In this Elden Ring guide, we are showing you an advanced blood dancer build which is a level 100 version of the blood dragon build. So if you've been wondering how to advance that and what you're going to be doing with the Elden Ring bleed build at level 100, then watch on to find out.
How To Build A Blood Dancer - Elden Ring Bleed Build Twinblade Guide
If you’ve been looking to upgrade your blood dragon build then you might want to check this guide. This is an Elden Ring bleed build that uses twinblade. If you have been wondering what to do with your bleed build when you reach level 100, this build is for you.
Elden Ring Blood Dancer Build Equipment - How To Make This Build Work
Weapons - Eleonora’s Poleblade
This is one of the weapons that had bugged arcane scaling that was fixed in the last patch just a day or so ago. This weapon is extremely deadly and there are a couple of reasons for that, first, it has blood loss build upon it, meaning that you're going to be able to set the bleeding status effect which is crucial for arcane builds. Because they generally increase the quickness that blood loss buildup occurs when you pump arcane. This weapon starts at 33 by default, with all the arcane that we have we're up to 76 blood loss per swing.
Twin blades have a very rapid move meaning that they're able to hit multiple times in quick succession, particularly if you're two handing, allowing them to get those hits in rapidly kind of like the way we were doing with the dual scimitars, allowing for that blood loss to occur faster. Additionally, this weapon has physical and fire damage, so it's got two different damage types which are fantastic.
The weapon skill blood blade dance is probably one of the best in the game. When you press l2 you sort of ready yourself in a stance real quick and then you fling yourself forward slashing and spinning for a couple of seconds. Then if you hit l2 again, you do a couple more slashes and jump backward. Then you have a little bit of downtime before you can use it again. So you can use this over and over. What's really good in this set, the blood build up really fast. You're going to get hemorrhage on targets really fast with this. Because you hit them so many times in a rapid session and not only that it deals incredible stagger damage, you can often drop big enemies with two l2 presses in a row. This will leave them open either for a critical strike or if you still have the stamina to keep going, keep mashing l2 and you can probably proc another bleed on them when they're on the ground. This weapon also has the dexterity and arcane scaling and the dexterity actually gets stronger at c scaling at plus 7.
Seals - Dragon Communication Seal
The seal that we use for this best Elden Ring blood dancer build, we use the dragon communion seal. Because it scales with arcane and has s scaling with it at plus 7. This means that the spells that you cast with it, are going to benefit from all those points you're dumping into arcane and they're going to benefit from it highly. So they're going to deal increased damage and not only that you're increasing your weapon damage and you're increasing your blood loss build up speed at the same time. You also do use a couple of dragon spells or dragon communion spells with this build, so those will be amplified by this as well.
Armors - Mask Of Confidence
Besides that, the armor that you wear is not super important. The mask of confidence gives you plus 3 arcane and it doesn't have any negative effects like some other helmets that give you arcane. There's really no downside to wearing this. Other than it's not like the strongest armor in the game, however you can compensate for that by wearing heavier armor and other pieces. You just want to have as much protection as possible and still be able to medium roll.
Talismans - Green Turtle Talisman, Radagon’s Soreseal, Lord of Blood’s Exultation, Winged Sword Insignia
The green turtle talisman helps increase the speed at which we regenerate stamina. That's really important for this because you drain your stamina bar really fast using l2 attacks and you need it to come back in order to be able to pull this off over and over.
Radagon’s soreseal is fantastic for this build because not only can everyone benefit from endurance and vigor for more stamina equip weight and health. But you also need some strength and some dexterity in order to use this weapon. Depending on your class, you're probably going to need some strength. But if other classes may already meet the strength requirement or dexterity requirement, you're going to need a little bit anyway. So this is going to save you several levels because you're gaining vigor and endurance allowing you to wear heavier armor and bumping your hp, even though you're taking increased damage. From wearing this, you're sort of offsetting it a little bit.
Lord of blood's exultation increases your attack power by 20% for 20 seconds when you're near a target that has blood loss. You should have that if you're playing a bleed build at level 100 and getting that attack power bonus is great so that you can increase your damage and you're setting blood loss all the time.
Lastly, we have wing sword insignia which boosts your attack power by percentage after every so many hit and you hit things just crazy with this build. Keep in mind that you don't have to hit the same target multiple times in order for this to start stacking, you can hit multiple targets. If you hit one enemy once and another enemy twice, it'll trigger itself. If you're going ham on a group of enemies or something you're going to keep this up pretty constantly.
Spells - Rotten Breath, Dragonice, Dragonclaw, Lightning Spear and Flame, Grant Me Strength
The spells that we use for this level 100 Elden Ring blood dancer build are rotten breath, dragonice, dragonclaw, lightning spear, and flame, grant me strength. At this stage of the game, the dragon spells don't hit as hard as you would like they start to fall off at this point in the game. So level 50 they hit really really hard, but at this point, you're going to use them a lot more sparingly.
Rotten breath is probably your best bang for your buck putting the scarlet rot status effect on enemies and bosses can absolutely wreck them if you just stay back afterward, if you're in dangerous situation or maybe you hit a boss with it at the beginning of a fight and their health continues to take away as you fight them very strong ability remains so throughout the game. But you're not really using it for its initial damage as much as you're using it for that rod that you're putting on the target.
What's really interesting here is that flame, grant me strength actually increases your physical and fire damage by 20 for 30 seconds. This doesn't change no matter what scaling you have. What's really great is the weapon we're using has both physical and fire damage, so that gets buffed.
Dragonice actually outperforms it pretty much anyway. Even with that buff up, it's just slightly more damage. But dragonice not only does about the same damage but it also sets the frostbite status effect on an enemy which reduces the protection that they have. So not only does it rip off a chunk of their health but it also makes them more vulnerable to your attack.
Dragonclaw at this point of the game is extremely situational. It doesn't deal as much damage as you'd like, but you probably use it more for the stagger than anything else. If you get yourself into a situation where you're back in a corner and you're going to take damage. There's really no way out, you can just use this and poise through the attack hit it a couple of times and you'll probably knockdown or stagger the enemy that you're facing. If you have enough health, you'll probably live through that and it does physical damage, so it's a physical damage option for you. Your weapon is split between damage types and you have a lot of other damage type spells. But this one does physical damage which is great.
Lightning spear works pretty well with this build. You meet the requirements for it with 17 faith barely and it does pretty good damage. It gives you a ranged option in fights where you just need some single target range and you don't have the time to sit there and like hold down your breath spell. So you might as well add it here and it works fantastically.
Flame, grant me strength is one of those spells that you're going to use right before you walk through a boss fog, you're not going to use it that often because it only lasts 30 seconds and it has a long animation. But if you want to start off a tough fight like you see an enemy up ahead and you're going to run in might as well have that buff for like the first 20-25 seconds of it and there's no reason really not to. But it's not something you're going to use very often and you can use the lightning spear to pick off enemies at range and you're going to use your breath spells to thin out packs of enemies.
Elden Ring Blood Dancer Build Attributes
Vigor - 40
Mind - 25
Endurance - 17
Strength - 17
Dexterity - 21
Intelligence - 9
Faith - 17
Arcane - 53
40 vigor is here because you're going to trade damage with this build. You go in and you start swinging wildly, sometimes enemies hit you while you're doing it or they get an attack through your attack anyway and you're going to take damage. You want to make sure you live through that you can probably get away with a little bit lower here and put like 35 and vigor and 30 in mind. That way you'll have a little bit more for your spells and for your ability if you want. Mind is really good here, the spells that you use the dragon breath consume tons of fp and you're going to be using your weapon skill often, so you really can't have too much mind, and as you progress this build further. Endurance is there for an extra bit of stamina and to increase your quip load again, you want to wear the heaviest armor you can with this and still medium roll in order to protect yourself because you will trade damage.
You really only need 12 strengths for this build. The reason we have 17 here is that we're using a dragon source seal which gives us an extra 5. 21 dexterity is the minimum required in order to use the weapon that we're using for this build. 9 intelligence you don't need any intelligence for the build. 17 faith is just enough to use the dragonclaw spell. If you don't want to use either of these spells, you can leave this at 15 to use the breath spells but you'll have to have at least 15 for the breath spells and 17 for a lightning spear, dragonclaw. Then arcane obviously is just as high as we can get it to, not only increase our damage with our weapons to increase our bleed build-up speed and to increase the effectiveness of our spells. it's obviously the primary stat for this build.
Elden Ring Blood Dancer Gameplay Tips
The way this blood dancer build plays in Elden Ring is that you're going to make your way through the levels attacking regularly with your twin-blade dodging for most of your defense and leading into the large enemies or tougher enemies with your l2. Keep in mind this thing has a little bit of a wind-up to it, so you're going to want to anticipate if they're coming at you and start it a little bit early. The idea is that you start staggering them with your attacks the second you connect and interrupt whatever they're going to try and do. Then keep going and either stagger them or set blood loss back away regroup and repeat this process.
You're going to use this ability a lot throughout the course of your levels and so much so slotting the carrion filigreed crest to reduce the cost of this ability. But it actually reduces the cost of 2 l2 presses like if you do the whole combo chain from 17 down to 14 which is a lot less than 25% because of the way it's rounded each button presses around it. So you're not getting a 25% reduction, so it just didn't seem worth it. Instead, we just concentrate on focusing, increasing your amount of fp through mind to compensate for that.