Lost ark has been released in the west and millions of players have had their first taste of the game some have pushed progression while others have opted to take things too slow it's a great game but it's not perfect. Today breaking down some big changes that could have a huge positive impact on lost ark now.
Lost Ark Update Predictions - 7 Details Changes That Senior Player Want Transform In The Lost Ark
1. Lost Ark Guild System
As one of the largest lost ark guilds in North America, the design of the guilds within the lost ark guild system caps add nothing of value to the community experience within the lost ark. This is actually one of the least social lost ark MMOs at this point for a number of different reasons the cap being one of them when the game launched.
If over 6 000 members want to be part of one community in the lost ark, but because of the sheer amount of time and effort, it took to organize things, only launch with 25 lost ark guilds each with a 30 roster limitation well the process of leveling up a guild takes an insane amount of time, that's the only logical reason why the caps exist in the first place, the more people under one umbrella the better the community experience within the lost ark, it's simple as of right, now using discord to stay connected. There are no other easy ways to engage across guilds in the last ark.
2. Lost Ark Gathering & Crafting
There's a fair number of us in the legacy gaming community that enjoy chopping down trees or searching for lost ark runes, but right now as it currently stands, the lost ark gathering crafting loop within the game is just not that engaging. Especially at the start of the lost ark gathering and lost ark crafting loop and how it really felt like a meaningful part of the experience that's what's missing from the lost ark and something that really needs a hard look is the lost ark leveling system.
With the life skill leveling system and the various augmentations and perks that come with that but if they want to entice players to engage in this system day in and day out, they need to go back to the drawing boards on the lost ark crafting side of things, it's not much better. The lost ark crafting more than anything else in the game makes lost ark feel like a mobile experience amped up for PC.
3. Lost Ark Gold Farmers & Bots
The lost ark gold farming issue coming from a mile away and if you didn't you clearly haven't played any free MMOs before here's the thing gold spam sucks, no one wants to deal with it, and right now, it's a huge problem within the game, the chat system and design aren't great, to begin with, but now lost ark players have to contend with spam non-stop.
Arrive at any hub within the lost ark, also don't even get us started with the sheer amount of berserker and sorcerer spots running through the world lost ark farming in a very obvious bot loot livid, even spent about an hour disrupting the bot's farm and reported every single one that came, through his way reporting bots are part of the solution one, every player should actively be a part of, but this is an issue far greater to honestly fix the bot spam issue, the team will need to beef up their tools for dealing with these spams and scams.
4. Lost Ark Loot Identity
This is a common problem in third-person games because you're above them not behind that, but the added factor here is the looting within the lost ark.
Collecting lost ark tokens that's it not hunting for pieces of lost ark gear, the name of a single weapon or armor piece. Maybe that's a gross assumption like the idea that characters in MMOs are extensions of ourselves to a certain degree and part of that identity-building process is the way.
Lost ark gearing is interconnected with the honing and upgrading systems within the game, the idea is that you don't hold on to any one piece of gear for very long before it's tossed aside chaos dungeons award one set that quickly get replaced with abyssal dungeon sets which ultimately get replaced at the next tier weapons. Don't even factor in, because they're just another lost ark token you're collecting and that one piece of loot you do get from abyssal dungeons is coupled with you guessed, it more tokens you use to craft.
5. More Lost Ark Tools For Players
If you're in a lost ark guild setting pushing progression, you need tools to help identify issues on your team, lost ark's hardest content is largely about personal responsibility, but that doesn't mean it strips away the importance of knowing how much damage, someone else is doing in comparison to someone else or how much damage a person is taking to avoidable sources information is key to progression groups, but as it stands right now that information is only available when in the testing mode in Trixian.
6. Refining The Lost Ark Alt Experience
It's an issue the developers need to consider carefully for a game that puts so much stock on alts, it's pretty funny how limited the interactions across the roster can actually be this really boils down to your inventory and the lack of flexibility between lost ark characters, maybe it's a step too far, but why limit resources per character what's the point as many of you have probably experienced, you're gonna sit on a stack of t1 or t2 resources that could be used to improve your all, but instead sit idle in your bags or become trash, because there's no functional way to make them accessible on another character,
7. Lost Ark Character Transfers
A character transfer system, no developer goes into a massive rollout expecting to have server issues, but they should at least have some sort of blueprint for how to alleviate the struggles after the fact right now, there is no character transfer system in the game which means where you made your character is most likely, where you'll stay this issue isn't helped by the fact.
Not just one character, but a minimum of three that are pretty much stuck in place this still happens to us all the time people wanting to join the lost ark guild but not being on the same server. There's just no option or recourse other than re-rolling.
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