In this guide, we are going to be talking about a blood blade build in Elden Ring, this is a beginner warrior build that uses two weapons to set the bleeding status effect on enemies effectively. We explain the bloodblade character creation, bloodblade attributes, how to make this build work, and how to play bloodblade in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring Beginner Warrior Class Guide: How To Build A Bloodblade
Bloodblade Character Creation
For this build, you're going to use the warrior class. It comes with dual blades and you can dual wield immediately. And the sim cards attack rather quickly they have a very fast moveset. What you're going for with this build is trying to set bleed on enemies by putting bleed ashes of war on both scimitars, so that when you hit rapidly you can inflict the bleed status effect as you fill their bar very quickly.
How To Make Bloodblade Build Work
In order to make this happen, you need to head to fort height and get the bloody slash ash of war and then you will have to duplicate it. So you need to go buy one of the lost ash things from the merchant that's in the southwest part of weeping peninsula which costs about 3000 runes. Then you need to get to round table hold, the easiest way to do that is to go to market let him kill him. Then talk to Melina at the site of grace there and she'll take you there and you can go to the blacksmith and duplicate that ash of war, you can put one on each scimitar.
Just upgrade these as fast as you can and the best way to do that is to go up on the hill there in stormhill and have the troll smash the stone thing, grab the shards there and then go into the tunnel grab a bunch there. That should be able to get you somewhere close to plus two otherwise you might have to farm some shards from the soldiers there at gate front ruins. You can also get some better armor there so it's not a total wipe from doing it.
Other equipment you'll eventually want for this build are the Turtle Talisman, this build is extremely stamina hungry, so you're gonna want that so that you recover your stamina quickly so you can get back to swinging. And also the Erdtree’s Favor, this also increases your stamina hp and your equip load. This will allow you to wear heavier armor take more hits and also increases that stamina so that you can get more swings.
Bloodblade Attributes
Vigor: 17
Mind: 12
Endurance: 20
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 16
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 8
Arcane: 9
For the attributes, the two that you really want to prioritize are endurance and vigor. Get these up to 20 as quick as you can, and then start pumping dexterity to increase your damage.
Gameplay – How To Play Bloodblade Build In Elden Ring
The general strategy for this build is obviously to hit fast and often in order to build up the status effect bleed bar of the enemy to rip off a good chunk of their health. The way bleed works in this game is that you every time you hit them with a weapon that builds up bleed, they gain a certain amount of their bar based on the weapon that you're hitting them with and their bleed resistance. So when you get hit with a bleed weapon, you'll see your bars start to fill, imagine they have the exact same bar and it's different for each character that you're facing and their resistances play a role. So some enemies are going to take a lot longer to bleed and some enemies are going to bleed really quickly.
Note: The second you stop attacking that bleed bar starts to drain, meaning that you're gonna have to do more work if you wait in between attacks in order to get that bleed bar full because it's gonna start clearing itself just like yours does. This means you can't just run in and hit once and then run away and wait 10 seconds to run and hit once like you would with some builds. You need to get in there get in three or four strikes back away get in three or four strikes as quick as you can in order to rip that bleed off. It's dangerous doing this though because sometimes that your bleed is almost about to proc on an enemy or it's close or you can feel it coming because you've hit them so many times will trigger you to be more aggressive than you should be and you can get yourself killed. So you have to prioritize building up that bleed bar and staying alive and you can't always just go 100 aggressive because some enemies are just gonna kill you regardless.
In some fights, it's a good idea to get that first bleed ripped off quickly and then just fight normally and not to worry too much about the bleed status effect. That way you're not getting yourself killed by trying to be too aggressive.
Bloodblade Build Tips
The blessed talisman is also pretty good for this build because of the fact that you use that slash and you hurt yourself, this will regenerate that health slowly and make it so that you don't have to worry about using this ability at all. Don’t replace the turtle talisman with it, replace urger's favor if possible because that way you keep that stamina recovery which you absolutely need. In terms of armor for this build, get away with the heaviest armor you possibly can and still medium roll. So farm armor, buy armor, whatever you got to do to get heavier armor because you're going to trade damage sometimes you're going to get hit, sometimes in order to press that last couple of hits to get that bleed ripped off an enemy and you want to take the least damage you can but you cannot sacrifice that medium roll.
Lastly, you can do this same setup with other weapons, it doesn't have to be two scimitars, you could do it with two straight swords or two daggers if you want.