Want to max out your damage with a word weapon in Elden Ring? How to build a character with a Colossal weapon? Here is an extremely powerful strength build using Greatsword. In this guide, we’ll go over the details of the Elden Ring Strength Build, featuring main hand and off-hand weapons, spells, talismans, attributes, and stats.
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Best Elden Ring Strength Build Guide - How to Make a Colossal Weapon Build in Elden Ring
The strength build by divine_games offers plenty of benefits when running it with the required items.
Elden Ring Strength Build Weapons
Starting from the primary weapon for the main hand, you want to pick a Colossal Sword for close combat, one of the best options you can go with is the Heavy Greatsword, it has the best scaling for strength and is also capable of placing different Ashes of War on it. Another good pick would be Grafted Blade Greatsword, which also comes with good stats for strength, but you do lose the Ashes of War spot.
Then for the secondary weapon for the other hand, you can go with Erdtree Greatshield for not only defense but mainly for the offense. The shield stats are really good for defense, being able to block physical attacks with ease, giving you a chance of counter-attacking enemies without taking damage for offense, it has a special weapon attack, which absorbs magic attacks and sends a holy blast right back at its attacker with PvP fights. The best part about it is it only uses stamina and not mana, if the person you are fighting isn't using magic, you can just two-hand your sword for more damage per swing.
- Primary weapon: Heavy Greatsword (Colossal Sword), Grafted Blade Greatsword (Colossal Sword)
- Off-hand weapon: Erdtree Greatshield (Greatshield)
Elden Ring Strength Build Talisman
What’s the best talisman for this strength build in Elden Ring?
- Shard of Alexander: increases the damage of special attacks, those being the shield's holy blast and sword's Ashes of War with the sword's special attack being boosted. It helps you take out a crazy amount of health in PvP fights if you land a single special attack with the shield.
- Great-Jar’s Arsenal: increases maximum equip load, which is important because we are using a heavy sword and shield with this build and you'll probably want some nice armor to go with it.
- Starscourge Heirloom: increases our strength by 5 levels, so we can spend less Elden Ring runes on leveling and increases our damage since our sword scales off of strength.
- Old Lord's Talisman: increase the duration of the Fire’s Deadly Sin spell, giving you more time to shoot holy blasts from the shield.
- Sacred Scorpion Charm: increases our holy damage and the damage of our shield blast, you can also coat your weapon with holy grease to do way more damage, in addition to everything else, it costs more money or an Ashes of War spot, but you will get more damage, just putting that out there, you don't need these talismans for the build to work, but they do help out quite a bit.
Elden Ring Strength Build Attributes & Stats
Below are the minimum stats required for this build to work.
- Strength: 31
- Dexterity: 12
- Faith: 12
- Equip Load: 71.9/103.3
More tips for the Elden Ring Strength build:
You can basically turn the Erdtree Greatshield into a machine gun, firing the special attack non-stop, when you are using the shield’s special attack, it holds the shield up protecting you from incoming attacks. To activate the machine gun shield, you’ll need to use the incantation Fire’s Deadly Sin with the sacred seal - Clawmark Seal, with low stat requirements, it is easy to get. Fire’s Deadly Sin will cover both the player and its surrounding area with flames and sacred seals that allow the casting of incantations.
Flask of Wondrous Physick, the best Tear to use for this is the Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear, which boosts holy damage that being our shield special attack, and Crimsonburst Crystal Tear, this heals us over time, which would cancel the damaging effect of the spell Fire’s Deadly Sin. Another way to cancel out the damage would be using the incantation Bestial Vitality, which does the exact same thing, but cost a little bit of mana instead.