In this New World guide, we are going to touch on a very hot topic - what are the best items should you keep or what items should you not sell? We are going to give you some information from the in-game perspective so that you can avoid getting rid of valuable items that you may need in New World.
Top 1 - Stonecutting
The first thing that everyone will need in the end game is going to be stonecutting, then you can craft different types of Tuning Orbs which allow you to enter the dungeon that you basically will want to be going in in the end game. The reason why you need to craft this yourself is that a key gets consumed whenever you enter the dungeon, while this key is bind on pickup, but more importantly, this corrupted lodestone and the shard is also binding on pickup right. So it's going to come from the greater rifts like the greater portals. The higher level of the portal the more of these shards you will get. And the amount of them is insane that you need, so everything in stonecutting you need and you don't want to sell if you plan on doing in-game content.
Top 2 - Gems
Gems are so important and you need so much of them because you can level your stonecutting off of like stone bricks and stuff, and then you can get up to load stone brick and void stone. But you're going to get choked by this item called Loamy Lodestone, so this is going to be a very important one to keep a lookout for, it comes from earth crag make sure you do not sell this and keep it in your inventory. Also, the fused gems under the Cut Flawed Malachite category are also worth keeping to fuse the lower-level gems into higher-level gems.
Best Gems To Keep
1. Late game gems, such as amber, Diamond, Carnelian, Opal, Onyx, and Malachite
2. Odd gems give really good desirable stats
Top 3 - Elemental Motes & Arcana
Motes are super important, you have to have them for stonecutting to level up. You also need wisps which is the upgraded version of moats. There's the upgraded version of that for green and then there's also the upgraded version for blue, and there's no way to get those aside from a few purple versions from select mob types. That select mob type is going to be earth, life, death, and water and water. You fuse these up by five of the previous motes making a green and then four of the previous green motes making a blue, and then three of the previous blue moots making a purple. So these quintessence like life and earth are very common and easy to get, you could consider selling them; but the versions like blue and lower are harder to get, so keep those at that rank.
Top 4 - Cooking Ingredients
In the late game, you're going to be getting some recipes that require a lot of unique ingredients, such as the very rare materials - Pork Belly from pigs, Cooking Oil from fishing, Rice from treasure chests specific to a region will be needed for making Pork Belly Fried Rice. So these cooking ingredients are hard to get and gather, and so do not sell these unless you're selling them for like crazy prices. You're going to run out super fast and you want to make this Foods like the Pork Belly Fried Rice gives 24 constitution and 16 intelligence, which are very useful in a hard dungeon, because it's going to give you the biggest stat boost.
Top 5 - Fishing Materials Rares
For fishing, you need to take fish oil and this is going to make cooking oil. So if you get any oil from fish or fillets, it's going to be used in cooking. But it's time-consuming to get these materials, so do not sell these for cheap, if you sell them in your big fisher make sure you mark up that price a bit because no one wants to sit there for like one hour just to get like 20 oil or 10 oil. Another really good item to keep is a few of the rare fishing components, for example, the potion is going to be super useful for a lot of the high-level portals like the level 65 portals and above, it gives you major resistance which will allow you to survive in the area and will also work very well on the 45 portals. But more importantly, it takes this cod eye material, the only way to make it would be these other two rare flowers and they are not easy to get at all.
Top 6 - Jewelcrafting Silver Gold Platinum
If you plan to level jewelcrafting, you're going to need silver. Silver is really heavy, it can be annoying to make, but you need to process it into an ingot and then transform it into like a silver chain that weighs not a lot, or the hook, or the band. You're also going to need gold and platinum, so if you see silver and gold transform into a bar and keep it if you can.
Top 7 - Legendary Materials
In the higher levels, if you get anything like Tolvium Cinnabar and other legendary materials, keep them because you need to use them to make the daily cool down items. And the last thing you want to do is get sniped up by somebody who knows what they're doing and picks that up off of you for like 20 New World gold or more.
Top 8 - Refining Reagents Rarities
You need to keep the green type of all refining materials, not just flux but also crossweave or whatever it's called silk weave. You can get rid of the white refining material because it's not efficient. So if you do want to sell some of these to make some gold, you can go ahead and do so safely. When you get to anything like star metal make sure you use green or blue refining material, you will double your product and save yourself so much time and resources.
Top 9 - Crafting Mods & Charms
There are some crafting mods that you want to keep such as the Vial of Blessed Water adding a chain attack (it is something that's static and add a set ability onto a weapon, a lot of people are going to be going after this item). There are some charms you should keep like Orichalcum Fire Staff Charm comes with a caveat that has abilities on them and the best in slot charm - Orichalcum Engineer's Charm giving you plus 5 to the minimum quality of a crafted profession. Also keeping the charms in general because a lot of them can be used as fodder for some of the professions, these are going to be super valuable in the end game.
Top 10 - Crafting Boost Equipment
Crafting Boost Equipment do the same thing as those charms, these are going to be like chef's shoes - 4 chance to craft additional items with cooking, so you're going to double your product potentially, and it's going to be really valuable. There is other boost equipment like a plus to the quality of engineering or foraging or arcana, which are also super valuable, so make sure you keep an eye out for those, you may want to hold on to them because they're always percent.
Top 11 - Luck Stats
In order to have good mining luck, it can go up to 5%, so if it's below five percent, it's probably not worth that much. But it also needs main stat on it, for example, in order to hit a 300 con, if you want to use logging luck with the constitution, you would need gear that has logging luck and constitution because you need to hit that 300 threshold, without it you may not meet that checkpoint. Herbalism does not have this product problem because you don't need high intelligence to get any super special bonus for that, so anything with good harvesting and you just need 250, it's not as bad because you get the 10 yields here. If you find any item that has loot luck and good combination of stats in the endgame, go ahead and keep it.