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In this Lost Ark guide, we explain what are the best engravings for each class, covering sorceress, bard, deathblade, paladin, berserker, gunslinger, shadowhunter, artillerist, all PVE & PVP builds.
Lost Ark Best Engravings for Every Class PVE & PVP Build
With suitable engravings on ability stones, necklaces, earrings and rings, we strengthen our character in Lost Ark. There are two unique class engraves for each class, as well as numerous combat engraves available to all classes. Engravings are available on all trinkets, the skill stone, and two Engraving Effects windows.
There are two different class engravings to choose from for each class. In most cases, however, it makes little sense to use both class engravings. These engravings differ so much that the way you play is influenced by this choice. So here we sort out the best engravings for each build in Lost Ark, also share you with the tier list of the best engravings for almost all classes.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Sorceress Build
With the sorceress, we decide on Reflux. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We first bring our class engraving Reflux to level 1-2. After that we invest 15 points in Grudge and Hit Master, so we bring them to level 3. If we get more engraving points, we invest them in more engravings. The engraving points are distributed in the following order:
Reflux - This engraving locks our Mystical Resonance identity. To compensate, the damage of all abilities is permanently increased and the cooldown is reduced at the same time.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Hit Master - This engraving grants 16% more damage to any ability that does not deal directional damage (front or back attack).
Keen Blunt Weapon - Crit damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Bard Build
For bards, these are Catana of Valor and Desperate Salvation. Those who choose Catana of Valor play the bard as a DPS class. With Desperate Salvation, you play the bard as a support class. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. The engraving points are distributed in the following order:
Desperate Salvation - After completing Ara of Healing (healing from our identity ability), all players are healed for 24% of their maximum health, which significantly improves the healing from the bard.
Expert - Party-wide shield and health regeneration effects are greatly increased, especially when the target is below 50% health.
Awakening - Reduces the cooldown of the Awaken ability by 10-50%, allowing us to use it more often.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Heavy Armor - Hugely increases defense so we take significantly less damage.
Drops of Ether - When we deal damage, we have a chance to activate an aura that increases movement speed, crit probability, attack power, defense, and resistances.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Berserker Build
For the berserker, we opt for the technique of the berserker. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We're going to first level up our Berserker's Technique class engraving. We don't need more for this engraving. After that, we bring the two engravings Grudge and Cursed Doll to level 3. If we get more engraving points later we invest them in Raid Captain, Keen Blunt Weapon, Awakening and Spirit Absorption. The engraving points are distributed in the following order:
Berserker's Technique - With this engraving, we increase the crit probability in berserk mode. In addition, the fatigue of Berserk Mode is removed. This means that upon exiting berserk mode, we immediately spawn anger again.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Raid Captain - This increases our damage as a percentage of our movement speed.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Awakening - Decreases the cooldown of our awakening so we can use it more often.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Paladin Build
For the Paladin (Holy Knight) we choose Blessed Aura. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. The first thing we're trying to do is get our Blessing Aura class engraving to max. Otherwise, we distribute engraving points in the following order:
Blessed Aura - Our Holy Aura identity ability only has a damage buff. This engraving also gives the aura a permanent small amount of healing and a shield, reducing damage to the entire party.
Awakening - Reduces the cooldown of the Awaken ability by 10-50%, allowing us to use it more often.
Expert - Expert increases the shield strength and health regeneration of all paladin abilities.
Heavy Armor - Hugely increases defense so we take significantly less damage.
Drops of Ether - When we deal damage, we have a chance to activate an aura that increases movement speed, crit probability, attack power, defense, and resistances.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Gunlancer Build
For the Pistol Lancer, we choose Combat Readiness. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We bring our class engraving combat readiness to level 1 and then skill grudges and barricades up to level 3. In the advanced game, combat readiness stays at level 1. We invest the new points in cursed doll, adrenaline, and spirit absorption. The points are distributed in the following order:
Combat Readiness - With this engraving, we increase the power of our shield by 30%.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Barricade - This engraving increases our damage as long as the shield is active.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Adrenaline - With this engraving, we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Striker Build
For Martial Artist Striker builds, we choose Esoteric Storm. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. The highest priority is engraving grudges. Next up is Adrenaline, followed by our Esoteric Storm class engraving. Later, when we get more engraving points, we invest them in Daring Blunt Weapon and Ambush Master. The points are distributed in the following order:
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Esoteric Storm - Increases the damage of all our elemental abilities.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Ambush Master - Ambush attack damage is increased by 5-25%.
Alternatively, we could also play with the following engravings:
Mass Increase - This engraving reduces attack speed by 10%, but increases our attack power by 4-18%.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Raid Captain - This increases our damage as a percentage of our movement speed.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Wardancer Build
For the War Dancer build, we're going for First Intention. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We invest our first engraving points in Grudge, Cursed Doll and First Intention, so we bring these three engravings to level 3. Later, when we get more engraving points, we invest them in Keen Blunt Weapon, Mass Increase, and Raid Captain. The engraving points are distributed in the following order:
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
First Intention - With this class engraving, we increase damage by 15-25%, but lose the ability to fill our identity. As a result, we cannot use esoteric skills.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Mass Increase - This engraving reduces attack speed by 10%, but increases our attack power by 4-18%.
Raid Captain - This increases our damage as a percentage of our movement speed.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Scrapper Build
For the Scrapper, we choose Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. The highest priority is our class engraving Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu, followed by Grudge and Adrenaline. We increase all three Engravings to level 3. If we get more Engraving points later, we invest them in Ambush Master, Cursed Doll, and Keen Blunt Weapon. The points are distributed in the following order.
Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu - With this engraving, we increase the regeneration of both energy bars of our identity. We're also increasing AI ability damage, but reducing Spirit ability damage.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Adrenaline - With this engraving, we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Ambush Master - Ambush attack damage is increased by 5-25%.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Soulfist Build
For the Soul Fist, we choose Energy Overflow. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. First, we're going to level our Energy Overflow class engraving to level 1. After that, we're going to increase Grudge and Adrenaline to level 3. If we get more engraving points later, we'll invest them in the Raid Captain, Keen Blunt Weapon, and Mass Increase engravings. The points are distributed in the following order:
Energy Overflow - The class engraving increases our damage when we fall below 30% of our energy.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Raid Captain - This increases our damage as a percentage of our movement speed.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Mass Increase - This engraving reduces attack speed by 10%, but increases our attack power by 4-18%.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Gunslinger Build
For the art shooter, we opt for Peacemaker. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. First we increase our class engraving Peacemaker to level 1. Then we increase our damage best with Grudge and Hit Master or Cursed Doll, so that we bring two of these engravings to level 3 for the time being. Later, when we get more Engrave Points, we bring Peacemaker to level 3 and invest more points in Keen Blunt Weapon and Adrenaline. The points are distributed in the following order:
Peacemaker - Our class engraving grants us a buff when changing weapons for a short time depending on the weapon.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Hit Master - This engraving grants 16% more damage to any ability that does not deal directional damage (front or ambush attacks).
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Blaster Build
For this Blaster build, we went for Firepower Enhancer. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. The first thing we're doing is bringing our Firepower Enhancer class engraving to level 1. This level is enough for this engraving since we do a better job of increasing our damage with the other two engravings, Grudge and Keen Blunt Weapon. If we get more Engrave Points at a later date, we'll invest them in Spirit Absorption, Adrenaline, Hit Master, and Cursed Doll. The points are distributed in the following order:
Firepower Enhancer - With our class engraving we reduce the incoming damage and at the same time increase our crit probability.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Crit damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Hit Master - This engraving grants 16% more damage to any ability that does not deal directional damage (front or back attack).
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. The natural regeneration
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Deadeye Build
For this Deathshooter build, we went for Enhanced Weapon. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. Priority for damage maximization is Grudge (higher damage) and Keen Blunt Weapon (higher crit damage). Our Enhanced Weapon class engraving can be left at level 1. Then we take care of further engravings. The points are distributed in the following order:
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Enhanced Weapon - Our class engraving increases the crit probability when switching weapons.
Ambush Master - Damage from successful ambushes is increased by 5-25%.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Sharpshooter (Hawkeye) Build
For the Sharpshooter, these are Death Strike and Loyal Companion. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. Our goal is to get Grudge and Hit Master to level 3 and our class engraving Death Strike to level 1. After that we focus on more engravings. The points are distributed in the following order:
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Hit Master - This engraving grants 16% more damage to any ability that does not deal directional damage (front or back attack).
Death Strike - Deathblow restores half of the concentration accumulated when our Falcon dies from Final Dash. In addition, all enemies hit by the self-destruct take 40% more damage for 8 seconds. However, this debuff only applies to us and not to the entire party.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Disrespect - We deal 9% more damage to enemies below 30% health.
Loyal Companion Build - If you choose Loyal Companion as your class engraving instead of Death Strike, you choose a passive companion that fights at your side a little longer and deals more damage. The hawk also grants buffs, causing the entire party to move faster and deal more damage.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Shadow Hunter
With the Shadow Hunter, we decide on Demonic Impulse. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We're going to level up our Demonic Impulse class engraving first. Then we're going to invest 15 points in Grudge and Hit Master, so we're going to level them up to level 3. When we get more engraving points, we invest them in our class engraving and then in further engravings. The points are distributed in the following order:
Demonic Impulse - With this engraving, there is no longer a cooldown for transitioning into demon form. At higher levels we increase our critical hit chance.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Hit Master - This engraving grants 16% more damage to any ability that does not deal directional damage (front or back attack).
Raid Captain - This increases our damage as a percentage of our movement speed.
Keen Blunt Weapon - Critical damage is increased by 10-50%, but all attacks deal less damage with some 20% chance.
Spirit Absorption - Increases attack and movement speed by 3-15%.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Lost Ark Best Engravings For Deathblade
For the Deathblade, we choose Remaining Energy. In addition to the class engraving, we distribute points into additional engravings that are available to all classes. We're starting with one tier of our Remaining Energy class engravings, and then leveling up both Super Charge and Grudge engravings to tier three. Now we can put more dots into our Remaining Energy class engraving. If we get more engraving points later, we invest them in Cursed Doll, Ambush Master and Adrenaline. The points are distributed in the following order:
Remaining Energy - With this engraving we get the same bonus as a buff when leaving the combat trance, which we otherwise have during the combat trance phase. Thus, we can use our identity ability twice in a row and thus leave the combat trance again without disadvantages.
Super Charge - Skills with Prepare have their damage increased by 4-20% while their prepare time is reduced by 8-40%.
Grudge - We take more damage from bosses, but we also deal more damage.
Cursed Doll - Attack power is increased while healing is reduced. However, natural regeneration is excluded from this.
Ambush Master - Ambush attack damage is increased by 5-25%.
Adrenaline - With this engraving we increase our attack power and our crit probability in battle.
Lost Ark Best Engravings Tier List
From our summary of the best engravings for each class above, it's not hard to see that some engravings apply to almost any build, which we can be considered as the best Engravings for all classes. So, we've sorted out the tier list of engravings in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark S Tier Engravings:
The best engravings that each class should concentrate on and will always be given precedence:
Class Engravings
Cursed Doll
Keen Blunt Weapon
Lost Ark A Tier Engravings
The top engravings practically all classes wish to pursue after getting their S-Tier engravings:
Ambush Master
Hit Master
Spirit Absorption
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