Today's cover guide on lost ark gravity training destroyer build. Include the lost ark destroyer gears, stats, skill & more.
Lost Ark Destroyer Gravity Training Guide- Destroyer Gears, Stats, Skill & More
Lost Ark Destroyer Instructions
This rear is slow but in exchange for that, it has the second-highest hp and Armor and lots of tenacity that prevents knockout from attacks along with skills that generate a shield.
Blue skills and purpose skills
Blue skills generate cores depending on which skill to use, they can generate from one to three cores for purpose skills, release all the generated cores and provide a shield on a destroyer and also it increases the damage of purple skills depending on how many cores you use whenever you use purple skills with three cores the gauge.
Next to the course starts to be filled up well, when you max out the gauge, you can activate gravity mode by pressing the Z key, this mode lasts around 10 seconds in the gravity mode, the destroyer can only use auto-attack, but the other attack gets stronger, also it gets lots of Shield along with immunity from knockout attacks and status attacks as well, you can also cancel the mode by pressing the X key.
This mode is the one that gets affected by gravity training class, engraving gravity training increases crit rate and damage of the auto attacks in the gravity mode also, it allows you to fill up the gauge naturally.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Gears
For the gears for Argo skiers, you want to go for the crit rate set, this is also the same for the rage hammer build, for the relic gears, you want to go for Landsat which increases offensive factors when your head attacks.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Stats
For the stats, you wanna main specialization and sub crypt specialization to increase the damage of purple skills and the other attack on the lost ark gravity mode. It also increases the restoration of the gauge whenever you use the purple skills, so you want to have high specialization as possible, there are lots of skillsets for gravity training and the one most people seem to go for is the blue skills. It is important to use skills with a short cooldown, in order to use purple skills as frequently as possible, for maxing out the gauge.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Heavy crush
Heavy crush with a quick-hit tripod, heavy crush charges only one core, but since it has five seconds of cooldown, it really helps a lot to max cores for the roon, you can use either bleed quick recharge or rage room.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Dreadnought
Dreadnought with tenacity toughened body and violent hammer, this is a counter skill which can also be used as a defensive way when paired up with a protection rune, it has the second-lowest cooldown which is 10 seconds and it charges two cores.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Power strike
Power strike with agile movement and synergy tripod well. This is also a 10 seconds cooldown counter skill which has armor break synergy tripod that charges two cores for the rune, using rage rune.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Endure pain
Endure pain with wide hit taunt and either a healthy mentality or hidden pain, this skill charges three cores and it can taunt the bob if it's tauntable, if you can taunt, then you want to use this skill and activate the gravity mode to smash the head right away for the rune, either using rage or focus rune.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Full swing
The purple skills, full swing with quick preparation scary hammer and beast eye, this skill has a short cooldown, if you use quick preparation tripod, you want to use it as soon as possible to fill up the gauge for the Roon Gill wind.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Neutralizer
Neutralizer with powerful shock growing gravity and gravity control, this skill has a long cooldown but does decent damage for the Roon Gill Wind.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Perfect swing
Perfect swing with weak point detection absolute strength and either hour of slaughter or intemperance for the rune gill wind.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Seismic hammer
seismic hammer with either quick preparation or tenacity absolute strength and starving strength for the rune overwhelm.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Terra break
For the awakening, you want to use the first awakening Terra break, since this skill maxes out the gauge at once when you use it.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Engravings
Now it's time to see the engravings the build that most the people go for is this build spirit absorption, encourage gravity training, barricade and master brawler well, you can change the spirit of absorption into a cursed doll in your favor when it comes to the priority definitely, you want gravity training at level three for others. So you can go for whatever you want after making gravity training level three when you are aiming something like two or like three or like four of level threes.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Gems
For the gems, you wanna run five attractions, four purple skills and one for the gravity mode well, there's an option that literally increases the damage of the gravity mode right here, and for the rest of the six slots well, you wanna run CDR gems on all the six skills except for heavy crush and neutralizer, so you wanna go run the six cdr gems on these six skills.
Lost Ark Destroyer- Card set
For the card set well, it is the same as other DPS lost ark classes, the first priority is 18 plus light salvation well, but if you don't have it, then the second option will be plus 12 on lost wind cliff, but if you don't have this one as well, then you can just run any other card sets well.
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