In this guide, we'll take a look at some best end game armor sets in Elden Ring that everyone should get, which look extremely unique and very cool. We list their altered versions that will make your question your own wardrobe.
Top 6 Best Elden Ring End Game Armors
Before you begin farming some of these sets, having a high arcane rating or at least some item discovery, there are a few items that help with that, especially some of these silver pickled foul foot, you can farm for these you will get some of these if you are later in the game, but there's also a crafting recipe.
1. Banished Knight Set & Altered
This set has both default and an alternative version to it which both drop as separate items from the banished knight enemies. So no using a suing kit will not help to change between these two versions, you will need to farm for these pieces independently.
The three spots that you can use:
- Cathedral of Dragon's Communion: This is the easiest the enemy spawns right there by the side of grace. So you can farm it quite easily, it also uses the alternate chest piece with a regular helmet, but it can drop the non-alternate versions as well.
- Stormville Castle: The same goes with the one in the room on the secondary path in Stormville Castle. You can also farm for this, this one features the helmet without the scarf, but can drop any piece from the set.
- Castle Sol: There is another option in Castle Sol in the mountain tops, you can use the lift and then descend from the rooftop jumping onto the inner wall section. There's going to be another Banish Knight protected by two wolves, but this one is a bit too difficult and it's quite hard to jump back at that side of grace.
There's gonna be two variants, the first one is going to be the scarf variant as in the one with the normal head and the alternate chest piece.
But the better-looking version is going to be with the alternate headpiece and the normal chest piece. This is the better-looking version, that's a bit more rare. It has the cape for the chess piece which looks really awesome and especially if you combine it with the helmet which also has a bunch of dreads slash, some kind of hair that goes down the spine. This is going to be one of the coolest looking knight sets that you can get well relatively early in the game if you're lucky to get these alternate versions.
2. Beast Champion Set & Altered
This is another one that has a chess piece that looks better when it's not altered. So this one drops from Knight Bernahl after defeating him, but you have a couple of options here, either at the start of the game immediately go to the war master shack and defeat him which is going to give you the armor or if you want his part of the questline at the volcano manor, wait until you do that part of the questline, finish the volcano manor contracts and he's also going to give you his contract. From that point on, if you complete that, he's going to spawn and invade you at the Crumbling Azula. Besides the bridge waypoint, you will want to head over opposite of cat’s boss room, head inside this big building with a big balcony on the right and descend using this balcony ladder.
Once you reach this point, he is going to invade you at the end of the bridge right before this room with the chest inside. And once you defeat him, he's going to drop the really awesome armor set with the altered version of the chess piece and two really strong weapons. At first, the set might look a bit underwhelming and that's because you haven't unaltered that chess piece, so you can go ahead, use a sewing kit. This one features an exquisite blue collar cape with golden accents an over piece cloth and what it is some kind of jewelry on the back.
3. Black Flame Monk Set Location
A more medium armor for anyone who likes black flame spells or wants to cosplay as a god skin, kind of great sword user, it's entirely farmable from the black flame monk enemies and there's a couple of them that you can find one of them is in the basement of the divine tower of caled very close to the side of grace, farmable before the boss room, so it's an easy way to do it. But there's also another one really close to the temple of a glade towards the volcano manor, easy to farm but you will have to defeat the god skin boss inside of the church, so that you can have the set of grace available for an easier farm. The chess piece features some kind of head with one eye, a full on face over their full metal looks really awesome and also the arms and the feet feature similar metal sections that combined with the cloth makes it really stand out.
4. Fire Monk Armor Set Location
There is also an alternate version of this which is the fire monk set, it has a fire thing going on and you have to farm those from the fire monks that you can find either at the entrance in castle, lay it in mount gelmer as you make your way towards the volcano manor or you can also find one before the entrance in the guardians garrison in the mountain tops. That one also has similar attack patterns so you can farm either of these. But the set looks way better than the bland kind of like gray version, it's a matter of choice. There's also a slight difference between these two sets, they both weight about the same, but one of them has a slightly bigger poise 39 for the black flame while the one with the red flames only has 34. But the fire variant also gives better resistance especially to fire damage.
5. Finger Print Armor Location
This is easy to acquire, you don't have to farm any enemies in particular, you just have to head over very close to the same spot you use to farm the fire monk set. There's going to be the lord contenders ever gold really close to the side of grace, which is going to put against Knight Vyke, a really annoying enemy that tends to roll all over the place. But once you defeat them, they give you armament enchant and the fingerprint armor set. There is only a couple of armor sets in all Elden Ring that feature a purple color scheme and this is the one that has the most amount of purple ish going on. It looks really awesome only weighs about 25, so quite a bit less than the black flame monk set and it provides slightly less resistance to that, but a lot more poise at 40. So it's definitely going to be worth it, it also has a more rogueish static, it's not as bulky as the previous sets, so it seems to be on the lighter side and definitely fits that theme.
6. Silver Pickled Fowl Foot Blueprint and Easy Farm
This is the last very unique armor set in Elden Ring. You can farm this in a couple of locations, the earliest being the village of the albino wrecks, there's a depraved perfumer enemy, the one that throws the explosive mist at you, so having a ranged character or using ranged attacks against them for a much easier farm. You can also farm it at Shaded Castle towards the North of Altus Plateau, there are even more of these enemies especially on the outer and inner walls and you can more easily farm it and they don't seem to be too much different than the one in the albanorex village. Once you get it, you can look pretty cool especially like the chess piece with the cape looks really unique, you kind of have this cold fur going on the back with some red accents in the inside part of it looks really awesome at least for the chess piece and you also get to rock it very early in the game, but it's going to be on the lighter side, so it doesn't have much in terms of defenses if you're looking for that.
As far as that silver pickled foul food, you do need to farm a bunch of items for these. So if you want to get the recipe for that, you need to head over to this church of America as you make your way over in called, you have to defeat an invader and it's going to be on the side of grace, from this point on you will need some raw fruits so you can find 6 just around the first step side of grace. So very early on in the game, all the recipe is craftable with very early on items, the same goes with the silver fireflies, you can find them in the grove side cave which is one of the earliest caves you can jump into at the start of the game with the wolves. And finally the foul tower the fowl foot, there's a bunch of eagles in the starting area as well as in the weeping peninsula, all around some of these ledges, you can find a ton of them even at the church of America and you can farm for them quite easy to get a ton of these silver pickled foul foods.