How to get all gears to +17, what are the cheapest and fastest 1415 to 1445 gear honing methods? Read this Lost Ark 1415 To 1445 Honing Guide sorted from Mattjestic Life's vidoe, you will discover the answers!
Lost Ark Fastest & Cheapest 1415 To 1445 Gear Honing Strategy
When you are trying to enter the new endgame content in Lost Ark, the first challenge you face is honing all gear to a higher level. Now the next gear step is relic gear which can be crafted with the materials only from the upcoming Valtan raid in Hard mode. While you will need the 1445 gear score to unlock the Valtan Hard!
If 1445 is the goal, and you need +17 to get 1445 on a single piece of gear, what is the fastest and cheapest gear honing method to 1445 +17? Here we’ve sorted out a detailed 1445 honing guide for you, by breaking down the efficient 1445 honing methods, rate up mats using tips for 100% artisan energy, as well as how to get more mats with the least gold spending.
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1. Lost Ark Fastest & Cheapest 1415-1445 Gear Honing Methods
What are the cheapest methods to get all your gears to 1445? Following the 3 ways will help you save a lot:
Method 1 - Cheaper To Get All Gears To +17, Instead of Getting Them Beyond 17 (+18)
Before getting all the gears to plus 15, we use the 12 (Helmet), 12 (Shoulders), 17 (Chest), and 17 (Gloves) method to do this differently, but once we get the gears to plus 17, it is actually dramatically more costly to go from plus 18. So notice the cost at plus 17 is about 6000 gold and over here plus 18 is about 22 000 additional gold, so it is much more expensive to get your gears to plus 18. So at the moment, if you are going for 1445, this is by far the cheapest method - to get everything to plus 17.
This is actually because of the much lower rates after - with +17, you still enjoy a 10% base rate and this is very important; at +18 and onwards, you get 5%, 5%, and 3%, those rates are horrible, so you don't want to get into that you want to get all the weapons to plus 17 first.
Method 2 - Use All Rate Up Mats on Weapon +17 (Tradeable or Untradeable Ones Are All Good)
Whether you're using the tradable or untradeable, this is by far the cheapest to use the rate up materials like the solar grade, solar blasting, and also solar protection. So you can use the tradable ones and all the non-tradable ones for the weapon to get it to +17.
What we recommend in homing is to get your weapon to +17 first and all the leftover untreatable rate up materials you can hone this for your armor and if you have leftover tradable honing materials, then you consider selling them because this is by far the cheapest method.
Method 3 - Only Use Untradable Rate Up Mats On Armor
If we're honing armor with tradable honing materials, it is much more expensive than by the rate of materials. So what we can do for armor is you will only be using untreatable materials for armor and now. For the armor honing, it is costly to use any of the materials whether it's bought from the Mario secret shop or whether from the market (it is more expensive to buy those from the market compared to the mario secret shop), in that sense, we'll be comparing both of those:
Cheaper To Use Them Eariler Than Later (12-14 > 15-17)
For the armor honing, what you want to notice is the minus you want to get as low minus as you can, but there's a small trick over here for +17. It is actually cheaper to use rate up materials on +17 than +16. Here is a general rule of thumb for honing for armor for +17 - if you're going from +12 to +14, it is generally much more cheaper to use your rate up materials on those honing because they require less materials and you get more value out of those. Now keep in mind, we're using rate up materials that are untradable, so from +12 to +14, try to use those early on, and then it is more expensive to use those for +15 to +17, and this is down by comparing the calculations and also the cost over here.
Cheaper To Use Them At 16->17 than 15->16
The next part is if you aiming to get armor to +17, then it is actually cheaper to save some of the rate up materials for +16 to +17, so the final rate up and compared to using those on +15 to +16. For example, we have some rate materials saved up after we get to +16, then use them for +16 to +17 and this is going to save you some more gold simply because for 15 to 16 is more costly. Those are some additional savings we can get by honing this way.
2. Lost Ark Best Methods of Using Rate Up Mats & 100% Artisan Energy Tips
What is the successful method to achieve 100% Artisan Energy and when to use the rate up materials? There's a little trick to this:
Tip 1 - Always Aim To Use Maxed Rate Up Mats For Weapons If You Have Enough
If we have enough rate up materials, try to use all of those to maximize the rate of performing for the weapon. For example, we can use the maximum amount of the hone materials and this will give us the 10% bonus rate, if you do the 10% bonus rate the calculation that is built into the game that the Artisan Energy that is gained like incrementally increases and this actually allows us to achieve 100% Artisan Energy after the fixed amount of fails.
Lead To A Calculated 100% Artisan Energy After Enough Falls
Now we do believe if we don't use this order correctly, let's say if we don't use four solar grades also don't use the maximum solar blasting and this will affect the calculation a little bit and what this might end up us to have an uneven amount of honing and we might not get 100% Artisan Energy and this might mean we need to fail additional one times for the 100% Artisan Energy.
Using Uneven Amount Could Lead To 1 Extra Fail for 100% Artisan Energy
If you expect it to fail so many times you know to be a little unlucky, then it is best to use all the max rate materials for the weapon, so this way you'll fail one last time to achieve 100% at this energy because this was inbuilt in the game. But if we don't use the maximum amount, we might have to fail one extra time for that 100% energy.
Tip 2 - Better To Use Rate Up Mats Earlier for Each New Gear Honing
now on the topic of correctly using the honing materials, we also want to share this tip with you, this is extremely helpful in saving a resource and also getting the most out of it.
We know that we get a 10% bonus base rate each time we fail, so if our base rate is at 10%, we'll get a 1% extra-base rate and this is the failure rate. Now what you want to notice is it is much better to use your rate of materials earlier at the honing for your armor, because likely we might not have enough for the armor right. So if you're honing for the armor, if you're honing the weapon and use everything right, it is much more important and much more rewarding for using this rate up mats early in armor, because as you fail more times on armor, you'll be getting more bonus rate and the materials are not as effective early later on compared to early on. So it is also better to use rate up materials earlier for each new gear honing, as we get 10% bonus rate each time we fall 10% + 1%, and the rate up mats are more effective when the base rate is low, compared to higher after many fails.
3. Lost Ark Fast & Cheap Methods To Get More 1445 Honing Mats
We do want to spread some time just briefly talk to you about how to get additional homing materials because this is quite important:
Best Way To Get Red/Blue Stones
Buy Them on the market after Thursday
Buy red/ destruction stones and guardian stones at the cheapest (such as around 18-19 gold) after the reset on Thursday, and whether you use them or sell them at a higher price (such as 22-23 gold), you will still profit on them, so this is a mini trade and also this is where you get those items from. We suggest you only buy these stones once you have enough leapstones.
Best Way To Get Leapstones
1) Only Buy The 1 Extra Daily Task for Those (Selling All Tradable Ones)
As for the greater on the leapstones, never buy those on the market, the only thing to buy is the actual one Daily Task with crystals from the Mari's Secret Shop and those will be spam pretty much randomly.
2) Dismantle The Oreha Empyrean and Argos Blood Items = 60+ More Leapstones
You can dismantle the items you get from the Oreha Empyrean and Argos Blood for about 60 additional leapstones and instead of crafting those into accessories and you might not get the right stats, it's very important for you to know this.
3) Always Do The 2 Weekly Boss Rush Quest for Highest Leapstone Rewards
Make sure you always have two weekly rush tickets, because this means you can do both of the weekly tasks and this gives the highest leapstone count. You can also use the Tier 2 boss rush ticket to complete this weekly task. And also keep a track of the additional reward you get from logging in because on the 15th day, you will be getting 2 more of the boss rush ticket and this means more leapstones.
Once you have enough leapstones, you will be buying the destruction stones and guardian stones to make sure you can get everything to +17.
Best Way To Get Rate Up Materials
1) Doing Cube Runs 1 Entry Instead of 3x Ticket
Do your cube rounds one entry at a time and stop using all three of the cube round ticket, this means there's a higher chance of a hidden room which have a jackpot chance, which gives you a lot of the honing materials. The jackpot you get for getting a hidden room is actually the solar grace, solar protection and also solar blessing, you get a bunch of those which is worth over 1,000 gold each time you can one of those hidden rooms. So make sure you only do the cube rounds one entry at a time, it is really good.
2) Using Mari's Shop Rate Calculator with Changing Gold To Crystal Rates
This is the very common method of getting more rate up materials, you just come over to the Mari's Shop and buy rate up mats. But because the gold to crystal price is very high at the moment, there are a lot of items that is no longer worth it to buy from the Mari's Secret Shop. And if that is the case, make sure you use this Mari's Shop Rate Calculator to check out the prices and check if it is worth it to buy. Once you use this calculator, you're going to notice that it is no longer worth it to buy Honor Shards and Solar Protections from the Mari's Secret Shop, it is actually cheaper to buy those from the market, so make sure you do some calculations before buying.
Best Way To Get Fusion Stones
Buying 1 Gold Less Than Market Price Buy List It On Favorite & Checking For Discount
You can actually favor some of the items, the Fusion Stones we need will be the basic Altera fusion materials, so you can favor those items in your listing. There are about 200 000 of those Fusion Stones selling for 9 gold, what's going to happen is people will be trying to sell this firm for 8 gold or even 7 gold at certain times of the day. If you list this in your favorite list and whenever you're afraid to check the market, check if there are people selling this for cheaper, so instead of buying those from the market for a much higher price, you can be buying those at a cheaper price if you check more often. We know it's not a big deal, you're saving one gold at a time, but the comparison is you want to buy those fishing materials early when you don't need them right away, you want to stock up on them and won't have to buy those at a high market price.
Buying Ark Pass Premium (Very Optional)
Ark Pass Premium is about 15$ and this gives a lot of untradeable tier 3 materials and some tradable ones, we do think this is by far the best value for money if you plan to spend money into the game.
How Much Gold & Silver Need For 1415 To 1445 Gear Honing?
We're looking at about 10,000 to 20,000 gold and about two to five million of silver that is needed for honing for this phase of the game, so those are the rough estimates simply because if you look at the honing for each of the gears what you're going to see is those gears will cost about 200 to 400 gold each time you tap the button, and we'll expect to fail a lot of times, even if you use the rate up materials. So prepare yourself at least 10,000 gold and also 200K silvers just for the honing fees, not buying any materials, you still need those resources for honing. So if you want to fast stock Losk Ark gold, welcome to check our offer!

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