The April Roadmap of Lost Ark is becoming clearer and we will therefore be able to take advantage of the new class Glaivier and new continent Bern-Sud soon, eagerly awaited by players. How you can prepare for this new April update for playing a new Lance Master class in general and what you should be doing on this boosted character right after you finish the boosting process? In this Lost Ark guide, we will break down the release date of the Glaivier and things to do before Lance Master Releases.
When will Glaivier be Released in Lost Ark?
The launch of the new class Glaivier is covered in Lost Ark’s April Roadmap, but the exact release date has not been officially announced. But we do believe that Glaivier will be releasing on next Thursday so that is April 14th, the reason for that is because the login rewards and the grand prix event all end on April 14th, which means they are going to be adding new content to the game.
How To Prepare for Glaivier & April Update in Lost Ark?
Now if you are really excited about the Glaivier and can't wait to try new builds with this class, then the following preparations can help you upgrade it to the T3 progression as soon as possible:
1. Make A New Female Marital Artist
Glaivier is an advanced class from the female martial artist, so we do suggest you make her in order to start collecting rested bonus on your guardian raids and Chaos dungeons. So once you’ve made your female martial artist, you are going to spawn on Trixian. Obviously, you will not be able to select Glaivier as one of your advanced classes now, but that’s not a big issue, just leave her in Trixian, once Glaivier comes out you will be able to select her as an advanced class and this character will then have full rest bonus for her guardian raids and her chaos dungeons. As long as you have a character who is already in the end game of Lost Ark meaning that they're already running Chaos engines are already running guardian raids. This will be massive because getting double rewards for the first couple of days is actually helpful for boosting your Glaivier into getting into T3 and catching up to your main character.
2. Things To Do for Collecting Gear Honing Materials for Glaivier
We're going to talk a lot about gear honing materials in the first part of this guide, obviously, because the boost leaves you at 960 (required a 50 level character on your character) once the April update launch and you want to start the tier 3 content at 1302 as soon as possible.
Caldarr Fusion Material
Caldarr Fusion Material is something that you can craft right now at your housing plot, take your time to farm yourself the materials, so you don't have to buy them later when you're going to need them. We need this Caldarr Fusion Material in order to get from plus 8 which is 960, all the way to 1100 which is plus 15.
Stronghold Research Roster Help - Tier 2
There's fantastic research you can have to increase the chances of success for tier 2 honing and decrease the cost of XP upgrading on items, it is very important to have this, almost mandatory basically. So go to your stronghold, find this research and get it done before the patch hits. You still have plenty of time to do it, but don't forget about it it's going to be very useful for your honing chances in tier 2 for this boosted character.
Guardian Raid Event
Buy all of tier 2 honing books and store them in your roster warehouse. These items expire on the 28th of April by the way and at the moment of this guide we can not confirm when Lost Ark April's patch is going to arrive, so if you buy these you might not get to use them. But chances are that the update will be on April 14th regardless of what they cost which is a bit of your time farming and easy boss fight, it's really worth buying them. And taking the chance that the patch is going to arrive on the 28th and these items are going to expire by then, you won't get the chance to use them.
Pirate Coin Exchange
Same as the guardian raids you can get them at least three times before the new patch hits, that's 2,700 armor stones and 900 weapon stones from this exchange. If you have several characters and enough pirate coins, each character can buy these and stack them up in your account warehouse - a mere two characters at item level 802 or higher can actually be allowed to purchase them, means over 5,000 armor stones and 2 000 weapon stones by the time this patch hits with the boost. You can really go wild here depending on how many characters and how many pirate coins you have.
Sylmeal Bloodstone Merchant
Guild token exchange 1800 armor stones and 700 weapon stones from here, same story with the characters, the more characters you have assuming they are in guilds and you've done your donations for the guilds thus you have still mild bloodstones, the more of these you can buy.
Chaos Dungeon Extra Runs
Farming tier 2 extra chaos dungeon runs now is another thing that will help you prepare for this boosted character. After you finish your daily Dungeons of the Chaos dungeons at whatever tier is appropriate for your character, you can just go to tier 2 dungeons and over farm them to get some tokens. These tokens can be actually placed in the account warehouse, where your boosted out can use them later on. You need to have farmed enough to empty a week's worth of mats but there's plenty of time to do so until the patch hits. This would give your boosted character a total of 750 armor stones, 250 weapon stones, 7500 shards and 30 leap stones.
Run Tier 2 Maps
Another thing you can do is run Tier 2 secret maps and this is actually very important because shards are crucial and you need a lot of them, as a free-to-play player without buying them from the auction house. Again you have at least three resets until the patch, so you can easily get a minimum of 6 Tier 2 maps, let's say you buy two a week or even nine if you buy all three a week (if you have somehow not consumed your shards so far). Finding three other players who want to rotate these maps is almost a must as your loot quadruples basically, so it's 24 maps in total. Farming tier 2 secret dungeons right now is very important, assuming your boosted character to 960 would want to get fast to tier 3 content.
Farming PvP Tokens
Farming PvP tokens - a shared currency across all of your characters, this will instantly give your boosted character 12,000 live shards, 1600 armor shards, 320 weapon stones, and 28 leap stones, since you can go to the PvP merchant and buy these things with tokens. This requires you to have played enough PvP to reach a weekly Rank 4 on your account (actually if you're into PvP, you can possibly reach even higher ranks thus unlocking more materials.
Anguished Island Merchant
Buy Life Leapstone Chest (50 leapstones in total from here) on your main even now and place it in the roster warehouse for the boosted character.
Proper Engravings
Engravings are a great way to prepare your Glaivier for when it comes. Engravings right now are cheap because of the Naroni event, so buying engravings that Glaviers use or you will use on on a Glavier in the future is actually a great idea to do now.
To sum up, with the above preparation ways so far, assuming you have two characters of tier 2 or above you get roughly:
11 000 guardian stones
3 700 weapon stones
110 leap stones
20 000 life shards
Plus if you do secret maps, an average of 25 000 more life shards assuming you have four characters and rotating
In terms of lock items, you're going to have roughly:
70 moon's breath again from the same secret maps of tier 2
30 armor books & 6 weapon books from the event raid
These are the average honing resources we need to get from plus 8 where the boost leaves us all the way to plus 15, where we want to be swapped to tier 3 for the armor and weapons.
3. Things To Do for Collecting More T3 Mats After Finishing The Boosting Process
What you should be doing on your boosted character right after you finish the boosting process? Let’s get into the second part of the guide.
Dailies & Weeklies
The first thing to do is finish your dailies and take your weeklies. We need stuff that gives us life shards as a main reward three dailies and three weeklies combined give you roughly 5,000 shards.
Abyssal Dungeons
Then you should jump into the tier 2 abyssal dungeons and do all five of them at 960, by now people already know the mechanics, so it shouldn't be a big deal even if you bug or lfg. At the end of each, buy the extra loot, five abyssal dungeons with the extra box purchased combined give you roughly 10 000 shards, 75 leapstones, 1500 armor stones, 500 weapon stones, plus some extra mats from dismantling some of the gear. On top of that, you can also keep some of the gear that you get in order for your character to be stronger for other content that you're going to have to do.
Fatespire Tower
After the abyssals for the mats and the gear, jump into the fade spire tower, all the floors until item level 940 are very doable as a 960 character and they give you a total of 32 000 shards, 90 leapstones, 3 000 armor stones and also 400 weapon stones.
Rank 3 Guardian Raids
Exit the tower and go to rank 3 guardian raids, all of them quite easy for a 960 character. Don't harvest the soul for any of the rank 3 guardians, just do them for the first time reward box and also to unlock the rank 4. Then you can finish rank 4 the first the second and also later on the third guardian, so in rank 4, you can also harvest the guardian soul in total 6 First Time Completion Boxes plus 2 full loots. Assuming you just do two rank 4 and four rank 3 guardians, that's roughly 500 armor stones, 150 weapon stones, and 50 leapstones plus some extra materials from dismantling the accessories that you get.
Tier 2 Chaos Dungeons
After the guardians, jump into the tier 2 chaos dungeons. We know this makes us unable to let's say get the tier 3 gear, even if we do achieve 1100 now, but as a free-to-play player, you won't achieve 1100 without spending gold on the missing materials. So if you are not planning to spend Lost Ark gold then might do your chaos dungeons, as well combined these two runs of chaos dungeons with full loot gives you give you roughly 10 000 shards, 250 weapon stones, 750 armor stones, and 20 leapstones.
Story Dungeons: Feiton + Yorn
Lastly worth mentioning the tier 2 story dungeons since you get placed in Kalaya from the boost, you can do Feiton in Cave of Sin and Ruin Castle both in normal and hard mode, in total they give you 9 000 shards, 18 leapstones, 240 weapon stones, and 720 armor stones. And then Yorn also has the arc of arrogance and wonderful brewery for a total of 3000 shards and a little bit of the other materials.
By this point totaling up everything we discussed above, we are getting:
115000 Life Shards
370 Leapstones
70 Moon's Breath
18000 Armor Stones
5000 Weapon Stones
Now you can continue and attempt to finish the fate spire tower, the remaining levels, totaled up give you another 30 000 life shards, 150 leapstone, and all of the armor and weapon stones that we still need to reach max roll's average calculation.
After all of this, you're left with basically three options to gather the remaining 120 000 shards that you need and also around 450 leapstones:
Tier 2 Island Quests - maybe you have some tier 2 islands that you haven't finished already on any of your characters on that account
Buy with Gold - you can buy these missing materials with gold from the auction house
Play the Daily/Weekly Content as It Comes - you can wait for the daily and weekly resources, the normal way of progressing at a slower pace
If you're in a hurry to finish Tier 2 all in one day, that's absolutely possible the missing materials is going to cost you around 26k gold or 27k gold at current prices. If you're in a hurry and planning to spend some gold on boosting your glavier all the way to tier 3 in one day, then obviously you shouldn't be doing the chaos dungeons for tier 2, but just buy a little bit more and compensate for the missing materials from the kiosk dungeons. Definitely worth honing your gear as you go, you don't actually have to farm everything and in the end start honing.
4. Making Gold By Selling These Items
Lastly, we would like to talk about ways of making gold in case you're a player who is not interested in boosting a character or playing the glavier, but just want to make a little bit of profit on the side from this new patch.
The things that you need to sell are surely the following:
Life Shards
Life Leapstones
Armor Stones
Weapon Stones
The other materials are also going to rise in price compared to what they are now because even if it is possible to have all of these two materials that you need from plus 8 to plus 15 on your boosted character, people are still going to look to buy them from the broker.

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