Sacred Seals are necessary if you want to make your incantations work in Elden Ring. What is the best seal for incantations and where is it located? Let’s take a look at 5 of the best Elden Ring sacred seals for faith builds to get high incantation scaling and how to get them.
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Elden Ring Best Sacred Seal for Faith Build - Top 5 Best Seal for Incantations in Elden Ring
Sacred seals in Elden Ring are weapons for casting incantations and are usually tied to the Faith. When picking the best Elden Ring seals for faith build, what should you consider first? From the below top 5 sacred seals by Arekkz Gaming, the incantation scaling and item bonus are the priorities.
The first thing you want to know is about attribute scaling and incantation scaling, how do they work? For other weapons, we tend to just look at the attribute scaling, which affects your attack power, but when you are looking at Sacred Seals, you also want to look at the incantation scaling, this is the primary thing that will cause your incantations to do more damage. The higher the number, the more damage you will do. So, if you want to get high damage output, the incantation scaling value of seals is important.
Another thing to take into account is that some seals have additional damage bonuses for a particular school of incantations such as Frenzied Flame Seal buffs Frenzied Flame Incantations by 20. If you are looking to build around a certain type of incantation, then it may be better to pick up the seal with the buff to that incantation type to get more out of it. You can also power stance or off-hand another sacred seal to stack bonuses. The off-hand doesn’t even need to be upgraded for you to get the benefits.
Best Sacred Seal in Elden Ring & Location (How to Get)
1. Erdtree Seal
The first one is the Erdtree Seal, this is the best mid to late game seal for faith build, it scales well on the higher end of the soft caps, and it scales very well between 70 to 80 faith points outperforming most other seals. It does require 40 faith.
How to get Erdtree Seal: To get this sacred seal, you want to go to Volcano Manor and go to the Prison Town Church Site of Grace, it is found on a corpse in a cell in the lower area, simply run across the roofs and fall down to access the cell with the seal.
2. Dragon Communion Seal
If you like dragon incantations or are running around as a bloodlust bandit, then this is the seal you should use, it has good scaling for Elden Ring arcane and faith builds, but also can scale well with just arcane, it also benefits from having an additional 15 bonus to dragon incantations. This seal requires 10 faith and 10 arcane, so it’s a little bit easier to use. As its location is in Limgrave, you can get it very early in the game.
How to get Dragon Communion Seal: Head over to the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace, you will need two Stonesword Keys to get this and it can be found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave, progress down the tunnel with the mechanized chariot until at the end of the path, go either up or down, the seal in the room being guarded by the knights, kill the enemy to get the weapon.
3. Golden Order Seal
Golden Order Seal, this is a very good weapon for mages looking to spec into some faith, as it scales well for builds with both intelligence and faith, it does have a bonus to Golden Order incantations, but they are often limited to buffs and not really sort of offensive spells, it is not a huge benefit like some of the other sacred seals, this one requires 17 intelligence and 17 faith.
How to get Golden Order Seal: Golden Order Seal is located in Leyndell Royal Capital, you want to go to the Minor Erdtree Church Site of Grace, this one is super easy to get it's found near the church on a dead body.
4. Godslayer's Seal
Godslayer's Seal is a great starter seal to upgrade for pure faith builds for mid to late until you get something better, you get access to the 10 bonus for the Godslayer Incantations as the black flame can be very strong at melting boss health bars with it, this requires 4 strength and 27 faith.
How to get Godslayer's Seal: this one is located in Stormveil Castle if you go to the Rampart Tower Site of Grace, you can then make your way into the courtyard into a cellar which is closed off by a Stonesword key, use that go in open the chest and you will get the seal.
5. Finger Seal
Finger Seal is basically the best seal for beginners, if you're looking to dip your toes into incantations and you don't know where to start, this is the seal you can go with, it is super accessible.
How to get Finger Seal: you can buy this in the Roundtable Hold from the Maiden Husks for Elden Ring runes, even though it is a starter seal and it doesn't have any additional bonuses, it does still have decent scaling for faith points, and it only has a requirement of 4 strength and 10 faith.