Where you should go and what you should do first after choosing your class and customizing your character in the lost ark?
The start of the game can be very confusing, especially for new players, because of the numerous features available if you've just started or are about to begin your journey, but don't know what to do first, then this lost art beginner guide is for you in previous lost art character creation guide.
Lost Ark Beginner Guide 2022- 10 Things You Should Know In Lost ark!
1. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - How to level up efficiently?
How combat and trade skills work, the ways of lost ark level up quickly, given the volume of distinct quest types available in the lost ark.
Lost ark quest- Main story quests
If you'd rather skip the lore altogether to hit max level, then you'll have to prioritize main story quests which are identified as detailed orange icons, you immediately start one right after the prologue note that similar to closed beta, you'll start the game at level 10 with the advanced class of your choice alongside.
Lost ark quest- Cider common quests
Cider common quests with yellow icons that look like the less detailed versions of the main story quests, they are general quests that provide more background on the NPCs in certain areas.
Lost ark quest- Sudden or emergency quests
Sudden or emergency quests require you to kill enemies in zones, the problem with side quests, however, is they don't provide you with as many experience points, even if some of them can be done with the main story quests as such.
Lost ark quest- Chain quests
Chain quests are yellow chain quests that offer additional statin skill potions and valuable rewards like silver you can do them with main story quests.
Lost ark quest- Pertinent quests
It will be better to revisit them at a later time instead the other pertinent quests that you should take are adventure or guide quests and lost ark chain quests guide quests are purple coloured quests that give you tutorials on specific activities and features in lost art in particular.
You need to obtain the learning about pets and better together quests, while taking care of the pets helps improve your performance in combat, they'll also automatically loot all of the items on the ground after an encounter or when you unlock treasure chests, they can even remove the teleportation fee that you would usually spend when travelling via Triports.
2. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - Fast-Travel to multiple Areas
When you arrive at pride home, you have to complete the town where light lingers quest to receive your very first mount afterwards remember to place the corresponding icon onto your Hotbar, so you can easily summon it when you need to mounts allowing you to quickly traverse from one area to the next with the auto move functionality which is activated upon pressing.
You can multitask by gearing up and allocating skill points to gallop further by jumping hit the space bar from time to time, it's worth noting that you can gain access to better mounts to hasten your movement speed, you're able to access them after completing a specific percentage of the adventurous tome which you can check by hitting.
To increase the specific percentage, as is often the case in the lost ark, you'll need to travel via Triport which are teleportation hubs note that you don't have to go to a tripod. To travel to another Triport wherever you are on the map, as long as you've discovered the tripod, you're about to head to you're all set simply select it, and then spend some silver. Last but not least is the sheet music that you obtained from completing specific lost ark quests.
3. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - How combat skills work
No need to equip and actively use these lost ark skills to level them up, you'll gain a pool of points, this allows you to invest in any of the skills, you want to use without any restrictions.
Additionally, combat skills are much more nuanced than they initially appear to be at levels 4 7 and 10, you'll be able to specialize further by choosing from several options per upgrade tier to grant additional bonuses in combat, this is also known as the tripod system. You're a shadow hunter and you have enough points to maximize your demonic clone skill at skill level 7, you can choose from one of the three tripods.
What makes the lost ark combat skills and tripod system highly flexible is the fact that you can easily respect the skill point allocation, in either of them whenever you want at no cost furthermore, you can save skill presets or load-outs which lets you freely switch from one build to the next.
4. Lost Ark Beginner Guide 4- How do lost ark trade skills work?
You'll also gain access to lost ark life or lost ark trade skills by completing lost ark guide quests, such as mining trade skills are used to gather materials to craft items and consumables, at the cost of expending a limited resource known as work energy which is account-based,
If this becomes too low, you have to wait for a couple of days before you continue using a particular trade skill progressing, these skills take a long time to do, it's better to get started with it while you're levelling up doing so prevents you from backtracking after you've reached max level to lost ark level up your trade skills by gathering materials.
The six trade skills in the lost ark:
- Gathering plants and flowers to craft potions logging
- Cutting down trees to gain wood to improve your stronghold mining
- Mining ore to craft weapons and bombs hunting
- Gathering animal parts to cook food fishing
- Acquiring fish to cook food and excavating
- Unearthing relics
5. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - Survive and handle Dungeon Quests
Upon completing lost ark quests, you'll accumulate two types of healing potions. For those that restore a set amount of hp and those that regenerate a specific percentage of hp instead, it's important to stock up on both of them to help you survive tougher encounters between these two potions and avoid using the ones that restore a percentage of your hp. As you'll need them for end game content, specifically you'll use them in high-level dungeons and raids.
Using them at this stage in the game, they're difficult to obtain later on, they're also part of the adventurous tome reward pack when you finish a certain percentage. What the continent has to offer normal dungeon quests are those you can complete solo and rather quickly.
6. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - What Gear Score Means
How your lost ark gear fits into the equation?
From levels 10 to 60, you shouldn't worry about this, since you'd be swapping gear every two or three levels anyway, but it's also good to know how each piece of equipment works to better prepare you for end game content in total.
All of the gear you equip should provide you with a cumulative gear score by the time, you hit level 50, you can expect to have a gear score of at least 250. At the end game, the higher your gear score is, the more content you unlock, every piece of equipment contributes to the overall combat effectiveness of your lost ark character, some improve stats such as strength and dexterity where others grant permanent bonuses in particular weapons and armor enhance basic stats.
7. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - The Significance of Engravings
You'll be able to enhance accessories via lost ark engravings, lost ark engravings are further divided into two categories, one for your class which would determine the playstyles, you wish to adopt and one for combat.
On the other hand are other powerful special effects that further enhance stats damage and abilities, at this stage of the lost ark, you don't have to invest in lost ark engravings, but like with lost ark gear, it's best to know how they work and what you can do about these? While you find them when levelling up lost ark engravings are obtained from accessories and ability stones, so make sure to save them for later.
There are three levels for every lost ark engraving, whether it relates to ambush damage or max mp to unlock special effects in levels one two and three, you need to accrue points at increments of five by equipping several accessories with lost ark engravings on them.
8. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - Upgrade Stronghold Facilities
You'll receive the stronghold ceremony quest to gain access to your stronghold, which is the lost ark's housing feature to be able to teleport here quickly you simply have to play the song of hearth and home that you learn by completing the same lost ark quest strongholds.
Not only allow you to customize and decorate structures, but grant boosts discounts and resources to upgrade gear. With improved welfare, you'll be able to reduce the consumption of action energy when performing stronghold related activities, similar to trade skills, action energy is replenished over time.
The maximum action energy cap is approximately fifteen thousand, which you can't go beyond, so be sure to constantly check your facilities to see if there are activities that you can research and perform for the day to have them ready by the time,
You reach the end game, the following five stronghold facilities should be upgraded:
- The lab was used for research to unlock features, like upgrades and crafting recipes;
- The crafting workshop is used to craft battle items, like potions bombs and food;
- Gathered via trade skills here you can also make trade skill tools;
- Stronghold furnishings station used to send sailors and pets on special missions to obtain valuable resources, like the Mioceneries in monster hunter rise training camp, used to passively train alternate lost ark characters.
- Go beyond the max level before using, this facility manor is used to build structures that grant bonuses, like reduced action energy cost and crafting time at level 35.
9. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - Sail the Seven Seas
You'll receive the set sail quest which will give you a tutorial about sailing, sailing allows you to reach other islands of Arkesia, there are a lot of various activities that you can engage in, as you sail the seven seas until you complete the main story or world quests.
You should consider unlocking better ships and upgrading them, thereafter to maximize your sailing efficiency, moreover, other activities require you to spend luck points, these include fishing which you should do regardless. To level up the corresponding trade skill, hunting treasure chests and recovering floating cargo doing, so will grant rewards like pirate coins you can use this to recruit more crew members.
10. Lost Ark Beginner Guide - Create Alternate Character
Upgrade your ship by creating alternate lost ark characters in the lost ark isn't necessary. All lost ark characters will help you complete more dailies and weeklies for extra rewards which you can then funnel into crafting gear that your main lost ark character needs. Since you won't be able to transfer equipment, you're likely to avoid spending real money to further progress in the lost ark, dailies and weeklies are activities such as chaos dungeons and abyss raids to name a few there's also a rest bonus system which helps you stay on top of these daily lost ark quests, this incentivizes you to continue playing.
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