In this Elden Ring magic guide, we are going to be showing you the best level 50 sorcerer build which is an evolution of the mage build. This one is a pure ranged build and we will show you how to make this build work and how it plays around this level.
How To Build A Sorcerer At Level 50 In Elden Ring - Best Elden Ring Magic Build
Playing a mage in Elden Ring is trying to figure out how much fp does it going to cost you to defeat an enemy type. If you’ve been seeking to enhance your mage build then this is the best level 50 magic sorcerer build in Lost Ark. Thanks to Fextralife, this build is focused on using Meteorite Staff. Keep reading, we breakdown, attributes, equipment, and gameplay tips to make the best sorcerer build at level 50!
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Elden Ring Sorcerer Build Attributes
Vigor - 20
Mind - 20
Endurance - 14
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 18
Intelligence - 33
Faith - 6
Arcane - 9
You don't need that much dexterity on this Lost Ark magic sorcerer build. For dexterity, you're not really trying to increase your cast speed much with this build at least at this point of the game. You want more damage, so you could probably swap out points in dexterity and put them into intelligence or mind. Keep in mind that mind once you hit 20 like 20 mind from 21 onward, you get way more you get like double the fp per point, so you really definitely want to get from like 20 to 30 minds pretty quickly.
Because that's going to almost double your fp which is huge. We also have 20 vigor there for health to make sure that we don't get one shot at it. Obviously, you're not planning on getting hit as a mage, you could go glass cannon. If you want and dump the vigor and put it into intelligence so that you're killing things. Intelligence is obviously self-explanatory, it boosts the damage of your spells by increasing your sorcery scaling and it also is the requirement for a lot of the sorceries in the game, so you need to keep increasing this as much as you can.
Elden Ring Sorcerer Build Equipment
Weapons - Meteorite Staff
Meteorite Staff has sorcery scaling and the sorcery scaling on this will just continue to do very well the higher your intelligence goes. Because of that sorcery scaling, you can't upgrade this weapon but you don't need to. It does very well until the late game. So at this point in the game, you should be using the Meteorite Staff, if you've been using the Demi-Human Queen’s Staff or if you're using the Academy Glinstone Staff or some other staff. At this point in the game, you should switch over to Meteorite. The Meteorite Staff will carry you until you can use the endgame staffs which mildly outperform this staff. There's really no reason to use anything else but this staff so if you don't have this staff go ahead and go get it as quick as you can.
All we're really concerned with on the staff for the most part is the sorcery scaling. This is the number on the staff that increases with your intelligence. So the more intelligence or less intelligence you have, the more this is going to change and the better scaling you have on staff, the more this number will increase or decrease depending on what your intelligence is. Meteorite Staff has s scaling, so that's top tier. Therefore, you should be using this until you reach the end game. If you have two stabs that have the same sorcery scaling and everything else is equal, they're going to do the same damage for each spell it doesn't matter what the name of them is, how much you've upgraded them, it doesn't matter.
There are other passive bonuses for instance the Meteorite Staff boosts gravity sorcery, so the rock sling spell which you use with this build is going to be boosted. Additionally on top of that sorcery scaling making this staff better for that spell than maybe some other staff that has the same sorcery scaling at its upgrade.
Weapons - Ash of War: Determination
Ash of War is another weapon you're going to want for this Elden Ring magic build. You want to hold it in your right hand and the staff in your left. So that when you use l2, you can buff yourself with the termination. If you don't attack anything with determination for that 10 second period that you're buffed, you're actually going to buff your spell damage by 60% for that 10 seconds. Even if you hit something with one spell, you can keep hitting them as long as it's in that 10-second window and this costs 10 fp. It's very situational, you're not going to use it all the time because it's not cost-efficient. A big part of playing a mage is being efficient with your fp so that you can make it to the next checkpoint and not run out of fp.
Talismans - Graven-School Talisman, Radagon Icon, Blessed Dew Talisman
Graven-School Talisman boosts the damage of your sorceries by a small percentage. It's not very much but every little bit helps. Radagon Icon is used to increase the speed at which you cast spells, it doesn't do it again by very much. Blessed Dew Talisman slowly regenerates your health over time, it's not very good for boss fights. But it's excellent for exploration particularly when you're loaded up on the fp side of things flask-wise and you take a little bit of damage. Blessed Dew Talisman heals up that little bit so that you can save that healing potion for when you really need it.
Heads - Queen’s Crescent Crown
Queen’s Crescent Crown increases your mind, intelligence, faith, and arcane. You don't really need the faith in arcane, but the mind and intelligence are nice from it to give you some more fp and to give you a little bit more damage. You do take more damage from wearing it, it's not a lot but it's also a good option. Queen’s Crescent Crown increases your intelligence by 3, it's pretty lightweight doesn't have any downsides.
Armor Sets - Carian Knight Armor, Carian Knight Gauntlets, Carian Knight Greaves
As far as the rest of the armor goes, wear the heaviest you can in order to get as much protection as possible. Carian Knight set's kind of nice it looks kind of cool, but you can use whatever you feel like here.
Elden Ring Sorcerer Gameplay Tips
Glintstone Pebble
You should have been using Glintstone Pebble from the beginning of the game. What's great about this spell is it's cheap and it has a very good range and it can be spam. You're going to use this spell through the entire game, it will literally be the staple of your build through the entire game.
Great Glintstone Shard
Great Glintstone Shard for this build is very situational because it has a lot higher fp cost even though its damage is more substantial than Glintstone Pebble and it has a much much shorter range. This spell is for very aggressive enemies, particularly ones that try to get to you and melee very quickly and that don't dodge. This is a better way of getting damage out faster than spamming for Glintstone Pebble when things are charging you because you're doing about 70% to 80% more damage than a Glintstone Pebble and you can cast them at almost the same speed as Glintstone Pebble. So if you need to get damage out quickly because something's charging at you in your face, then Great Glintstone Shard is the way to go.
Glintstone Arc
Glintstone Arc is a very situational spell that's very good at airing enemies. You don't have a lot of AoE with the way we're set up, this is a very good AoE spell for packs of enemies. There are parts of the games that are like clusters of enemies and this passes through enemies. So it doesn't just hit the first one and stop it goes through the whole pack and it spreads out.
Rock Sling
Rock Sling does physical damage and that's fantastic because there are a lot of enemies, particularly in the learning of the lakes area that is magic resistant. This allows us to deal substantial damage to those enemies where we might have a harder time with Glintstone Pebble. So you definitely want this, it's very good in the ranula fight. If you buff this with like determination and then just spam this during the renault fight, you'll absolutely obliterate her, it's very strong.
Loretta’s Greatbow
Loretta’s Greatbow has tremendous range and pretty good damage. You can absolutely cheese just tons of enemies particularly out on the landscape with this spell where you just stand right outside their aggro range and wait for them to retreat and keep spamming it. So if you're having a hard time with some of the bosses on the landscape, this can be a game-changer for you. If you're in a legacy dungeon and you need to get something that's sniping you or very far away it's really good and remember that you can buff a determination before casting it in order to increase its damage by 60.
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