Lost Ark Gear Guide News
9/25/2023 3:12:48 PMHere is our updated definitive list of class engravings up to and including Soul Eater. A Tier: Arthetinean SkillB Tier: Barrage Enhancement, Berserker’s Technique, Blesses AuraC Tier: Combat Readiness, Communication Overflow, ControlD Tier: Dark Moon, Deathblow, Death Strike, Demonic Impulse, Despe...
9/5/2023 11:22:41 AMIf a bit of data would be helpful for you in figuring out where to park your alts - One advantage to having way too many alts is it's easy to collect a ton of data on drop rates/ranges/patterns. Lost Ark Fate Embers Drop RateNotes:1. The type of embers distribution looks pretty set with how most of ...
8/18/2023 7:28:26 PMOur Lost Ark Akkan Raid Guide covers the main mechanics, patterns, timings, battle items, supporting strategies, and flight tips to clear the raid easily. Lost Ark Akkan Raid Guide (Normal/Hard) - Gate 1/2/3 Mechanics, Patterns, TipsWelcome to the Legion Raid Guide Series featuring Akkan a three-gat...
7/21/2023 4:33:37 PMA new character with the unique ability to manipulate the souls of the dead, called 'Soul Eater,' has been introduced into the KR version of Lost Ark. Let's break down when it will be released in US/EU server, and take a view of the skills, engravings, tripods, gems and more gameplay mechanic about ...
6/26/2023 3:24:22 PMPesadelo é um dos conjuntos de relíquias mais poderosos em Lost Ark, e também o mais consistente. Como funciona o conjunto de relíquias Pesadelo? Neste guia, vamos falar sobre o bônus do conjunto Pesadelo em Lost Ark, o efeito de diferentes peças, os materiais de criação, como obtê-lo, bem como a me...
6/26/2023 3:18:58 PMLa Pesadilla es uno de los conjuntos de reliquias más fuertes de Lost Ark, y también el conjunto más consistente. ¿Cómo funciona el conjunto de reliquias Pesadilla? En esta guía, revisaremos la bonificación del conjunto de Pesadilla de Lost Ark, el efecto de las diferentes cantidades de piezas, los ...
6/26/2023 3:16:23 PMLe set Nightmare est l'un des ensembles de reliques les plus puissants de Lost Ark, et aussi le plus cohérent. Comment fonctionne le set de reliques Nightmare ? Dans ce guide, nous passerons en revue le bonus du set Nightmare de Lost Ark, l'effet des différentes quantités de pièces, les matériaux de...
6/26/2023 3:09:30 PMNightmare ist eines der stärksten Relikset in Lost Ark und auch das konsequenteste Set. Wie funktioniert das Relik-Set Nightmare? In diesem Leitfaden werden wir über den Bonus des Lost Ark Nightmare-Sets, die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Anzahlen von Teilen, Herstellungsmaterialien, wie man es erh...
3/13/2023 11:59:17 AMA lot of people are coming back to Lost Ark after not having played for a while due to Artists and the Hyper Express. Today, we want to talk about the upcoming Lost Ark Artist Hyper Express pass, and what you will need to progress to hone your Artist to from 1370 to 1445. Lost Ark Hyper Express 1370...
2/8/2023 2:58:47 PMThis is the best guide about how gems work and what gems should you get in Lost Ark, so how to boost your damage and utility! A complete gem guideas well as best Lost Ark gold is for you. Gem ProgressionThere's been some debate between people playing at current endgame who are looking towards future...
11/24/2022 3:08:56 PMSummoner is coming to Lost Ark, with this guide, let's break down the brand new mage advance class, covering playstyle, engravings, skills, identity, gear, and rotation for the build types!Lost Ark Summoner Build Guide - Overflowing Sympathy & Senior BuildSummoner is a ranged caster who has a wide v...
11/8/2022 4:20:47 PMIn Lost Ark, the Brelshaza Raid, which is confirmed to be released in the December update, will bring new materials for higher-level gear - Upper Relic and Ancient Gear! So what rewards will we be excited about with this massive raid with gate 6 requiring at least 1490 items level? Let's take a loo...
9/23/2022 11:23:53 AMKakul Saydon is coming out on the 28th of September, next week Wednesday. As Legion Raids go, this is one of the most challenging and aggravating ones you've seen so far. In this Lost Ark Kakul Saydon legion raid gear guide, we are going through the best Clown build. Lost Ark Kalkul Saydon Legion Ra...
9/21/2022 10:48:16 AMIn Lost Ark, the bracelet is an extra accessory between the ring and the stone. It makes your character stronger by giving diverse options such as extra stats, damage, HP and etc. Today, we are going to cover all about the bracelet that doesn't exist in the west server yet. We talk about the best wa...
9/9/2022 11:13:34 AMYou did the Punika stories, what are you going to do now in Lost Ark? Are you still don't know what to do, well then. This is the best Lost Ark 1302-1445 gear honing guide, we are going to show you what you need for reaching item level 1302 to 1445. Lost Ark 1302 to 1445 Gear Honing Guide - Cheap & ...