's an important topic because for most MMO players, lost ark does things quite a bit differently when it comes to crafting and gathering.Lost Ark Life Skill Guide- Best 6 Tips For Crafting and Gathering ...
3/16/2022 7:11:28 PMWe'll have a special Lost Ark guide for Tier 3 Islands and Honing Materials to upgrade your gear from 1100 to 1320 very quickly, which covers all the tips and the fastest T3 island route.Lost Ark T3 Island Route & Tier 3 Gear Honing Materials GuideIf you haven't gotten the tier 3 in Lost Ark yet, do...
3/16/2022 11:27:23 AMThere are different ways to earn gold in the Lost ark, do you know how to make a gold farm in Lost Ark? Today we are going to discuss gold farm tips to help players of all levels to get the skills to earn lost ark gold quickly in the game. Lost Ark Gold Farming Guide- 7 Tips For Beginner To Farm Gol...
2/15/2022 5:57:08 PMLack of Lost Ark gold for your adventure in the vast and vibrant world? Buy some from a reliable online store is the fastest way to solve your problem! Then how to buy Lost Ark gold safely and where is the best place to buy Lost Ark gold? This guide will help every first-time Lost Ark gold buyer!Wha...