There are always speculations around the major news of the upcoming Madden NFL 23, who will be put on the cover and when will the game be dropped? Combining the latest leaks, let’s get into the Madden 23 beta signup, release date, and cover athlete news.
Madden NFL 23 Beta Signup, Cover Athlete, and Release Date - Latest Madden 23 News
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Madden NFL 23 Beta Signup
The most important news of Madden NFL 23 in recent days is going to be the beta, which will be opening in the next coming days, and when you get the approval to be on the beta, you can't really share anything about it. it is typically somebody had to do on the official site of EA, last year they did not really announce everything at all, just kind of had something that popped on their site. What you should know is that the Madden 23 beta signup is going to be on next-gen only, they're not going to have last gen or current gen in the beta, so basically if you're on next-gen consoles, you will have an opportunity to play the beta. Then how to get onto the beta how to sign up for the Madden 23 beta? Once the signup opens, we’ll get you updated on the methods of beta signup.
Madden NFL 23 Release Date
In terms of the actual release date of Madden NFL 23, Madden Moneyshot has different views. A lot of people speculated that the game will come out on August 19, Friday. However, EA likes to release Madden games somewhere in the preseason a couple of weeks before the season starts. Last year, the season started on September 9 and the Madden 22 release date was August 17 and that was a Tuesday, they like to give you the option to buy the Hall of Fame edition so that you can get the game a couple of days early, typically it will be like the Friday going into a weekend for the early release, so that’s probably that they’ll do again this year. In conclusion, this year the season is going to start on September 8, if we go backward about three weeks, the potential release date is August 16, which is also a Tuesday, or we are looking at the release date of August 23, the early release date would be on a Friday, which would be the August 19.
Madden NFL 23 Cover Athlete - Who Will Be on the Cover of Madden 23?
The cover athlete is one of the first things to come out when it comes to a new sports game, the cover start can be selected from a number of things and a lot of times. They may use a cover athlete that can encompass new features or new functions of the game. Who has the best chance of being Madden 23 cover athlete? Now we have some candidates.
The first one is Joe Burrow, he is popular, but he came out of nowhere last year to take the Bengals all the way to the Super Bowl. Quarterbacks probably make the most sense in the current NFL, Madden quarterbacks are like the NBA superstars, they make their own moves, they force their way off of teams and force their way to go where they want to go, and they make decisions that affect the entire league, it makes a lot of sense if you stick with quarterbacks, such as the Tom Brady and John Madden, there will probably be some sort of edition with either of them.
For other options, Aaron Donald would be a strong competitor, he's been a 99 overall player for a very long time and he's somebody that the second the season ended when he made that final play against Joe Burrow, it seems like there was an immediately a hype train to not just name him one of the best defensive players in the league, but one of the best defensive players of all time. It would be a perfect year to put him on the cover of Madden 23, especially considering that it’s a year where they are bringing back some defensive functions.
Micah Parsons, who did win Rookie of the Year last year, may be on the cover of Madden NFL 23. He had that good of a year and he's on the most popular team maybe in all sports in the Dallas Cowboys, when we're looking at this year's new features like tackle battles and push the pile, that is going to be right front and center stuff that they're trying to highlight for reasons to buy the new game, it makes perfect sense to put a linebacker on the cover.