In this guide, we are going to be showing you carrion spellknight build in Elden Ring. This is a level 150 build that sits somewhere between the enchanted knight and the spellblade as it uses styles of play that are found in both of them and it's extremely powerful. So if you've been wondering what to do with that build, read on to find out. We list the talisman, armor, attributes and gameplay tips of level 150 carian spellknight build in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring Speelblade Build Guide - How To Build A Carian Spellknight At Level 150
Since patch 1.04, carian grandeur and carian greatsword, the ashes of war have both been buffed and they both performed substantially. And in this build, we're actually using carrion grandeur and we'll explain why that is in. If you want to upgrade your enchanted knight / spellblade build, be sure to check this level 150 carian spellknight build out!
Weapons For Carian Spellknight Build
This just a regular plain old long sword that we have infused with the carrion grandeur ash of war and put it on the magic affinity and there are a couple reasons for that. First, carrion and grandeur will actually deal more damage if you're set to the magic affinity than if you're set to cold or if you're set to a different affinity. So you're going to get a little bit more damage, it's not substantially more than the cold one but it is more, so you will hit harder. Secondly, the end scaling goes from c to b and since we're cranking in up to 80 in order to deal substantial damage with our spells, it's kind of a better fit. You could go cold if you want in order to trigger frostbite while you're attacking. But cold would be a better one to go with if you were splitting your attributes between strength. Your regular attack damage will be lower on average because you don't have points in his strength.
Carrion Regal Scepter
Because we have 80 intelligence and this staff really shines at that point, it's basically the best staff you can have besides Lusat’s Glinstone Staff and that increases the cost of your spells by 50%.
Carian Knight’s Shield
We don't have a lot of points of strength, so we can't use a very high strength shield or even a very low one for that matter. This shield requires intelligence, it has pretty good guard boost when fully maxed out at 60 which isn't terrible, you don't do a ton of blocking with this build but it does come in handy for block counters and it does have very good physical protection at 100% and magic protection at 71. If you buff this with scholar shield, you get almost 100% magic protection as well which is fantastic in some fights.
Best Armor For Carian Spellknight Build Level 150
Carian Knight Helm
Purely for cosmetics, if you want to use a helm that increases your intelligence, that would probably be the best thing you could do here.
Spellblade Set Armor
Spellblade’s Pointed Hat
Spellblade’s Traveling Attire
Spellblade’s Gloves
Spellblade’s Trousers
You can get from roger, this increases the damage that carrying grandeur does by 2% roughly per piece. So that's a 6% increase you could get this up to 8%. Also one good thing about keeping our armor light is we don't have to invest any points into endurance, so we can get the most out of intelligence, we can get a lot of fp in mind and we still have 50 vigor as well.
Best Talismans For Carian Spellknight Build
Shard of Alexander: It is just fantastic for increasing your ash of war damage, it's probably one of the best talismans in the game hands down and increasing carian grandeur's damage even more is great ,this thing already hits hard so you get really good mileage out of this one.
Magic Scorption Charm: It is really another good one for this build, if you don't have it, we would suggest slotting rituals sword talisman. But this one is really important because carian grandeur does 100% magic damage which means that you're getting actually a 10% damage increase to it. Some ashes of war deal a mix of damage types like physical and fire, physical and magic etc, but this one is a hundred percent magic damage. So getting that and also a lot of the spells we use most of the spells deal magic damage, so that 10% is applying to those as well.
Godfrey Icon: It is there to increase the damage of charged spells and weapon skills. You can charge carry and grander up to two times, so it's going to boost the damage of that when you use it and there are some spells you can use as well that can be charged for instance like Loretta's Greatbow, or if you use something like a comet that can be charged, you will increase the damage there. If you want to replace this one with one you could replace it with ritual swords talisman as well.
Dragoncreset Greatshield Talisman: It is there because you're wearing such paper-thin armor, you're going to need more protection and because you're using the magic scorpion charm, you're going to have even worse protection. So it's pretty much a must.
Stats & Attributes For Carian Spellknight Build Elden Ring
Vigor: 50 - You're going to trade blows being a melee character and you're wearing very thin armor, you do have the dragon crest great shield talisman to help, but you are going to take damage and you want to be able to stay alive when that happens.
Mind: 38 - This is a caster melee hybrid, this is going to allow you to cast spells or use your ashes of war at will basically as much as you want.
Endurance: 10 - Because the weight of the armor is so light, you don't need any endurance at all and even though you can block with this build, you're not going to be doing it a ton.
Strength: 12 - It is actually too much for this build, you actually only need 10, but because we started as an investor, we can't get it lower so if you started as a different class, you'll have a better stat spread here.
Dexterity: 12 - It is actually too much for this build, you actually only need 10, but because we started as an investor, we can't get it lower so if you started as a different class, you'll have a better stat spread here.
Intelligence: 80 - It is not only there to make your sorceries hit like a truck when you cast them, but also to increase the damage of carian grandeur as well.
Faith: 18 - It is simply there to meet the requirements for Rykard’s Rancor, but if you aren't using that spell and you don't need any faith
Arcane: 9 - You don't need any arcane.
Gameplay Tips For Carian Spellknight Build Elden Ring
How level 150 carian spellknight build works is that we'll run around the landscape with sword and board out and we'll try and block counter regular enemies usually i can stagger them in one block counter and then finish them off with a critical strike if they're not too grouped up. Otherwise, use something like founding reign of stars to aoe an area or try and pull one enemy to time using great glindstone shard. usually when we are fighting difficult enemies, what to do is throw up great blade failing, so that when enemies come, those blades will hit into them and if not, we’ll be charging carian grandeur as they're coming at us. So when the great blade phalanx is hit into them, carian grandeur should be hitting into them at the same time that usually kills them. If it doesn't, it'll generally stagger them allowing you to follow up with another carian grandeur and finishing them off. You don't really need to do critical strikes against tough enemies with this build because you do far more if you can charge up carian grandeur and hit them with it than you will with a critical strike. But when you're facing weak enemies, doing a critical strike just saves you fp because you killed him anyway. Sometimes depending on the circumstance, put up great blade phalanx and then use Loretta's Greatbow to try and pick something off from a distance or to pull something from far away and deal substantial damage. Sometimes you can get multiple shots off of this and those great blade failings are there to protect you when it gets close and you can charge carian grandeur as that enemy is coming up to you.
Terra Magica plays a huge part in this build and really learning to play with it is a big part of this build because it boosts your magic damage by 35%, almost all the spells we use are magic damage and carian grandeur is 100%. Magic damage means that you can boost the damage of it by 1 to 2000 damage if you're standing inside of this when you cast it. And since you're playing defensively most of the time that you're trying to pull enemies at range to come to you, so that you can charge up carry and grander and hit them while they're moving into you aggressively. This works really well because you can throw down terra magica, use something like Loretta's Greatbow or great blade phalanx and then hit them with carian grandeur as they're coming into you and get that extra 35% damage and that'll usually wipe them out completely. So make sure to re-put this down if you're fighting and try and stay inside of it if you can, if enemies force you out of it for whatever reason you have to dodge or block etc, then try and get back into it before you use carian grandeur on them if you can because that will increase the damage, you deal substantially.
What's really great about great blade phalanx is that you throw it up and it has a couple seconds before it actually fires off, so you can throw it up, roll back into your terra magica, it'll go off, you can stagger an enemy and then you can hit him with carian grandeur for really high damage a lot of times just one shot even. We also have scholar shield in this build which buffs the guard boost and damage reduction of your shield for a little bit of time. It’s good to get extra guard boost on this build because the shield at 60 isn’t a ton. It’s depending on what you are fighting, you might as well buff with this before you’re going into a boss fight if you plan on doing some blocking.