Valtan will be the first Legion Raid to join the Western edition of Lost Ark. It will be offered in two variants, Normal and Hard. In order to get into Valtan hard in Lost Ark, you have to reach item level 1445. How to get 1445 gear honing in Lost Ark as fast as possible? In this Lost Ark Valtan progression guide, we walk you through exactly the best way to upgrade gear into 1445.
Lost Ark 1445 Gear Honing Guide - How To Upgrade Item Level 1445 Before Valtan Releases
To reach 1445 before Valtan in Lost Ark, we talk about the materials you can get especially leapstones each week only with two characters. Obviously, the alt doesn't give you that many honing materials, because most of them are bound. So you basically just get mats from the pirate vendor, from your alt, from the chaos dungeon, and from the guardian raids. Do not focus on the weekly stuff since you get on the alt is mostly bound especially the leapstones. Instead, you’d better count the pirate ship, the guardian, and the chaos dungeon to help you honing gear 1445 in Lost Ark. Now, let's look at the best Lost Ark 1445 honing methods. Moreover, you will know the exact honing materials you will get through each activity.
1. Argos
Guardians: 321
Leaps: 52
This is actually the loot of Argos run. The reason why you have 52 leaststones from an Argos runs it's pretty simple. The blood that you get from Argos after you actually have the set completed, you can just dismantle. In the dismantle window and you get 2 leapstones per blood. Sometimes you can get more or less, it's a little bit rng. But this is basically the entire Argos run.
2. Bosh Rush
Guardians: 321
Destructions: 147
Leaps: 114
These are the upgrade materials you can get from the boss rush and two weeklies. In this case, 55 great honor leapstones, 19 of these great honor leapstones are directly from the weekly quest and then you have 35 leapstones from just the normal ones which you can obviously convert. If you were to convert those, do at the very end by the way. You can convert all of the normal leapstones into great honor which is divided by 5.
3. Chaos Dungeon
Guardians: 6467
Destructions: 2681
Leapstones: 184
This is an average chaos dungeon run. But chaos dungeons are a little bit bugged right now. For all of these mats, we will have to multiply by 7 so keep that in mind. This is what you normally get from two chaos dungeon runs on a daily basis. Which you can obviously then also do for your alt, although your old probably gets a little bit less because the old can only do the 1385 chaos dungeon and main can do 1400 one.
4. Events
Guardians: 7067
Destructions: 2881
Leaps: 199
This is also the current event that's going on which you will also translate into great honor leapstones at the very end and the destruction and guardian stones as well. This will probably vary depending on which event we obviously have, by the way, we are not including the ark pass because that's just way too many maps.
5. Ghost Ship
Guardians: 7658
Leaps: 199
This is what you can get from the ghost ship once a week which is a good amount of stones as well like a couple of juicers on top of that.
6. Infinite Chaos Vendor
Guardians: 8158
Destructions: 3470
Leaps: 209
This is usually what you can buy each week from the infinite chaos vendor. You probably buy a couple of more destruction stones here and there depending on the prices and probably buy a couple of leapstones as well. If you combine that with the actual loot that you get from the infinite chaos dungeons, this will be a little bit more like eight to nine great honor leapstones and probably 500 guardian stones and 400-ish destruction stones. Try to grind a lot of infinite chaos redundant right now simply because to get a lot of these fragments of longing. Because in the long run, once we get the relic accessories, you can exchange these for relic accessories as well.
7. Moake
Guardians: 8635
Destructions: 3629
Leapstones: 209
Obviously, you have a field boss which is multiple times a week and this doesn't give you that much honestly if you already have all of the omnium star and the bleed rune and everything. You can always do other field bosses to get like adventure tome stuff or whatever.
8. Oreha
Guardians: 8983
Destructions: 3792
Leapstones: 232
Oreha mode is also well once a week right and again dismantling all of the mats that you get from crafting armor and weapons. This is what you can get after dismantling that.
9. Velganus
Guardians: 12651
Destructions: 4996
Leapstones: 358
We also have Velganus, this is two Velganos runs by the way. If you didn't know Velganus actually gives you on average one more great honor leapstone than yoho Does. There you go, this is the average daily Velganus, 9 leapstones is also accurate because it can either give you four or five. 9 leapstones a day from Velganos seems reasonable.
10. PVP Vendor
Guardians: 15021
Destructions: 5476
Leapstones: 387
This is also pretty interesting because of the number of shards and everything you get. Include everything up until supreme 6, we will get 3 destruction stones, for now, 3 guardian stones, 3 normal leapstones, 3 great honor, and so on.
11. Sylmael Bloodstone Vendor
Guardians: 15601
Destructions: 5716
Leaps: 408
Then we obviously also have the gear vendor or the sylmael bloodstone vendor. You can obtain sylmael bloodstone through guild activities. You can trade them for high-quality gear. Usually, you don't have to buy all of this stuff but especially the leapstones and the normal honor leapstones, you need to buy the punika entrance tickets and the bonus mats. So depending on how much you do in your guild, you can get a lot of mats.
12. Una’s Tasks
Guardians: 15601
Destructions: 5716
On top of that, we obviously have una's task and there's one important thing about those as well. The best thing you can do is use one unas task bonus from mari’s shop, so you will get a grand total of 4 dailies a day which usually is between 18 and 20 leapstones depending on which ones you do. If you don't have access to the frozen haven one right now, you will have around 18 leapstones a day which is obviously times 7 each week.
13. Mari’s Secret Shop
Guardians: 15601
Destructions: 5716
Leaps: 572
Buy a good amount of blue crystals every now and then just to use Mari’s shop. And a lot of great honor leapstones and the normal leapstones, you can also bind exchange them for graders. Do not buy guardian stones, do not buy solar protections, do not buy destruction stones, and do buy everything else that is for tier three. Besides that, solar blessing and solos grace is a good choice for the Lost Ark Valtan 1445 progression. It depends on your server if this is worth doing because it depends on how much your blue crystals are worth at the end of the day.
14. Traveling Merchant Ship
Guardians: 17401
Destructions: 6316
Leaps: 572
You can do traveling merchant ships on each character and not all of these mats are actually tradable. But both destruction and guardian stones are tradable. So we will count this on two different characters, buy both of these out on both characters that you are currently playing.
15. Chaos Line Dungeon
Guardians: 17401
Destructions: 6316
Leaps: 572
Chaos line is the new addition in Lost Ark which by the way will get a hard mode soon. And there will also be hard mode guardians and there will be Valtan and a lot of other stuff but just for now until Valtan. This is basically the last thing we want to talk about. Just buy everything here, there's a good amount of mats here as well as a solar blessing, solar protections, leapstones, shards, and guardian stones.
17401 guardian stones, 6316 destruction stones, and 572 leapstones are all of the mats combined you can make in a week. You barely ever buy anything for Lost Ark gold so that includes well normal items and but that also includes materials. So you rarely buy materials, just convert the gold into blue crystals, so you can buy something from Mari’s shop. That’s everything you should know about Lost Ark 1445 gear honing before Valtan releases.

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