DLC in Elden Ring is becoming more of a big topic as many players have worked their way to the main story now and wondering what's next for the game in terms of content. Will Elden Ring DLC place with huge areas, a new story to enjoy often, and the best boss fight experience? This is a discussion about the potential Elden Ring DLC update, including the release date, new characters, weapons, locations, and more.
Elden Ring DLC Leaks: Release Date, Characters, Weapons, Bosses & Locations
Most games from Software had big DLC updates after their initial launch adding entirely new regions to explore alongside important story updates. The story or law is often tied to what we originally experienced in the main release and can be even hinted at in the main game. The thing is with Elden ring being the biggest game they've ever released, you have to expect that the DLC that hopefully is coming is of equal scale, perhaps maybe the biggest DLC they'll ever release. Today, we are going to look at the huge Elden Ring DLC Datamine and our speculation as to what the Elden Ring DLC release could actually involve naturally.
Elden Ring DLC Release Date
Elden Ring DLC could arrive around Fall 2022.
Elden Ring DLC Locations
When you've unveiled the map in full, there's this massive cloud in the middle of the water, bang on in the middle of the whole map that would be a good spot for a whole region wouldn't it. There's more than enough space to work there and it would perfectly fit into the map as it currently is. Of course that doesn't necessarily need to be the case, they have lots of room to use in the underworld or they could just slap new regions on the side of our current map and that'd be fine. It'd grow in size like maybe how it did in your original playthrough, but it does make you think what could be there hidden by that cloud. Not long after initial release actually was how while there is this cloud in the middle, there's also all the towers of the world that when you put them together and line them up, they point to the middle of the world and at that cloud. If you were to go to the location there in the middle of the world, using maybe the torrent flying trick or literally just fly there with cheat engine. There's a massive square a sort of tile that is missing from the world, very unusual to see something like that in this game almost as if it was something intentionally removed from that location.
(Source from Reddit: u/thehungynerd117)
Elden Ring DLC Characters/Stories
Miquella, the child of Radigan America is found in-game stuck in a cocoon moog. As we know the law took Miquella from the haligtree which was Miquella's attempt to grow a tree that could perhaps purge the rot from Malenia. Mohg was attempting to resolve Miquella's problem for his own purposes taking Miquella from this child state that he is stuck in and the demigod state to a full adult and true godhood. Mohg wants to create his own dynasty as the consort to Miquella. So once Miquella was fully grown and got in truth, he could use that for his own purposes. Obviously, we get in the way of that through this optional content, but you know it is optional, it's not tied to the story. Maybe in Elden Ring DLC update, Mohg's attempt was actually working, Miquella could successfully grow and become a relevant threat to the world. Miquella despite that demi-god status and the child body was very powerful and was able to actually grow the massive haligtree with his own blood. So he had great power and potential even Gideon the all-knowing confirms that Miquella is in slumber rather than dead.
Elden Ring DLC Weapons
Another final detail from the Elden Ring DLC data mines actually is a unique weapon we don't see in the full release. A Twinblade that's tied to Malenia and Miquella. Miquella and his sister were born from inseparable fate. The blades contain the Runes of both Abundance and Decay. Miquella is being a big part of a DLC if that were to happen.
Elden Ring DLC Bosses
Rykard and his Serpent family. Rykard is another child of Radigan could be a major player in possible DLC. When you defeat him when he's combined with that snake, he doesn't actually die and even says so himself, he says this when you defeat him, no one will hold him captive that a Serpent never dies. If you return to the boss area after that, you will actually find Tanith and Rykard who seems still half alive, just with his head a bit caved in and Tanith is literally eating his body informing us when we speak to her that she's trying to give him another body. Just as he lived within the body of the snake, she wants him to live within her. Perhaps he could regenerate, maybe even on his own and she's just trying to speed it up. He says he can never die right and it seems very believable because he's like still alive when we come back here. In any case, Rykard is the lord of Blasphemy, he wants to devour the gods which the process that he took to make that happen disturbed a lot of his own men and they even left his service. Rykard actually has a great and very interesting history, this storyline between the three characters Rykard, Tanith, and Patches could continue if we saw a DLC.
Elden Ring DLC Bosses
The last current theory on a DLC is the god hunters those that wear the skin of the gods they hunt. The royals we find in some interesting places for example are in the area of reichard or even the duo in the area of the dragons right for missoula and the former Elden lord classy they serve their own queen the Dusk-Eyed Queen. While people currently debate who the Dusk-Eyed Queen could be from the characters we know in-game. What is important to know is that there were civilizations before everything that we know, before the urge tree was what it was, before the current order of the Elden beast sent by the greater will. There was still a situation where people lived here and it would seem that the god skin royals and their queen were brought to heal by malakaff the shadow america the queen's sword, the Godslayer's Greatsword. Sacred sword of Dusk-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh. Could they be hunting Rykard or working with him on their plans to hunt the gods a line?
There you have it those are three main theories for who and what could be involved when it comes to possible DLC in Elden Ring. If you need to buy Elden Ring runes and items, utplay.com will be your first choice!