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Top 16 Best Season 6 Shooting Badges On NBA 2K22 - How To Get & Unlock
4/29/2022 5:52:24 PM

What are the best shooting badges to have on NBA 2K22 season? Check out this guide and we are going to be covering top 16 best value shooting badges on NBA 2K22 season 6 and also help you with some of the best badge loadouts.

best season 6 shooting badges on NBA 2K22

Top 16 Best Shooting Badges On NBA 2K22 Season 6

Shooting Tips 

One key in regards to shooting better on NBA 2K22 even before you consider your badge loadout is the dribble style that you have equipped on your player because your dribble style could determine how effective your shooting is on NBA 2K22. The fundamental and Steve Nash dribble styles are primarily made for moving shots, so if you intend to make good use of your circus 3s badge, taking a lot of leaners, if that's your play style, you may want to consider the fundamental or Steve Nash dribble style. But if you're a quick stop type of player, you like to stop and pop you want to make good use of the stop and pop badge, then you want to have the quick dribble style as it allows you better animations for quick stopping. So definitely consider that before you even consider your badge loadout out. You can work on your dribbling animations, because you have control over your dribble animations is only going to create way more opportunities for a lot more open shots, so shooting badges and play making badges along with play making animations, dribble animations go hand in hand to help you become a better shooter.

Now let's get into these badges!

Best NBA 2K22 Season 6 Shooting Badges

1. Sniper Badge

This badge stacks with everything else so when you're considering the idea of stacking badges and increasing your chance of greening more shots and hitting more shots than sniper badge is that go-to because it's going to stack with almost everything.

2. Blind Badge

Blinders max level, if you can get a 99 3 ball shoot for that 99 3 ball because blinders is going to offer you a tremendous shooting boost whenever you have a defender either behind you or alongside you and it works like at about a 45 degree angle. Players with this badge at hall of fame could hit something like 80% of their shots somewhere between 80 to 85% of their shots that are contested especially with that 99 3 ball, and if you run blinders on hall of fame, you definitely won't regret it. 

3. Circus 3's Badge

This badge works from the perimeter out to 30 feet, right before you hit 30 feet, right before the chef badge activates. This is the range in which the circus 3's badge will activate for you when your player works on step backs, leaners, things like this hop jumpers. And players that learn to make good use of their step backs or leaning animations could really prove to be an unstoppable force on NBA 2K22.

4. Deadeye Badge

A lot of players are sleeping on the effects of the dead eye badge. Imagine yourself in a bubble and the defense is around that bubble, this is what the deadeye badge and the blinders badge working in tandem working together can do for you as a shooter, it prevents the contest from a close out in front of you, that's what the deadeye badge is gonna do for you is gonna drop that contest.

5. Green Machine Badge

A lot more players are running the green machine badge for the sole purpose of stacking badges and increasing your percentage. So it's pretty much after you lock in your play style and then lock in the key badges in accordance with your play style, then you'll start thinking about stacking badges for your play style. Green machine will stack with a stop and pop it a stack with a leaner to stack with a corner shot and stack four spot up shooters. And the same goes for Lucky 7 Badge.

6. Lucky 7 Badge

On bronze, it will offer you a tremendous shooting boost, shooting within the first seven seconds of your possession. You can equip this badge on bronze, but going up would only give you better results, it is recommended that you use this badge for game modes like park because the courts are a lot smaller, it takes you a lot less time to get in shooting position and take full advantage of that seven seconds. You got more time to make this badge work for you.

7. Stop and Pop Badge

This badge is golden and it works really good for players that have invested in their play making. They're learning the quick stops, they're learning those peaks, this is where stop and pop is really gonna shine for you and there's these fake peaks that are happening out there with the fake peak and then an actual stop and pop is really gonna boost your shooting. What the stop and pop badge does for your players increases the edge make percentages. So if you don't know there's a lot of jump shots out there that may have like a high middle make percentage, but a low slightly early and a low slightly late, this is what stop and pop is going to do. It's going to increase those slightly earlies and slightly lace maybe even turn them green for you opening up your green window. You could go as high as you want with the stop and pop badge. 

8. Catch and Shoot Badge

This is going to help you with missed time shots. If you're a play shot, you're a point guard type of build, then you may not want to consider catch and shoot at higher levels. Silver for catch and shoot is a good sweet spot for all sorts of players, it's a great value badge helps you a lot out there and you don't even need to invest a lot of badge points. If you're a spot up shooter, then definitely put this badge on silver and you are good money, you could even go bronze if our gym shot really well.

9. Clutch Shooter Badge

The Clutch Shooter Badge offers tremendous benefits to park players, program players and rec players and it's one of those great value badges that does you a great service as a shooter. In the park, if you're up about 8 points, then this badge will knock down all your shots for you towards the end of the game. If you're in the wreck or the pro-am, then it's going to help you with your free throws at the end of the game and it's also going to help you knock down clutch shots at the end of a game, and you only need to equip this badge on bronze to receive a tremendous amount of benefits from the clutch shooter badge.

10. Hot Zone Hunter Badge

You need to have this badge on, as long as you have your hot zones, you will open up your green window tremendously. When you get your high zones, you get the benefits of the hot zone hunter badge and you will see a lot more whites turn into greens with hot zone hunter. A lot of players and teams are running pick and roll type of offense out there.

11. Mismatch Expert Badge

Mismatch expert works great whenever you have up to a four inch difference and as the number increases in differential between you and your defender, that only gives you a greater boost. And that's exactly why the mismatch expert is a golden badge. A lot of shooters are really small, players out there, so they're almost always going to create a mismatch situation and almost always make good use of the mismatch expert badge.

12. Slippery Offball badge

Slippery Offball badge works great for the three, four and five type of players who most certainly will receive better off ball animation. Use your right stick to juke or dex your defender, you could even break their ankles on a juke or dex. 

13. Volume Shooter Badge

This is another badge that stacks again after you have your set badges, you have the golden badges, you have them already set and then you have some additional badges. You may want to consider the volume shooter, it's not an absolute necessity, it's just considering the idea of stacking badges to increase your make percentages. Volume shooter may help you out, it only offers you incremental shot boost to your shooting out there. So if you want to stack, if you have additional badges left over, you may want to consider the volume shooter badge.

14. Corner Specialist Badge

If you are a spot up shooter or two, if you are running circus threes and you want to take leaners especially for the park game mode where there's a lot more space a lot more opportunity for you to work your dribble animations and then go into the corner and take a leaning shot or a step back type of shot. You could also receive benefits from corner specialists if you're a spot up shooter sitting in the corner. At the bronze level for corner specialists, you get about a 5% boost to your make percentage. At the goal level, you could expect about a 10% boost.

15. Fade Ace Badge

Fade Ace Badge seems to work good, but you don't need to get high levels. There's not so many players taking full advantage of the Fade Ace Badge, but if you do take advantage of it, you could probably put this badge on silver and you'll definitely increase your make percentages on post fades.

16. Rhyth Shooter Badge

If it meets your play style, what you'll do is take two dribble moves and then pop, whatever those two dribble moves are, rhythm shooter will activate so you get a crossover into a trae young, pop rhyth shooters finn activate and what you want to do is consider this badge to stack. So what you're doing here is trying to figure out your play style and then after you figure out your play style, you get these shooting badges to stack. Oftentimes, players can stack rhythm shooter with stop and pop green machine volume shooter sniper and all of these badges will stack increasing your make percentage. 

How To Unlock Season 6 Shooting Badges Fast?

The best and fastest way to get season 6 badges in 2K22 is:

Equip the Triple Threat over the Normal stance. When a game begins, run straight to the three-point line and do a Fake Pass, followed by a Jab Step. The character should begin to do a Takeover, in which players must take the shot. If done correctly, a green flash will appear over the avatar, signaling that the player has earned a ton of points. Keep doing this to earn a massive amount of points per game.

It shouldn’t take too long to rack up enough points to unlock most, if not all, of the Shooting Badges. These badges are super essential to playing well, so players need to make their best effort to unlock them, alongside the other kinds of badges available in NBA 2K22.

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