Blizzard has added a bunch of new zones in the Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4 PTR which are going to be increased level from their original level to level 85. So that the monsters in them can drop higher equipment. Today, we are going to be applying a tier list to all the new level 85 areas that have been introduced into D2R Patch 2.4. We do want to point out that there are so many factors that you need to take into consideration when you're ranking these areas against each other, so is it easy to find on a map.
D2R New Level 85 Areas In Patch 2.4 - Best Level 85 Zones In Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 PTR
Are you playing on battlenet? Are you playing on a single player with static maps? Are the immunities favorable to certain types of builds like cold immunities, fire immunities, lightning immunities, etc.? How does that impact the build that you'll actually mf, and also what is the monster density like? You need to take all these factors into consideration when it comes to ranking new level 85 areas in D2R 2.4 update. However, there are some d tier list D2R Patch 2.4 85 areas, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're worse to farm than the blood moor in act 1. It's still a level 85 area that can drop every D2R item in the game. Relatively speaking, it's going to be better than farming some random zone in hell difficulty.
Underground Passage Level 2 (D Tier)
This is not a great D2R 85 level farming area for magic find and there are a couple of reasons why.
Pros & cons
The first is that you have 4 types of immunities: fire, lightning, cold, and poison. So it doesn't really cater to a budget sorcerer's build. With that being said, you can break the lightning immunities with infinity, but the fact that you have very low monster density combined with an area is a little more challenging to map find.
Gameplay tips
It's not impossible, but you need to start out in the dark wood or the black marsh, make your way in order backward to the Underground Passage. Then to the enema Passage Level 2 to magic find a very tiny area that has poor monster density and 4 types of immunities. If you want to magic find somewhere in act 1, the best thing you can do is stick to the pits. Because it's better you get the whole pit level 1 and pit level 2. It was kind of fun, magic finding a different set tile. Because the Underground Passage level 2 has its own set standard tile same as the pit level 2.
If you just take everything into consideration, a little more challenging to map find 4 types of immunities and low monster density. It's a less-than-ideal area.
Stony Tomb (S Tier)
This rated very high on the tier list for a number of reasons. If you want to mf a different location besides ancient tunnels, this might be the area for you. Especially the fact that we can rock budget hydro sorceress or budget fireball sorceress.
Pros & cons
The first is it's a super easy area to map find. So basically the second you exit loot glain, it's located in the rocky waste, so you're not kind of teleporting to multiple areas, similar to the Underground Passage. Especially on single-player where you roll a static map, you can actually have it right outside the city entrance. The second key upside to this location is that there are no fire or cold immune monsters.
The only downside of this new D2R 2.4 PTR 85 area, is that you need to go in there with at least some semi-decent lighting resistance because of the beetles. Unless you're playing like a fire trapsin or hydro sorceress, where you can hang back.
Recommended builds
You can magic find it with a budget cold or fire sorceress, and then you can just completely obliterate with a good fire character or really a cool character.
Gameplay tips
You don't really want to be taking lightning damage from them with a squishy budget character when you have negative 50% lighting resistance. So you might want to get semi-decent gear before you jump into this location. But besides that, it has relatively decent monster density. There are multiple levels, it's not a very tiny location like the underground passage level 2.
Therefore, taking all of those into consideration and the fact that it's a relatively easy area to magic find and the monsters basically are pushovers minus the Beatles. Stony tombs as a S tier area to magic find in the Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4. You'll see a lot of budget blizzard and fire sorceresses magic finding the Stony Tombs.
Arachnid Lair (S Tier)
This is going to replace the Ancient Tunnels as the new meta farming location for cold sorceress builds. This is because it is so much easier to map find than the ancient tunnels. It's not that the Ancient Tunnels are horrible to magic find. It's in the lost city, you just go to the lost city waypoint then teleport around and randomly find it. But it does take some time to find. The map layout design might be awkward, but it has similar monster density, and it's a very large location as well.
Pros & cons
There are no cold immune monsters, and that's the reason why it's such a great location for a budget blizzard sorceress. Where the Arachnid Layer beats Ancient Tunnels is the fact that the Arachnid Layer is always located right next to the spider force waypoint in act 3.
Gameplay tips
So as soon as you get that waypoint, every new game that you make on battlelnet with your randomized maps. You're going to be able to find it a lot quicker. If you reroll a static single-player map, you can have the ancient tunnels trap door right next to the waypoint. But considering most people are probably playing battlenet, you'll be able to find this location consistently a lot easier. You have a sparkly chest that can drop more stuff than ancient tunnels.
Recommended builds
They're relatively easy monsters to kill with a budget sorceress. A naked blizzard sorceress as long as you're just staying back and being careful, you can clear everything completely fine.
It's easier to map find and there have no quality monsters and decent monster density. Without a doubt, Arachnid Lair is an s tier location. It will become the next Ancient Tunnel.
Swampy Pit (D Tier)
Swampy Pit level 1, 2 and 3 are relatively easy to map find. Similar to the Arachnid Lair, if you take the flare jungle waypoint, Swampy Pit is always going to be located right next to it, which is a plus.
Pros and cons
There are also no cold immune monsters and no firing monsters on level 1 and level 5. So is favorable to some type of elemental damage-dealing builds. That being said the area is very restrictive, it's not free-flowing, so very tight narrow corridors with other locations that have like ponds and stuff that kind of restrict where you can move.
Gameplay tips
You combine that with dolls running at you to blow up in your face and souls shooting intense lightning damage at you. It's a recipe for the horrible area to mf. In addition to that, in the level 3 area if you don't have an enigma it's horrible to get around unless you can teleport and jump between walls.
Recommended builds
Unless you're looking for something different, and you have a very high-end character, you do not want to go to this spot.
So low density, the horrible free-flowing map pattern, and then having dolls and souls make this a brutal area to mf. Moreover, this is not an area where you can autopilot, you will end up dying. So taking all those factors into consideration, this area can not be any higher than D tier, even though there are some favorable immunities.
Act 3 Temples (A Tier & B Tier)
We have three new temples (Ruined Temple, Disused Fane, Forgotten Reliquary) that have been bumped up to level 85 in D2R Path 2.4 PTR.
Pros & cons
Disused Fane though has every type of elemental immunity. So fire, lightning, cold, poison, physical and magic. It really doesn’t get worse than that. To be honest, most people are never going to touch this area. It is true that some of these immunities can be broken with infinity, but it is a pretty bad location. One advantage to the Ruined Temple and Forgotten Reliquary though is that there's no lightning or poison immune in this location.
Recommended builds
So you could in theory magic find them with a budget lighting sorceress or a budget poison necromancer. There's some potential there, they're horrible, but they still suffer from overall monster density.
Gameplay tips
With that being said, the Ruined Temple does have an arena there, so there's definitely more magic finding density, but unless they've fixed it, there's a bug where super unique outside spindle and thresh socket are capped to drop tc78 items only. If you're going to spend time focusing on Serena only, don't expect to get the same drops as the spindle.
Ruined Temple is one of the A tier D2R level 85 zones to magic find. Disused Fane and Forgotten Reliquary are in b tier.
Sewers Level 1 (A Tier)
There are more positives than negatives for farming the Sewers level 1.
Pros & cons
It's relatively easy to map find. So if you start in kuros or across, there are numerous places where you can enter the Sewers. On top of that, there are no fire immune monsters.
Recommended builds
With a budget hydro sorceress or budget fireball sorceress, you can mow down all the monsters in this area with no problem.
Gameplay tips
In terms of talking about some types of monsters, there are dolls in this location. You can reposition yourself with a quick teleport to be on the other side of a moat. So the dolls aren't kind of running up into your face and blowing up like they would in the Swampy Pit. On top of that, you do have the sewers level 2 which always was a level 85 area now. There are not really a lot of monsters down there, but there are definitely a couple of nice super chests that you can pop for maybe getting the chance of a high rune.
When you take everything into consideration, relatively large map, numerous entrance points, no firemen monsters, pretty solid monster density, just having to be wary of dolls. This area is A tier magic finding location absolutely in the new D2R Patch 2.4 update.
Act 5 Red Portals (B Tier & D Tier)
3 locations are going to include is one that is the Abaddon, Infernal Pit, and Pit of Acheron. These are the red portals in act 5. The truth is they're very good for magic finding due to a lot of reasons.
Pros & cons
The monster density is not horrible, but the monster density is not great either. In addition to that, there is a whole whack load of different immunities which can be a problem. The only area that doesn't have any immunities is the Pit of Acheron. It doesn't have infinity, but there are some nasty monsters in this location, so huge bloodlords and other stuff that you just have to deal with.
Recommended builds
It has no lightning immunities, so you could maybe magic find with the lightning sorceress.
It's stylistically a very nice-looking area, and it provides some different kinds of areas to magic find. In terms of it being very challenging monsters to kill, because we're in act 5 now, not really favorable immunities and then not great density. The Pit of Acheron is c tier only because of the no lightning immune. The Abaddon and Infernal Pit is D tier.
Act 5 Ice Caves (B Tier & C Tier)
The final 2 locations that we're going to cover are the Drifter Cavern and the Icy Cellar. These are areas that would be pretty good if you could kind of tone down the strength of the monsters. It's act 5, some higher sponsors in the game include succubus, dolls, moon lords, and blood lords. They're all found in these locations. So they're not ideal unless you go in with a perfect character.
Pros & cons
The Drifter Cavern has all types of elemental immunities. That might actually look deceiving because for the most part there is no fire immune. It's only the moon lords of the blood lords that you have to deal with, their fire immune only in the Drifter Cavern.
Recommended builds
You can go in there with a fire damage-dealing character, and you can make out. Succubus, dolls, gloams the combination of those monsters in the Icy Cellar or Drifter Cavern makes it a very challenging area to mf with a weak character. The Icy Cellar has an advantage over the Drifter Cavern in the sense that there's zero fire immune in that location. So you can go in there with the fire sorcerers.
Gameplay tips
The only difference between the Drifter Cavern and Icy Cellar besides the one farming monster is Drifter Cavern has succubus and blood lords. The other one has dolls and gloams. Basically, pick your poison! But one of the other advantages to this location is the fact that those evil urns can actually spawn you additional monster packs, and the locations themselves are not actually too challenging to map find. It's to the left of the waypoint to go to the Drifter Cavern, and it's to the right of the way point to go to the Icy Cellar.
They're relatively easy to map find, have pretty solid monster density and for the most part favorable to fire damage characters, but you have to deal with some very tough challenging monsters. So you're looking for an area to challenge yourself, these might be good locations for you. But if you're looking for areas that you can turn off on autopilot mf with max mf setups and then just get tons of items, you're probably going to want to focus on the stony tombs. Taking all that into consideration, Icy Cellar is b tier and Drifter Caver is c tier.