In Lost Ark, what are the best melee and ranged classes, or is there a all-around versatile class for both PVP and PVE? You will get the answer from our post of Top 5 Best Strongest Lost Ark Classes.
Lost Ark Best Melee, Ranged, All-Round PVE & PVE Classes
You haven't picked a class yet because it's such a daunting decision. Maybe you don't care so much about class fantasy as you do about the effectiveness of the class, knowing if it is actually good and what specifically it is good at. First things first, every class in Lost Ark is good and everyone is perfectly viable for every piece of content, there are simply some that excel in certain areas for specific reasons, more than anything it matters what content you care about the most - are you more into dungeons and guardian raids or are you planning to do loads of PVP?
In this guide, we are giving you an idea of the best melee class in PVE, the best range class in PVE, the best melee class in PVP, the best ranged class in PVP, and then the overall all-around best class if you just want to be absolutely nuts at everything.
Top 5 - Best Melee PVE Class: Berserker
As far as the best melee class for PVE, it has to be the Berserker. If you want to be the most impactful melee in a group, you probably want to be the tank and you probably want to play gun lancer, but if you want to just be absolutely menacing as a destructive force few things can do the job anywhere close to as well as a Berserker can. In PVE content provided that you have the right lineup around you, Berserker can do some of the highest damage in the game, both AOE and single target for bosses. It can take a few hits to the face due to the armor, you have to be able to position well enough to avoid ending your attacks early and get your back attacks as well. Other than that this thing just absolutely owns you won't be the most useful to your party members as far as providing support in any sense, but that just isn't what a Berserker is for. A berserker is for absolute raw damage, depending on your end game engravings, you can even forego a fair amount of your tankiness and just become a full-on glass cannon with an unbelievably massive slab of metal you dare to call a sword.
Top 4 - Best Ranged PVE Class: Artillerist
The best range class for PVE is the Artillerist - the massive cannon wielding goliath. Some people may disagree with us on this one, but this class is just sort of nuts because the only thing that you need to master is the positioning that is the most important with every class in the game. As you play Lost Ark, you will slowly learn to understand the right place to stand in every important fight, and as you do you'll learn how to best take advantage of the openings provided to you. In most endgame builds, Artillerist has no real ability to reposition outside of your basic dodge and movement speed and instead relies on being pretty tanky combined with being able to predict when and where you can make the most of your mounted cannon mode - knowing which attacks you have to stop attacking to slowly run out of, and knowing which you can tank with a shield all while firing off, artillery shells, flame throwers, and missile barrages. This thing has loads of single target damage, multi-target damage, burst damage, sustained damage, crowd control, genuinely the only thing that it truly lacks is movement.
So once you get good at movement and proper positioning in Lost Ark, this class is incredible, and as you may have guessed being good at positioning and movement is a big trick to getting the most out of any class in Lost Ark to an extent, so any learning that you do on the artillerist will only make you better with other classes too.
Top 3 - Best Melee PVP Class: Paladin
For PVP, anyone who wants to get right up close to their opponent should honestly consider a Paladin. Even if you don't fancy yourself as support, a paladin can still do a good amount of damage in PVP, not the highest but when you trade off in damage, you gain in a metric ton of survivability debuffs to your enemies that cause them to take more damage and then the team modes as well. If you do want to play those, your support ability will be absolutely massive even if you mostly focus on the damage dealing part of your character. The coolest part about paladin's support capabilities is it mostly just sort of happens in a circle around you, you don't have to run around and aim at friendlies and corral your friends into a place where you can be effective. You just run into the fight stand there make your friends stronger, make your enemies weaker, and live forever. That's also what makes Paladin good in the 1v1s. Because your healing is almost passive, you can just keep attacking and you will take care of yourself.
Top 2 - Best Ranged PVP Class: Gunslinger
As far as a range class for PVP, our pick for the best has got to be the Gunslinger. This class is the female equivalent of the deadeye class, but take note here that we do specifically mean the gunslinger, as there are still a few differences between these classes even as mirrors of each other. Most notably, the male version focuses more on close range, whereas the gunslinger at max level and the proper builds really likes to take advantage of the rifle at long range. In PVP, range is an advantage, the longer you can stay out of range of a melee attacker, the better chance that you have, therefore the longer range that you can attack from and be effective the better. Gunslinger just happens to have that ranged advantage, a good amount of mobility and a good amount of crowd control abilities as well to help keep you at a distance. All in all, this class is a perfect personification of a ranged damage dealer in PVP, just keep your enemies at a distance and you will win, simple as that.
Top 1 - Best All-Round PVE/PVP Class: Deathblade
The best well-rounded class across PVE and PVP is the deathblade. If you've been playing the game, then you've definitely seen people playing deathblade all over the place and there is a very good reason for that. In both PVE and PVP, the deathblade is very good, in fact when played to the skill ceiling, it is better than either of our recommendations for melee PVE or PVP. But what makes deathblade so good overall is that it has a very low barrier to entry, the skill ceiling is immense, but if you put a death blade in the hands of a four-year-old chimpanzee named beelzebub zombopolis, he'd probably wipe the floor with any enemy you put in front of him, a dungeon boss or even just your friendly neighborhood bard. The damage it does is insane, and it isn't made of paper, it can dash around as needed mid-fight and can lock enemies down, so generally, no one will complain to have a deathblade in their party in a group activity of any kind.
These are our best classes in Lost Ark, to recap Berserker and Artillerist for PVE, Paladin and Gunslinger for PVP, specifically deathblade is the overall champion of the bunch. Hope this guide will help you choose a class at all in Lost Ark or at least your next class.

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