Incantations are a type of spell in Elden Ring that brings various effects in the game, incantation magic abilities are more Faith-based and cast using a Sacred Seal or similar catalyst. What is the best incantation in Elden Ring and where to find them? This page contains a guide on how to use incantations and the top 5 best Elden Ring incantation spells as well as where and how to find them.
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How to Use Incantations in Elden Ring?
All classes can get and use Incantations, but only Prophets and Confessors start with Incantations, for other classes, you need to buy an item to use it. To unlock the use of incantation, you’ll need to have a Seal equipped.
- Select the inventory button to open the equipment area
- Equip a Seal item in either your left or right hand.
- Equip Incantations by memorizing spells at any Site of Grace.
- You will now be able to cast any equipped incantation.
- Press the corresponding bumper to your hand to cast the spell
Elden Ring Best Spells - Top 5 Incantations for Elden Ring Early-Mid Game & How to Get Them
What are the best incantations in Elden Ring? Here we are going over the top 5 incantation spells on the list of Moxsy, especially for early and mid games.
Top 5 - Flame Sling
The incantation on the fifth spot is Flame Sling, when you first start the game, it's very easy to access, it's got a low FP cost and it does decent damage, it's a simple fireball, you throw it you can hold it down for more damage, but a longer cast time, and for the first bosses in the game, this will help you out significantly. To get the Flame Sling incantation, you need to unlock the Roundtable Hold first and then you’ll encounter him there and get it from him with Elden Ring runes.
Where and how to get (Locations):
1. Sold by Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold for 800 runes.
2. Can be found in Limgrave on the island where the Church of Dragon Communion is located. It drops from a Teardrop Scarab at the back of the island when killed.
Top 4 - Lightning Strike
You can get this at any level, you don’t need to kill a boss or a hard enemy to get this incantation, you just fall down a little ravine. There is a ball here and when you break it, it will give you the Lightning Strike. This spell requires 28 Faith to be able to use, which is a lot. It also can hit multiple enemies in a line and is pretty strong. However, it does not seem the most reliable spell to hit enemies a lot of times. The Lightning Strikes will go in between enemies, but it is also a good pickup in the early and mid-game of Elden Ring and definitely help with some of the late-game enemies.
Where and how to get (Locations): Weeping Peninsula: Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab
Top 3 - The Flame of Frenzy
As for The Flame of Frenzy, you want to come directly east to the Lightning Strike spell, it’s very close nearby to the Callu Baptismal Church and you just need to fight a few rats and on the ground, you will find the incantation. The Flame of Frenzy spell sends out a large arcing thing of fire that will hit multiple enemies, it is a great AOE spell, it does build up a frenzy on you, but unless you fill the meter, you won’t do anything to yourself. Compared to Lightning Strike, it is more reliable when dealing with hosts of enemies. In addition, it only costs 16 FP to be able to use this spell, so you can use it in the early stage.
Where and how to get (Locations): Callu Baptismal Church in the Weeping Peninsula. Found on a corpse by a pillar on the left side of the church.
Top 2 - Black Flame
Next is the Black Flame spell, you do need to kill Margit, the Fell Omen to acquire this incantation. Afterward, if you keep doing through the castle, you’ll get into a big courtyard when you are going through the arch door, if you take a left there is a hidden seller that’s guarded by some rats. You need a Stonesword Key to enter this seller, but in it, you’ll find the book that you need to turn in to unlock the Black Flame. It requires 20 Faith and it’s got a low FP cost, furthermore, it does damage over time after hitting a target.
Where and how to get (Locations): Unlocked for purchase after giving a Godskin Prayerbook to Brother Corhyn.
Top 1 - Lightning Spear
Lastly, the number one spot on the top 5 list of Elden Ring best incantations is the Lightning Spear. You are gonna need to be able to kill Godrick and get past Godrick to access the area, but once you do head up the right side of Liurnia the eastern side where you'll make your way up to the Artist's Shack, once you're at the Artist's Shack, just down the hill, you'll see a knight who does lightning spells, if you kill him, he will drop the book that you can then turn in to get the lightning spear spell. This spell is very fast, it does tons of damage, it's super easy to hit enemies with and it's got low cost to use and low requirements to use, it's really strong and helpful in the mid and late game.
Where and how to get (Locations): Purchase from Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows after giving either the Dragon Cult Prayerbook

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