In this Lost Ark Gear Tripod Level Upgrade Guide, we go over how to get guaranteed level 3 tripods on your tier 3 gear (weapons & armor) and which tripods you should be focusing on.
Lost Ark Tier 3 Gear Tripod Level Stack Guide - Tricks To Get Guaranteed Level 3 Tripods on Your Weapons & Armor
As a lot of you have probably already noticed getting level 3 tripods on your gear is absolute misery, hitting a 50 tap on a type of tripod that you already barely get any of is actual pain. However, there is a method to guarantee that you get a level 3 tripod onto your gear.
Get Know The Lost Ark Transfer Skill Tree Gear Tripod Upgrade System
Before we get into the method to get guaranteed level 3 Tripods, if you are unfamiliar with the tripod system, at the bottom of the guide, we actually have a briefly guide covering how gear tripods work, how you get them, how you apply them and all the knowledge you're going to need for this method.
How Does The Guaranteed 3 Level Gear Tripod Trick Work?
What you're going to want to do is that instead of trying to roll your tripods on the first screen, you're going to go to the second screen. What this screen allows you to do is that allows you to save certain tripods from the gear and then apply it onto your gear guaranteed. Below is how the trick actually works step by step:
1. Use Unless Gear To Save The Tripods
Actually, take the broken gear that you cannot equip and actually save the tripods onto the other sheet, this does nothing to the piece of armor and it doesn't cost anything, there's literally nothing negative about doing this.
2. Transfer Your Hardest Hitting Skills To Your Actual Gear
Once it's imprinted here that means that you can imprint the chest piece with your level three tripod so then you will just go to the actual chest piece that you are wearing and then apply the selected gear, and now your chest piece has a level 3 tripod on, one of the hardest-hitting skills on your bar.
3. Trade in Your Level 1, Level 2s for a Level 3 Tripod
Now chances are if you have level 1 to level 2 tripods on your gear already when you do this method you will lose them, you're going to be trading in your level 1, level 2s for a level 3 tripod. So when you're choosing which level 3 tripods you want to take, you want them on your biggest hardest hitting skills and you want them on the highest damage tripods you have.
Not all tripods are equal, right not all tripods have the same amount of weight to the way your character feels and also to the amount of damage that you're actually dealing with. So if you're like trading away as you know 0.2 seconds of cooldown reduction, but you're doing like 15 extra damage from a tripod that makes a massive difference in your damage and you're going to get that level 1 or level 2 tripod back relatively quickly, because you're running chaos dungeons every single day.
How To Get Guaranteed Level 3 Gear Tripods with This Trick?
So in terms of the costing, you actually have two methods of getting level 3 tripods and both methods kind of have good sides and bad sides to them:
Method 1 - Buy Gear With Level 3 Tripods On It
If you're going down the route of buying your gear tripods, there are a couple things you need to do first:
1. Buy the Gears with your hardest hitting skills on Auction House
An example of this for let's say Glavier is raging dragon slash, you want to go to awakening and this increases your damage by a ton every single time you level it up, so we decided to get a piece of gear with raging dragon slash level 3 in awakening. For any pieces that you are buying, this is the idea you want to keep - you want to focus on your hardest hitting skills or skills have the most amount of impact in your rotation.
2. Put the gear you bought to level 3 tripods that amplify its damage
Then you open up the auction house and you choose the skill with the tripod that you want, and you put it to level 3, then you'll notice a bunch of gear with a tripod on it. Now be honest this is pretty freaking expensive, however, you will make the Lost Ark gold back. How this method works is that everyone will be using the auction house to imprint tripods onto their gear, they're going to buy the piece and then sell it back.
Important Tips To Remember When You Use This Trike To Get Level 3 Gear Tripods
There are a couple of things you want to keep in mind when you're doing this method:
1. Pay attention to the Trade Times left on the gear when you buy - As you notice you want to always get pieces that have multiple trades still left on them, this is telling you how many times it can be traded after you've purchased it, so right now the one that listed on that screenshot can be treated two times, and here it says that it can be traded one time. That means that once you purchase it, it can be traded one last time obviously after you buy this, if you do buy one that has one last trade on it, it will lose a lot of value because of the fact that whoever buys it next is stuck with that piece.
2. Don't buy a bunch of the same armor piece - Buy another chess piece with a different tripod on it, you would have to lose the tripod you just imprinted onto your chess piece in order to put it onto your gear, which means that you have to go for different pieces you want to go for a weapon, helmet, pants, gloves whatever it is, you could have one guaranteed tripod in each of your equipment slots.
3. It is very important to remember is that this costs fiance - So even if you are making your money back, or breaking even, or whatever it is, this does cost fiance to buy, there always is a tax to pay, so be aware of the fiance attached to the gear.
Benefits of Using This Guaranteed Level 3 Gear Tripods
Now obviously if you decide to take this route, there are a ton of benefits to this:
1. Being big monkey man pump big monkey numbers - Because you get to actually target which engravings you're going for and they are going to be guaranteed level three, that means that you're going to pick be picking the most impactful skills in your kit and that is going to significantly increase your performance in PVE content.
2. Obviously an investment into your character - Every time you do this method, you do have to wipe out all the tripods on your gear, so if you decide to do this in one shot and just put all the tripods onto your gear immediately, you don't have to constantly lose progression on your gear tripods to put on realistically a much better level 3 tripod onto your gear. Using the same system that we just did to imprint those level 3 tripods is also the system how you carry tripods over from gear set to gear set, when you get your vaulting gear set, you are not losing the tripods on your gear, so this is a long-term investment in the big pumpage of your character over the long run.
Method 2 - Farm Gear With Level 1-2 Tripods from Chaos Dungeons
The second method is obviously don't spend any fiance and any money, just wait to get it in your chaos dungeons. It's going to take you a lot longer to get the pieces as you have to roll a level through tripod then it has to be on a scale that actually matters, and then it has to actually be on a piece that doesn't conflict with another piece.
But we still think this method also works very well and there is a way to do this in an efficient manner:
1. Save your level one tripods and your level two tripod gear in your bank for when it's time to start re-rolling - Let's say you finally get the piece and you can roll your plus three, your level three tripod onto your helmet, you imprint it onto it and now the other two tripods are completely useless, then you go into your reservoir in your bank of tripods that you've saved and just roll them onto the headpiece.
2. Farm Gear with Level 1 Tripod from Chaos Dungeons to make up your loss in transferring - You might have a little bit of trouble with the plus twos obviously because level 2s have a 30% chance of rolling, but at least you'll have all level 1 tripod on that piece, so it won't have any dead zones on it. Or to be honest, just wait and just keep farming the chaos dungeons, you will find level ones pretty quickly to just replace the ones that you just erased now.
It is going to take a while because realistically if you get shoulders that have a good tripod for red dragon's horn, then you also got another pair of shoulders that have the awakened skill for your red dragon slash, those things are going to conflict, so you have to choose one or the other, this will take a while to actually build up which means your gear will probably have a lot of level one or level two tripods on it already.
How Does The Gear Tripod System Work in Lost Ark?
Now once you get into T3, you're going to notice your gear is going to start dropping with these funny little symbols written on them, this is your skill tripods under the skill tree effect on the actual gear. What this does is that this allows you to buff the power of the skill tripods that you actually picked out in your skill tree, now the best place to start on how to actually know what's good and know what you want is by having the UI be set up, it actually notifies you when you get something good.
How You Get Gear Tripods?
So you're going to open up your skill tree, and click settings where you can find a different type of UI. Go down all the skills that you actually currently use and pick the tripods that you have selected.
Now you're going to notice there are some that will not allow you to light them up, the reason for this is because there are some skills that are maxed at level one and so because of that you cannot track them onto gear since they don't go higher level than level one.
Once that is done, you hit save. After that, your gear will start to let you know when there's something important on it. You'll notice the gear will have a little tripod symbol on it, this notifies you that "this piece is important, you have something that you want and then you can roll it onto your gear".
How Do You Roll Tripods Onto Your Gear?
1. Use Transfer Skill Tree from NPC Joana
Every major city is going to have the NPC Joana - the Transfer Skill Tree, she has the tripod insignia. When you speak with her, there's going to be a ton of items, what you're going to do on the left side column here, is just click equipped, and then on the right side you'll have a bunch of pieces that you're going to want to do is click S.T.N Gear, it's going to filter all the gear in your inventory and only show you the gear that has tripods that you care about.
2. Select Items To Roll Gear Tripods
Before you start selecting your gear and this is going to be once you start rolling some tripods onto your gear, you're going to want to go down the list of all of your pieces and try to pay attention if any of the pieces of gear here have a little green arrow pointing upwards. If they do that means that the piece of gear that you currently have selected on the left hand side can actually be leveled up by a piece of gear on the right hand side, this is because tripods have different levels (Level 1-3). The higher level is the lower chance you have of succeeding in the transfer.
3. Level Up Gear Tripods
At level 1, it's a 100% transfer rate you will always get it, level 2 becomes 30%, level 3 becomes 15%. The reason it's important to actually do this before you start doing anything else is that if you have an upgrade on one of your pieces from one of the pieces in your inventory, it's important to level it up since if you have two of the same tripod, except they are on different levels on two pieces of gear, the game will only count the highest level tripod on your gear, the other one will be a straight-up dead slot.
4. Reroll The Tripods on Your Gear
Now skill tripods could take a while to actually get because it's not a 100% chance to get the level twos or the level threes of each tripod, and realistically you got a lot of tripods to get. When you get a new set of gear, let's say you're getting your pre-ordained set from Argos or epic set from the Abyssal, whatever it is and whenever you are gear transferring gear you lose your tripods, it is going to completely reroll the tripods on your gear.
So before you build your next set, you want to make sure you interact with this next system. So let's say we just completed Argos, just got the Argos blood, and had legendary gear crafted, and now we want to gear transfer our epic gear into our Argos gear and this is for any gear set in the game, not just with this specific one. You talk to the skill transfer lady and you're going to go to the second window, then click equipped and now what this does is that this allows you to save your tripods into this lady onto a skill tree.
5. Transfer The Skill Tripods To Your New Set of Gears
It costs nothing, you don't lose the gear and nothing bad happens, you just want to save all the gear onto her, so that way when you craft your new set of gear, you're able to then transfer the tripods you've worked so hard to get back onto your new set of gear. If you had a new set of gear your tripods would be completely different and so you want to make sure you're transferring them back over because realistically getting these level two, level three tripods. It is also never better a bad idea to just save these ahead of time in case you forget.
6. Sell Destroy Gear for Gold on AH
This costs you literally nothing but that doesn't mean that the pieces you get are useless, if you see gear drops with level two tripods at all through tripods that are actually good for your class, but you don't need them anymore, sell them, people will actually buy them even if it's for a little bit amount of gold, it could even go into the thousands of gold for the good plus three tripods. So it's a good source of money and making some passive income from your chaos dungeons.

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