The big April patch hits in Lost Ark and with that comes South Vern, Glavier, and other quality of life changes. Today we talk about South Vern and the new chaos-type dungeon thing that we do have. In this Lost Ark South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon guide, we in-depth requirements, locations, rewards, and gameplay tips about it!
Lost Ark Chaos Line Dungeon Guide - Requirements, Locations, Loots, Tips & How To Unlock It
Discover and explore a new region of Akresia with the introduction of South Vern. As you venture into this new region, encounter new characters, and complete quests. Lost Ark South Vern Chaos Dungeon is a weekly activity, you do get a quest to do it weekly. You do a quest with this NPC called Professor Farhat. While we get a quest to get the token of protection to help you enter the chaos dungeon every week. So there is a maximum amount of times you can do it per week.
Lost Ark Chaos Line Dungeon Requirements
To unlock Chaos Line Dungeon in Lost Ark, you do have to complete South Vern. If you haven't done South Vern, go ahead and do that to actually start South Vern, you need to be an item level of 1340 in tier 3 and you should get a quest in our guide questions pop-up. It's the same as what you do with all the other tiers like Punika and Felton where just a guide quest pops up and does it reach a certain item level. So go ahead and do that there is a lot of tier three materials in it as well, doing the South Vern quest it's really cool quest.
Lost Ark Chaos Line Dungeon Locations
Once you have beat South Vern, go to Bellion Ruins, and the Chaos Line dungeon will be found right over by the West Plaza.
How To Unlock Chaos Line Dungeon In Lost Ark
To actually start that quest, you'll get another guide quest or a roster quest that was on the purple ones in Vern or any place near a cow's dungeon. Talk to the NPC Magic Scholar Jeneca who gives the quest to you. It will take you to South Vern where you talk to Professor Farhat. You'll get 2 tokens of protection upfront before you even do the weekly. He will actually give you a weekly quest as well which you can obviously complete weekly with another 2 tokens to Enter Chaos Line.
What To Do After You Entered Chaos Line Dungeon In Lost Ark
Once you have entered the Chaos Line, you have to collect these keys to unlock these gates. Then to clear these chaos crystals, you clear all 3 of them, and then the boss will unlock them. So you can actually go and do the boss. You can't go and just collect the keys first. You can only carry 1 key at a time, doesn't matter which gate you go in. All you have to do is grab the first key, second key, and third key and beat the final boss, and get the reward!
Lost Ark Chaos Line Dungeon Run Tips
What you going to do is run along the path, drag all the mobs with you, and AOE them down. Once you actually get to the crystals it will be like a little tiny mini-boss. It doesn't even have more than a helper so everything just gets quite easily deleted. The mobs themselves don't actually drop any fragmented bloodmagick stone, only the little mini-bosses that deactivate the tower's drop fragments. So there's no point to actually killing all the mobs just run with you and whatever follows you, just go and delete them. Once you kill them off and actually get to the last boss. And he's super easy too. You hit him with two skills and he will be dead. He was gone and he gives you the chunk of the fragments. After you complete it, there is actually a key after you beat it. But once you go, then you try and pick up the key, nothing happens. Because there's nothing else to unlock. So right after you beat the boss there at the point, you should just be able to safely leave the dungeon without missing anything.
Lost Ark Chaos Line Dungeon Loots & Rewards
Once you've actually finished the dungeon and you've got fragmented bloodmagic stones, just head on out and you come and speak to the vendor Professor Farhat and he does have all the stuff that we can buy. He's just got a bunch of materials, got some solar graces, and all the solar blessings and stuff. Just to help you upgrade a bit better. Other than the Soul Leaf, everything else is one time per roster.
Exchange Rewards
Destruction Stone Crystal Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 200
Guardian Stone Crystal Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 60
Glory Shard Pouch Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick x 20
Glorious Leapstone Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick x 20
Solar Grace Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick x 10
Solar Blessing Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 30
Solar Protection Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 75
Intact Silver Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 30
Epic Rapport Selection Chest - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x70
Legendary - Epic Card Pack - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 360
Soul Leaf - Fragmented Bloodmagick Stone x 200
Do the weekly quest and obviously, you need to be 1370 as well to buy the items and do the dungeon. Be sure to complete these before weekly reset because you will miss out on a week of rewards. Why not come on overdo Lost Ark South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon and get some free materials! If you need to buy cheap Lost Ark gold, Utplay.com will be your safest dealer.

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