In Lost Ark, alt characters serve a variety of purposes that benefit both your primary character and the overall advancement of your account. In this guide, we're going to talk about alts or secondary characters and what you can or how to play alts in Lost Ark, how to get your alts to tier 3. Big thanks to Sywo for the in-depth video about this topic.
Lost Ark Alts Guide: How To Use And Play Alts In Lost Ark
Value of Having Alts
So we play 3 characters in tier 3 which is few by Lost Ark standards and the only reason why wedon't have another 3 in tier 3 is simply because we don't want to force us into playing classes, we don't enjoy just for the sake of having alts. If you enjoy several classes, play them, if you enjoy one class, play more of that class, but don't play or don't do things that you don't enjoy because the only result you're will get is not more Lost Ark gold but instead more burn out. Our main class is the Summoner, not even released yet, so we have two spots reserved for two Summoners. Another spot instead of the Glaivier, there's going to be a destroyer later on this month in May. These are the classes that we enjoy playing in Lost Ark and eventually all of these that we play and one of them made are going to become our alt once summoner gets released. We would rather take a little hit in the roster level department which at 121 level is not that high compared to other people who do already play 6 characters in tier 3, and also maybe in the item level department which 1417. We could have easily been 1440 at this time with three more characters in tier 3.
Contents You Should Do
Narrow it down to three things in the order of importance, abyssal content, chaos dungeons and low bank dailies.
Abyssal content
Abyssal content is important because it's one of the few places in Lost Ark that gives you gold on a steady basis and it's constant, it doesn't depend on market fluctuations, it doesn't depend on someone else buying your stuff from the auction house or how many whales they're playing on your region etc. You just get it on a weekly basis and it's a decent amount of it also.
What item level should your alts be at? Everything that's below tier 3 content doesn't really bring any significant value to your account, so because of this all of your alts, you should strive to get them at item level 1340. This unlocks you the opportunity to do both of the normal modes for these abyssal dungeons on a weekly basis with your character. Aira’s Oculus gives you 600 gold and Oreha Preveza gives you 900 gold. In total one and a half thousand gold per week from that one character that's at item level 1340. You could argue that at this moment, tier 3 alts still bring a little bit of value simply because people are still passing through tier 2, people are still gearing up, also we don't really have infinite boosts to pass tier 2 stage without playing and needing materials. So because of this, at this moment even a tier 2 alt farming tier 2 honing materials could bring a little bit of value. However, in the bigger picture, your all should be at 1340 or above that's when you really start feeling their presence.
Chaos dungeons
Chaos dungeons are fantastic for silver gain, for example every tier 3 character that does a kiosk dungeon earns around 50000 silver. So a 100000 silver per day because each character has two runs silver might seem like a currency that you don't really need right now. However, eventually when you will get for example to higher enchants, it's going to take a lot of silver and even more so later on in the game when you will discover the value of gems, it takes a lot of silver to take a gamble and instead of the multiple rocket launcher skill, we have a chance to get any of these.
Another thing from chaos dungeons which is mega value is the entrance tickets for the boss rush content. These tickets are rng, same as the cube tickets but the boss rush content is very important simply because it gives you gems playing 5 different characters means you do 10 different chaos dungeons a day, means you have a high chance of getting several of these tickets on a daily basis.
On top of this, the boss rush content also gives you a decent amount of roster xp. It's pretty nice to have a high level of it simply because when you do content with your alts, people are looking at your roster xp to have a guarantee that you have played this game enough, so you wouldn't wipe their argos p1 or their hard mode preveza.
Lopang dailies
Lopang dailies is done with bifrost slots, you set up a bifrost location on low bank and then 3 other locations to the delivery points of your 3 dailies. You have your dailies ready to be taken added to favorites, you can do shushire north vern, then it's basically accept and then bifrost teleport to exactly in front of the merchants where we need to deliver. This is a 120 second a day daily quest system and it rewards you with 75000 gold per 75000 silver per alt on a daily basis.
How Many Alts Should You Create? How Much Time?
So how many characters do you need? What should their item levels be? How much gold do you make and what's the time commitment? The answer to these questions depends on how much time do you have to play Lost Ark. Some would say the more the merrier. However, there is a limit of six acquisitions for the gold in the abyssal content per week per server. This makes some people believe that the golden number of characters you should be playing actively is six. There are benefits to having alts of the same class - you don’t have to start over with the learning curve of the class and you can also use things that are server-shared. But in case you are more focused on trying out another class. In terms of numbers, you can start off with just 1 and build up to 2 and check how things work out because you don’t want to ignore your main character as well. If you can manage your time and balance efforts all around, then you can create more Alts whenever possible.
How To Get Alts To T3 In Lost Ark
How to get your characters from tier 1 all the way up to tier 3? How you get your alts? If you're currently playing Lost Ark, it holds your hand basically. From tier 1 all the way to tier 3 lovely or the fate on power pass which every character that has finished the fate on a story will receive one of these power passes for an alt to use and gets boosted up to 960. If you're at 960, just boost it, you can just follow the steps that come from the middle of tier 2 content.
If you're freshly hit 50, you've used the knowledge transfer system maybe in your stronghold to complete the leveling up process for you. It's at your stronghold, you receive it after you finish a very simple blue quest on your stronghold and you basically pay 600 gold wait eight hours and one character gets leveled up, from level 10 to level 50.
Another thing that's very important to do there is the research, at the lab you have research that helps with your honing success rate and reduces the xp needed for honing and this applies to tier 1, 2 and also early tier 3. Do this research before you start going into alts. At whatever stage you are in your tiers and whichever way you choose to boost up your character, the tower is your best friend, it gives you a ton of honing materials and it's by far the one single best way of getting honing materials. You might have troubles clearing some levels depending on the class you play if you enter those levels exactly when the item level requirement is met, but with the help of consumables, some proper food, some nice engravings, dragged over from your main to your alt with a bit of setup, you most likely will be able to finish all of the floors in a tier before you finish that particular tier.
Check the list of what we need to get past tier 1 and then past tier 2 as well.
Having Alts On Different Server
Some people do this basically how it works is you start fresh on another server, that's part of the same region as your main characters are on. You go through the whole process of leveling up from the get-go, you don't have any roster level, you don't have any gold silver that shared nothing besides the crystalline aura goes over to another server. You take advantage of the welcome challenge, you go to the islands again, you get your character to tier 1, 2, 3 and then you gather gatherables there, you go to your stronghold, you craft them into something and you sell them on the auction house. Auction house is shared across all of the servers in one region, so it's easy for that alt on another server to send over the gold to your main. Your main lists an item on the auction house, some bizarre item at a very high price like a soul stone with bad engravings and your alt buys it essentially giving over the gold to your main. The alt on another server can also do daily quests, daily quests assuming you're that's why you can go through the welcome challenge and the islands because you get to tier 3, you get a lot of tokens, a lot of Una’s tokens from tier 3 dailies and that alt can potentially get to a place where he can earn two 500 Una token bags per week. From doing his dailies and maybe a couple of weeklies which gives him two chances of getting the gold ingot or some purple ingots for even more gold.

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