In this Elden Ring Build Guide, we'll show you our Arcane Bleed Build. This is an advanced build that takes place at level 150 and is the evolved version of both the Blood Dragon and the Dragon Knight build. If you've been looking for a late-game bleed build that also uses Dragon Incantations as well as Elden Ring runes then you might want to check this build-out.
How to make this Dragon Warrior build work
This is a level 150 version of the blood dragon build which is sort of an extension of the Dragonite build, but it's different because it goes back to using the dual curve sword setup that we had in the blood dragon build, we will be doing a separate guide that focuses only on using dragon spells, but this one is sort of a mash-up between using a dual-curve sword warrior and using some dragon spells.
Dragon Warrior Attributes & Stats
Vigor: 50
Mind: 30
Endurance: 29
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 25
Arcane: 62
Best Dragon Warrior Build Gear
Weapon : Bandit's Blood Curved Sword + 25
Bandit's Blood Curved Sword have the highest damage of the curved swords that you can use for this setup and you can set the bleed affinity on both of them anyway.
Seal Weapon: Dragon Communion Seal +10
This scales very well with arcane, we will have a lot of arcane with this build in order to increase our blood loss buildup, in order to set the hemorrhage status effect as quickly as possible, you can get a lot of damage out of your dragon spells with this because of the high arcane and also because this seal boosts dragon damage for dragon communion spells so you can get that increased damage as well.
Helmet: White Mask
This further increases your attack power by 10 percent when you set blood loss on an enemy, this will be constantly with this build so you're going to basically have that plus 10 percent all the time.
Armor - Not only to give you more protection, but also to give you more poise, that way you don't get interrupted a lot when you're attacking, you can shrug off some regular attacks and also when you're using some of the dragon attacks you'll be less likely to be interrupted while you're casting them.
Chest Armor: Veteran's Armor
Armor: Veteran's Gauntlets
Leg Armor: Veteran's Greaves
Primal Glintstone Blade - reduces the FP cost of spells by 25 in exchange for 15 of your max hp, we have very high hp with this build, so that's not an issue and you have very good protection.
Lord of Blood's Exultation - increases our attack power by 20 when we've set hemorrhage on ourselves or other enemies again.
Winged Sword Insignia - increase your attack power as you repeatedly strike enemies.
Millicent's Prosthesis - the upside to this one is that it also gives you plus five dexterity which is great as well for further boosting your damage.
Golden Vow - to further boost all of our damage and protection.
Blessing's Boon - give you a heal over time if you're using sepuku you're damaging yourself.
Ekzykes's Decay - this sets the scarlet rot status effect on enemies as well as deal physical damage to them.
Dragonclaw - deal physical damage.
Dragonmaw - does more damage costs more FP is slower to cast has worse tracking.
Tool 1: Flask of Crimson Tears +8
Tool 2: Flask of Cerulean Tears +4
Tool 3: Flask of Wondrous Physick +1
Dragon Warrior Gameplay
The general strategy for this build is that when you're running around the landscape or just going through a regular dungeon or something you don't typically buff up much, you will put Golden Vow on and maybe use one sepuku, when you get into melee range, you will use Blessing's Boon if you're in like a highly you know trafficked enemy area. Ekzykes's Decay is a really good AOE for situations where maybe you need to clear an entire room or there are a lot of enemies that are like really close together or maybe you want to just set scarlet rot on a difficult enemy from far away before it gets to you these are all the scenarios where you'll use this typically.
When you get to a hard enemy or boss what you typically do is you buff with Golden Vow, you buff with Blessing’s Boon then you use sephuku twice on each weapon once on each weapon, and then you have both blades buffed and then you run in and try and set the hemorrhage status effect as quickly as possible and try and pull off a complete L1 combo that means L1 L1 L1 L1, this usually maxes out or gets close to maxing out your Winged Sword Insignia and Millicent's Prosthesis because you'll trigger the hammer status effect in that combo, you'll have maximum attack power and because attack power affects spell damage as well, this is the point where you'll swap one of your weapons off go to dragon communion and either use Dragonclaw or Dragonmaw and you will hit like an absolute freight train when you do it, and you'll probably take some damage when you do this which is another reason why we have heavy armor as you can survive that and good poise and that will usually finish off an enemy or severely barely weaken a boss maybe even stagger them where you can go in for a critical hit or just continue attacking with L1 combos if that's better for you and then just repeat this process getting that you know attack buffs from Millicent's Prosthesis and with Winged Sword Insignia built up and then switching to your Dragonclaw or Dragonmaw and using them again, this build differentiates a lot from the dragon knight build because in that build you were buffing up and then you were just spamming a dragon spell like right at the beginning of the fight often killing a boss or difficult enemy before they ever got an attack off which is kind of more of a caster setup, this is more of a melee setup that uses some dragon spells.