This is an absolute top power forward build as well, the best PF build NBA 2K22 CURRENT GEN. Come here and have a look!
Best Power Forward Build In NBA 2k22 Current-Gen- Playmaking Glass Cleaner
NBA 2k22 Best Power Forward Build - Playmaking Glass Cleaner
1. Body Settings
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 188 lbs
Wingspan: 87.0"
Body Shape: Defined
2. Attributes
Close shot: 56-81
Driving layup: 49-72
Driving dunk: 44-75
Standing dunk: 26-26
Post control: 30-30
Mid-range shot: 41-67
Three-point shot: 40-59
Free throw: 54-79
Post Fade: 33-44
Pass accuracy: 47-76
Ball handle: 42-65
Post control: 43-72
Interior defense: 50-62
Perimeter defense: 48-68
Steal: 43-43
Block: 46-82
Offensive rebound: 46-82
Defensive rebound: 46-86
Speed: 25-75
Acceleration: 25-73
Strength: 25-59
Vertical: 25-67
3. Choose Your Takeover
Primary: Playmaker
Secondary: Slasher
Drop your height to 6'7, and then you get a little extra speed and your finishing goes up a bit.
For the attributes, put your close shot at 81, driving layup at 72, and driving dunk at 75. Put your pass accuracy to 76, it’s very handy when playing a build like this, then max our ball handle to 65. Last but not the least, max our interior, perimeter defense, block, defensive rebound, defensive rebound.
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