When we are thinking of the best faith weapon in Elden Ring, you should not miss the Inseparable Sword, which is an underrated weapon in the game and even stronger after the patch. In order to use the Elden Ring Inseparable Sword, you’d better know about its pros & cons, stats, moveset, location, how to get it, and how to build with it.
What is Inseparable Sword in Elden Ring - Inseparable Sword Pros, Cons, Stats & Moveset
What are the pros of Inseparable Sword? It is considered to have the best two-handed light attack combination in the game and the amount of damage that it does get is really amazing, probably the highest damage out of all Greatswords. The reason is it does get a sacred blade so that does help it out a little bit, although that is its biggest weakness, it gets stuck with the sacred blade. Inseparable Sword's Ashe of War does deal respectable damage, is the quickest to use, and buffs the sword. In addition, the Elden Ring 1.04 patch has buffed the speed of the sacred blade, which benefits the sword and makes it better than before. Inseparable Sword sells for 200 Elden Ring runes.
Check out the stat of Inseparable Sword below:
For the moveset, Inseparable Sword features an alternate Greatsword moveset with unique two-handed R1 attacks. This moveset is drawn from Dark Souls 2's Mirrah Greatsword and Dark Souls 3's Hollowslayer Greatsword.
Elden Ring Inseparable Sword Location - Where and How to Get Inseparable Sword
The Inseparable Sword can be found in Prince of Death's Throne, after giving D's brother D's Twinned Armour. If you have D's twin brother Twinned Armour, completing the quest or at any point, after you can return to Fia’s final location, to find D’s brother engaged in some order, you can kill him or rest at the site of grace after talking through his dialogue, doing either will get you the Twinned Armor, setback along with an additional item, the Inseparable Sword, which is a faith-based Greatsword that has the sacred blade skill built in.
Overall, the steps to get the Inseparable Sword:
1. Kill D. to get the Twinned Armor set.
2. Give the Twinned Armor to D's Twin Brother in Siofra Aqueduct, Nokron, Eternal City.
3. Complete Fia's Champion boss fight at Prince of Death's Throne
4. If you followed Fia’s questline and fight Lichdragon Fortissax, acquire the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince from Fia's Body and rest at the grace. D's Twin Brother will spawn at Fia's body. After his dialogue ends, rest at the grace again and the Inseparable Sword should be on the ground. If you didn’t follow Fia’s questline, kill Fia and rest at the grace, the Inseparable Sword should be there.
Elden Ring Inseparable Sword Build Guide
When you build around the Inseparable Sword, here is an example, for the stats, 50 Vigor, 20 Mind, 25 Endurance, and 28 in both Strength and Dexterity because it does get a little bit of scaling with that, it does a better strength scaling than dexterity scaling. We still have a bit of dexterity because of the casting speed it gets and we are going to be using some spells. Going with the faith build, Godslayer’s Seal is still the best. 60 Faith gonna have some armor for Poise along with the Bull-Goat’s Talisman because you want to have some Poise while using a light attack combo, that’s going to be the main focus of the build.
Vigor: 50
Mind: 20
Endurance: 25
Strength: 28
Dexterity: 28
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 60
Arcane: 9
Primary items: Elden Lord Crown, Confessor Gloves, Godslayer’s Seal, Banished Knight Armor (Altered), Erdtree’s Favor, Fire Prelate Greaves, Bull-Goat’s Talisman, Radagon Icon, Flock’s Canvas Talisman