We finally have the Lost Ark June & July Roadmap! New post from amazon games released that claimed they are planning to release one new advanced class every two months in Lost Ark for the rest of 2022. Lost Ark Arcana is coming! The Arcanist will join the Bard and Sorceress as the third available Mage advanced Class. In this Lost Ark Arcanist class guide, we cover the release date, play style, identities, cards, skills, and engravings of Arcana.
Lost Ark Arcana Guide: Release Date, Play Style, Cards, Skills & Engravings of Arcanist Class
New mage class Arcana actually Arcanist is the official translation, but it's Arcana. The Arcanist imbues special cards with her Magick and uses them for a variety of effects. From slicing up enemies with a deluge of thrown cards to summoning powerful Magick attacks or team effects from the cards themselves, the Arcanist has a trick up her sleeve for every situation. Despite being armed with a variety of skills, the arcanist will sometimes leave things to the fate of the cards with her specialty skill “Card Deck”. When the player lands an attack, it charges the Card Meter. Once the meter is completely charged, a card with random status registers on the Card Deck, which can be pulled out and used to varying degrees of devastating effect.
When Will Arcana/Arcanist Be Released In Lost Ark?
The launch of the new Class Arcanist is covered in Lost Ark’s June and July Roadmap. New class Arcana is coming to Lost Ark on July 20.
Lost Ark Arcana/Arcanist Plays Style
Arcana is a class that uses cards as a weapon. She literally draws cards from the deck and depending on what kind of cards she uses, she gets a unique buff for some amount of time. She is a position-free melee magician who doesn't have good hp and armor. But her damage is super strong enough to be a pure DPS class. Her party synergy increases crit rate constantly like Deadeye and Gunslinger. Whenever Arcana lands the skills, her identity gauge gets filled up and when it hits the max, then she draws a card from a deck. You can have up to two cards in your hands, you can use the cards by pressing z for the left card and x for the right card.
Lost Ark Arcana/Arcanist Skills & Mechanics
Arcana has three kinds of skills that are differently colored, yellow, blue, and red.
Yellow skills
yellow skills most likely enable her to draw cards frequently. These skills fill up the gauge more than other colored skills and most of the yellow skills have a tripod that has an odd to draw a card regardless of the gauge.
Blue skills
Blue skills stacks stack on the mob. These stacks can be stacked up to four. The count of stacks above the mob or beneath Arcana.
Red skills
Red skills remove the stacks on the mob and deal the damage depending on the account of the stacks. So you want to use rescues when you apply the max stacks which are 4 by using the blue skills.
Lost Ark Arcana/Arcanist Identity & Cards
Let’s see what kind of cars Arcana has in her deck. The odd of drawing the cars from the deck is completely rng.
Skull card
This card allows Arcana to guarantee crit on the skills and it also increases crit damage by 50% as well for 4 seconds only if the skills land exactly on one mob.
Moon card
This card allows Arcana to have cooldown reduction by an additional 10% and mana restoration by an additional 20 for 30 seconds.
Hydra card
This card allows Arcana to auto-attack in three directions and you can apply a stack for each hit. The other attack works like a shotgun you can hit all three hits if you auto-attack at a close distance. Also, the damage of auto-attack increases by 100%. If you hit challenge mobs or lower grades then it increases by 400% instead. The effective hydra lasts for 16 seconds.
Ghost card
This card allows Arcana to increase the movement speed by 20% and reduce the incoming damage by 50% three times. It also allows you to go through the mobs that are lower than boss grade. The effective ghost lasts for 16 seconds.
Balance card
This card allows Arcana to apply an additional stack on the mob whenever blue skills are used for 30 seconds.
Emperor card
This card can be in the deck only if you run emperor class engraving. This card allows Arcana to deal massive damage in a aoe range. People use this card a lot in the chaos dungeon.
Star card
This card allows Arcana to fully restore the mana immediately and it also reduces the cooldown of the skills that are already down by 15% except for awakening, space bar, and quick stance.
Judgment card
This card allows Arcana's red skills to deal with 4 stacks of damage regardless of the stacks on the mob for 4 seconds. When you pair this card with a skull card, you can literally spam the red skills in 4 seconds having guaranteed crit.
Corrosion card
This card allows Arcana to apply a debuff on the mob with a 30% chance that increases the damage of Arcana by 10 for 5 seconds. The effect of corrosion lasts for 30 seconds.
Wheel of fortune card
This card allows Arcana to reset the cooldown of the skill that is used right after using the wheel or fortune card. Most likely you want to use this card to reset the cooldown of the awakening.
Twisted fate card
This card allows Arcana to increase the damage by either 40%, 20%, 10%, or 0% for 4 seconds. So this is a card that gives you a random figure of the buff. If you use it then if you get any success like 10%, 20%, or 40%, it will be displayed above the hp. If not if you get 0%, then will there be a display on the mana that shows that there's no increase in the damage.
Royal card
This card allows Arcana to draw the cards again from the deck. If you already have another card in your hand with the royal card, you will only draw one card. But if you only have the royal card in your hand, you will draw two cards.
Mayhem card
This card allows Arcana to increase its attack speed by 3% for every attack. It can be stacked up to five times which means 15% attack speed is the max. The effect of mayhem lasts for 30 seconds but the buff of the attack speed only lasts for 4 seconds. So you have to keep on attacking in 4 seconds to maintain the buff.
Lost Ark Arcana/Arcanist Engravings
Lost Ark Arcana's engravings are a little on the weird side. Besides the general DPS engravings people go like a grudge, curse stall, Arcana uses hitmaster and barricade. However Arcanas do not have a shield, so they would either need to be shielded by supports or use a protection rune which to ruin grand shield when the ability is activated. The reason why Arcanas do this is that they have no other DPS engraving options to utilize. She cannot use keem blunt due to her skills and identity cards having crit damage increase, she cannot use engravings like raid captain and increase mass either because she does not go swiftness. So they utilize three protection runes on all their red skills to maximize the efficiency of the damage engravings. However, there are no three protection runes right. Now maybe the global server will have all the protection runes when archon is released, but if it doesn't, it is advisable to go hit master first that only provides damages that are not back or head attacks. Some of our counter skills are back and head attacks but the red stack damage is considered non-head back attacks, so it's one of the best slotted engravings.
As for class engaging and empress’ grace, it gives additional 20% damage to stack damage. But at level 2 it only gives 25 and 30 at level 3, so it isn't as efficient utilizing all the diamond nodes. You can go to level 3, but utilizing other damage engraving is also recommended while keeping the class engraving at level 1. Therefore Arcana does not really have much of a choice in engraving. So the final build is always grudge, curse doll, hitmaster, barricade, adrenaline, and emphasis grace at level 1.
That's everything you should know about the Arcana/Arcanist release for Lost Ark. If you need more info about the upcoming Arcanist class, stay tuned! Buy Lost Ark gold from Utplay.com, enjoy the best price, fastest delivery and 24/7 customer service!

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