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Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Guide: Release Date, Ilvl, Rewards, Mechanics & Tips
3/23/2023 11:59:14 AM

Lost Ark Hanumatan update is almost around the corner.  Hanumatan is a guardian raid that was released on September 2021 on the Korea Server.  This boss has 4 phases in total.  In this Lost Ark Hanumatan raid guide, we talk about the release date, ilvl, rewards, mechanics, and tips to defeat him.


Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Guide: Release Date, Ilvl, Rewards, Mechanics & Tips

Hanumatan will be released in April. Hanumatan, the guardian of the sun, is revered in Anikka. The Anikka martial artists developed their style by mimicking Hanumatan's techniques. Hanumatan, a powerful destructive force during the Chain War half a millennium ago, has awoken from a lengthy rest because he senses anarchy is on the horizon for Arkesia. He has observed the status of the world with objectivity and has come to the following conclusion: Humans are the adversaries threatening Arkesia. Before Hanumatan's icy rage wipes out all life on Arkesia, he must be stopped. 

Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Item Levels Requirements

Hanumatan can be accessed in 1540. It is a high-tier Guardian raid. 


Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Rewards

Additionally from 1540, you can get or access to buy ancient-level accessories which make you set five three plus one or five three plus two engravings.

Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Battle Items

For the battle items, the meta in KR is fppd. Number one flare, number two pheromone, number three pheromone, and number four destruction bomb. All the players just have to throw only one time. Whenever you hit the boss, you gain both stacks that can reach up to 40. It increases the attack crit rate and reduces cooldown. The more you get the stacks, the higher amount of buff you get as well. The buff lasts for 10 seconds and you can renew it by keeping on landing your hits. Also whenever you get hit by the boss you lose some of the above stacks, so you should not get hit by any patterns if you want to maintain this tremendous buff.


Lost Ark Hanumatan Guardian Raid Phases & Mechanics

Phase 1

When you take his HP down to a certain point, then he will stomp the ground which is able to counter. If you succeed at a counter, then you have to destroy his armor. The destruction rate is really low, so don't have to throw the destruction bomb at this moment. The destruction check happens three times until the raid ends. Every time, you destroy his armor, then all the players get attack speed, movement speed increase, and the cooldown reduction buff as well. This buff lasts until the raid ends. 

When you keep on attacking him afterward, the boss will request a stagger check. Stagger him and you will have free DPS time for a few seconds. Then he will become invincible, this is when number two throws the first pheromone. If you do not use the pheromone then the buff duration will run out and you will lose all the stacks. When he comes back then Phase 2 begins. By the way, even if you fail the counter or destruction in the first pattern, you can still check his disruption after the stagger check.


Phase 2

When you take his HP down to a certain point, he will raise both of his hands for a spirit bomb. No one should attack during this pattern since he will land the bomb as retaliation. If no one attacks, then you can counter him after a few seconds. If you succeed at a counter, then the second destruction check happens. This is when number four throws his destruction bomb. When you keep on attacking him afterward, the boss will request a stacker check and counter. If you succeed a counter, then you will have some 3 DPS time until he becomes invincible again. This is when number three throws his pheromone. 

If you fail the counter or destruction in the spirit bomb pattern, then his next pattern will not be staggered in the counter pattern. He will AOE attack either with frost or a blaze that crosses the field. You also have to do the stagger check while dodging the AOE attacks. These attacks do massive damage and squishy classes will mostly get one-shotted. If you succeed a stagger, then you will be able to count him which leads to the destruction check. Since this AOE pattern is dangerous, number four throws his destruction bomb here.


Phase 3

When you take his HP down to a certain point, he will try to grab someone in the front. One player has to be grabbed and the other three should come to the front to counter him after the pounding. If you succeed, the third destruction check happens. If you fail the counter, then the person who is grabbed will most likely die. When you keep on attacking him afterward, the boss will swing his arms three times and request the counter. If you succeed at a counter, then you will have some free DPS time and he will face the last phase. 

If you fail the counter or destruction in the crap pattern or if no one is caught, then his next pattern will not be the three times arm swing. He will swing the front five times with either blaze or frost area attacks and request counter. Dodge auto-attacks and standby by in front of him by the time the fifth swing happens. Then you can do the third destruction and he will face phase four. If even one destruction failed up to this point, he will do a massive AOE attack that most likely kills the players nearby right before phase 4 happens.


Phase 4

At the start, you will be immobilized with all the above stacks gone. Then he will bind the players with bleed damage. You will have to press the spacebar as fast as possible to escape from it. During the combat, you can still stack the above by landing hits on the boss but you will lose it when you get hit by him. The boss periodically uses two major patterns he will instantly grab where the player is. 

If someone gets grabbed, then other people have to stagger the boss to free him. If multiple players get grabbed, then the stagger check will be hard and the people who were crafted will most likely die. In the other pattern, he will summon a circle on the field and AOE attack the whole field. Players have to go into the circle to avoid the attacks. The circle moves randomly, so you will have to chase it until the pattern ends.

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