Beating your opponent in PvP will make you earn some Elden Ring runes, if you are wondering what builds to use, and what weapons and spells are powerful, we’ll get you started in 5 Elden Ring best incantations for PvP, you can use these top Faith spells to strengthen your PvP combat.
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Elden Ring Best Incantations for PvP - 5 Top Faith Spells (Incantations) in Elden Ring
What are the best Faith incantations in Elden Ring? If you set foot in Elden Ring PvP, take a look at the list of Elden Ring Best PVP Incantations by Arekkz Gaming and make a decision based on that. FP cost, Faith requirement, and incantation locations are included. If you want to begin invading or battling other players, these Faith based incantations in Elden Ring are all pretty potent.
1. Bestial Sling
The first incantation is Bestial Sling, which quickly throws buckshot of stones in a cone before the caster, this is commonly used, it’s a really good engagement tool and one of the first things you can use when you see someone. The cast time is super quick, while it doesn’t do huge damage, it will flinch and stun most enemies, and it can catch people who are rolling around. It has an FP cost of 7 and requires 10 Faith to use. Bestial Sling can be found in Bestial Sanctum, after giving Gurranq, Beast Clergyman two Deathroot.
2. Honed Bolt
The next one we have Honed Bolt, conjures bolts of lightning that impact nearby foes. This incantation is incredibly useful for situations where players back off, maybe they try to use their flasks, but once activated, you can cast this repeatedly. Additionally, while it can be a bit tricky, you can actually chain this with Bestial Sling if you can flick between the incantations quick enough, you can then catch someone with the sling and quickly zap them with the lightning. The first two spells would be a nice combo. Honed Bolt incantation has an FP cost of 12 and a Faith requirement of 24. This one can be purchased from Brother Corhyn or Miriel after giving either the Dragon Cult Prayerbook.
3. Frenzied Burst
Moving on to the Frenzied Burst, releases concentrated blasts of yellow flaming frenzy, the blasts can easily penetrate the enemy’s guard. This is a long-range sniper-style skill, it can catch people from very long distances, so if somebody invades you and has yet to approach, it can be a way to pick them off. This is powerful, but it has a super slow windup and is very easily rolled out of. Overall, Frenzied Burst probably has the longest range among all Elden Ring incantations and does good damage. This has an FP cost of 24 and a Faith requirement of 22. Frenzied Burst can be dropped by a Teardrop Scarab in the Liurnia of the Lakes region.
4. Catch Flame
The fourth PvP incantation you should use is Catch Flame, which deals a spark of fire to enemies within range during combat, this is very suitable for melee builds, with good damage and quick casting. It’s also a low-cost spell that is basically your go-to if people try to spam roll, you can typically just run towards them and cast this a few times, and it will typically catch them and stop them from spam rolling, which is something you'll see pretty often in PVP. It's not perfect, people can still roll out of it, but usually, if you spam it a few times while you might miss the first roll, you'll typically catch them on the follow-up, so it is very reliable and rapid. It has an FP cost of 10 and a Faith requirement of 8. If you start in the Prophet class, you can begin with this spell, if not, you can buy it from Brother Corhyn for 600 ER runes.
5. Death Lightning
The last incantation for PvP we have Death Lightning strikes surroundings with a storm of death lightning. It can be used to one-shot enemies, this also does massive damage and if you have high faith, this is incredibly powerful. However, it is very situational. It's more something you might pull out as a surprise trump card as opposed to something you work into your core battle strategy, it does also apply for the death shot status too if people linger in the cloud. This has an FP cost of 46 and a Faith requirement of 47. To get Death Lightning, you have to trade Remembrance of the Lichdragon with Enia at Roundtable Hold.

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