Even though the legion raid has not dropped in Lost Ark yet, the discussion about it never stopped. What’s the difference between Valtan 1415 Normal and 1445 Hard mode? We’ll get into the gold and mats rewards for each mode, combing the Valtan rewards and 1415 to 1445 honing cost for T3, you may have a more clear idea of resting at 1415 or pushing your main to 1445 for Valtan Hard.
Related Read: Lost Ark Valtan Guide
Lost Ark Valtan 1415 Normal vs 1445 Hard Mode - 1415 or 1445 Valtan
As you know, the item level requirement for Valtan Normal is 1415 and that is 1445 for Valtan Hard. For the Valtan normal mode and hard mode, what is the difference between them, how much gold and materials you can get? And is it actually worth pushing to 1445?
Lost Ark Valtan 1415 Normal Rewards (Gold & Mats)
- 12800 Lost Ark Gold Coins
- 4320 Guardian Stones
- 2160 Destruction Stones
- 4400 Honor Shards
- 52 Great Honor Leapstones
Lost Ark Valtan 1445 Hard Rewards (Gold & Mats)
- 17600 Lost Ark Gold Coins
- 6720 Guardian Stones
- 3360 Destruction Stones
- 9200 Honor Shards
- 80 Great Honor Leapstones
Should you stay at 1415 or push to 1445 for Valtan Hard? The total reward difference between Lost Ark Valtan Normal and Hard mode is worth a value of 14944 Lost Ark gold. You need to determine whether to do the 1445 hard mode, depending on what you care about, the gold value difference in each category is not very much and even not worth it, however, the hard mode is gonna drop more materials to craft your relic gear set. So make your own decisions based on the difference.
Lost Ark 1415 to 1445 T3 Honing Cost
When it comes to the honing cost from 1415 to 1445, here is rough data from Vwhy, that probably be different for every player. For 1415 to 1445 gear honing, you’ll need these currencies and materials.
60K Gold
5M Silver
200K Honor Shards
55K Guardian Stones
18K Destruction Stones
1550 Great Honor Leapstones
1200 Fusion Materials
The total honing cost of 1415 to 1445 would be vary depending on whether you need to buy the required mats for the progression, it takes a big amount of gold to level all the way to 1445 for unlocking the Hard Valtan, so if you have to buy most of the materials, maybe that’s not worth it, the current item level you are and stocked mats you have is important to determine the best way to go.
Total cost for 1415 to 1445 honing in Lost Ark:
1. If you have to buy materials on the auction house or if you are using the tradable version of these materials from that you get it from Alts and stuff like that from your main, the total cost is going to be 408K Lost Ark gold for sale.
2. If you don’t buy these materials or if you already sold your tradable materials and you made gold from that, then the final honing cost would be about 70K gold.

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