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Lost Ark Valtan Deathblade Surge Build Guide: Gear Sets, Gems, Card Sets, Abilities & More
5/16/2022 5:25:37 PM

Deathblade is an assassin class with 3 swords that can kill enemies fast. In this guide, we are going to walk you through the deathblade build that is going to run for valtan release. We list the gear sets that you're going to use, the card sets, gems and all of that. 

Los Ark Valtan Deathblade Surge Build Guide - Gear Sets, Gems, Card Sets & How To Play Deathblade Surge for Valtan

Ability / Tripod Guide

  • Pulsar: Pulsar is the perfect ability to swap out for counter, so you're gonna run earth cleaver with concussion weak point detection and earth explosion which gives you a lot of stagger, good damage and then also earth explosion is very useful just for more damage. Leap attack is also fine, if you have basically zero crit, leap attack could work technically. The rune is going to be overwhelmed because that will just make this stagger even more and that's a lot of stagger. For valtan, you need a counter so earth cleaver is a must-have because headhunt is just not really cutting it.

  • Spin Cutter: Soul absorber with swift fingers, fist of darkness and half which is the same as in basically every single build as well, you could run concussion if you need more stagger here. Spin cutter is only movement and amplification of your synergy, then you have a dark axle which is also just movement. I would recommend swift fingers tenacity and high axle, this gives you the most mobility and it's just a very nice touch because it just allows you to be a little bit faster around the map and also allows you to quickly get behind the boss. This is just basically the perfect way to reposition yourself.

  • Death Sentence: Another ability that is used for movement is death sentence. It just does more damage, gives you more mobility and since you have so much cooldown reduction with your surge, engraving, it doesn't really matter that it's higher cooldown, so always run that sentence.

  • Maelstrom: You will never need to put more points than 7 into this or control and dark order are always mandatory, there’s also no other versions of this.

  • Moonlight Sonic: That blade is a back attack class mainly which also means you're probably running ambush master. Play this ability with wealth rune, but because we're such a back attack heavy class and we're also gonna get the back attack set which is called the death set. We will not have a well thrown here anymore, so we will unequip that and we'll get a blitz rush fully maxed out instead, because blitz rush is obviously a better option because it does back attack. And you have two options here, vital point is always the same then you go dark charge or charge enhancement, people prefer dark charge because it gives you more stacks if you're close to the bus which is harder to use, but overall is better for surge blade and then you also have shadow rush.

Valtan Deathblade Surge Build Gear Sets - Relic and Legendary

Legendary Sets

Beast (DMG)

  • 2 pieces: Gain buff that gives you 1% more damage on hit, stacks 10 times (total 10%).

  • 4 pieces: Gain upgraded version of 2-piece buff that gives an additional 1% damage per stack (total 20%). When using dodge, gain 10% movement speed and attack speed for 10 seconds.

  • 6 pieces: Gain upgraded version of 4-piece buff that gives an additional 2% damage per stack (total 40%). Take 10% less damage.

Whisper (CRIT)

  • 2 pieces: Gain a stack of “Enchantment” on any non critical hit (0.3 second internal cooldown), which can stack up to 10 times. “Enchanted” buff provides a 10% crit rate for 12 seconds. This buff is removed/reset upon criting on target.

  • 4 pieces: Gain an upgraded version of “Enchantment” that provides a 25% crit rate for 12 seconds, stacks up to 4 times.

  • 6 pieces: 40% Crit damage.

Relic Sets

Death / Earth’s Entrophy / Entropy 

  • 2 pieces: Increase crit damage 17%. Increases crit damage to 55% when hitting head or back.

  • 4 pieces: Crit rate increase by 17%.

  • 6 pieces: 7% increase damage. Damage increased to 21% when higtting the head or back. 


  • 2 pieces: Gain a stack of “Elevation” upon hit (1 second internal cooldown).  Each stack gives 0.7% increased damage, stacks up to 20 times. Gain 2 stacks of “Elevation” on every critical hit. Lose all stacks of “Elevation” when you are under 30% HP, dodge reset and you take 30% less damage for 8 seconds.

  • 4 pieces: Each stack of “Elevation” provides an additional 0.7% increased damage (1.4% per stack). 10% increased attack speed upon hitting 20 stacks.

  • 6 pieces: Each stack of “Elevation” provides an additional 0.7% increased damage (2.1% per stack). 5% increased damage upon hitting 20 stacks.

Dominant (Dominion)

  • 2 pieces: Awakening damage decreased 50% but can be used 1 additional time with the cooldown being reduced by 20%. Gain “Inner Awakening” buff for 2 minutes upon using an awakening.  “Inner Awakening” buff reduces cooldown on all skills by 18% and increases skill damage by 10%

  • 4 pieces: Awakening skills can be used 1 additional time (total 2). “Inner Awakening” buff is enhanced to 18% cooldown reduction with a 25% increase to skill damage. 

  • 6 pieces: Awakening skills can be used 1 additional time (total 3). Dodge cooldown reduced by 30% and increased damage of 15% done to all enemies for 2 minutes.


  • Ethers: Meteor, Lighting Strike, and Electricity Field

  • 2 pieces: 1 Personal Ether will drop within 3m on a 1 minute cooldown. 

  • 4 pieces: 1 Additional Ether will drop (total 2). When the same Ether is picked up, the effect becomes stronger, increasing damage based on the number of stacks obtained.

  • 6 pieces: 3 Ethers will drop in total. When 3 different Ethers are obtained, players will gain a “Transcendence” effect: increased attack speed by 40%, decreases cooldowns on all skills (except awakening and dodge) by 50%, removes all debuffs, and increases identity meter by 100%.

Swamp (Yearning)

  • 2 pieces: Upon hitting an attack, gain the “Blessing of Battle” effect for 16 seconds - increased identity meter generation and movement speed by 15%.

  • 4 pieces: While having “Blessing of Battle” effect up, party members within 8m will gain an “Agility” effect for 16 seconds - increased attack speed and movement speed by 8%

  • 6 pieces: An Additional 8% increased damage for the “Agility” effect


  • 2 pieces: When providing a party member with a protection effect (Shield, HP Recovery, Damage Reduction), that player will gain a stack of “Seed of Life” for 12 seconds which provides 25 endurance per stack, maximum of 20 stacks. 

  • 4 pieces: Upon hitting 20 stacks of “Seed of Life”, this effect will be replaced by “Life Active” effect for 10 seconds which provides 500 endurance and recovers 697 HP per second (6,970 total HP).  Party members will also recover 0.5% of the max hp of the buff provider (player wearing the set). Heal effect is doubled when under 30% HP.

  • 6 pieces: When healed through “Life Active” effect, gain a stack of “Revival” for 3 seconds, stackable up to 10 times, each stack providing 2% increased damage.

Enchanted (Charm)

  • 2 pieces: On a successful hit, have a chance to deal lightning damage and gain “Flame Vulnerability” status (0.5 second internal cooldown).  Element damage applied is reduced by 80% when hitting multiple enemies.  “Flame Vulnerability” inflicts flame damage. Once damage is applied, it is applied once more but will not trigger a “Lightning Vulnerability” status.

  • 4 pieces: Same thing as the 2-piece bonus, only elements are reversed and starts with flame damage granting “Lightning Vulnerability” status.

  • 6 pieces: Gain 1 stack of “Energy Release” on hit from each element proc.  After 30 stacks the element damage will be increased by 100% for 20 seconds.


  • 2 pieces: Reduces mana usage by 50%.  Skills that consume mana will have 12% increased damage.

  • 4 pieces: When a class with mana uses an Awakening, “Mana Poison” effect is gained.  “Mana Poison” effect grants an additional 15% damage at the cost of consuming 7% more mana.  When mana reaches below 30% while the “Mana Poison” effect is active, “Mana Poison” will turn into “Endless Mana”.  “Endless Mana” effect will recover mana 3% every second, Decrease skill cooldowns by 20% , and increase movement and attack speed by 12%. 

  • 6 pieces:“Mana Poison” deals an additional 15% damage.  “Endless Mana” effect’s cooldown reduction is increased by an additional 15% and movement and attack speed an additional 3%.

Gems & Card Sets For Deathblade Surge Build For Valtan

Gems are not super important as a surge blade outside of your surge skill, obviously soul absorber is amazing, blitz rush is amazing, even death sentence and void strike are amazing as well. So just prioritize your biggest damage abilities and cooldown reduction is obviously good on all of your three movement and utility abilities as well.

Deatheblade Surge Build Guide For Valtan

The card set is a no-brainer, if you have the lost wind cliff one, we would suggest playing that one although you also have the option if you're super mega lucky that if you have 12 to 18 piece awakening of light of salvation, that one could also work.

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