There are 15 types of base build categories in Elden Ring, such as arcane, intelligence, dexterity, faith, strength, and quality! Today we'll be ranking categories of builds in Elden Ring, so that you will know the best builds to use.
Ranking Categories Of Builds In Elden Ring - What Is The Best Build To Use In Elden Ring
All the builds are the different types of categories, we are going to take them all and rank them 1 through 15 basing it on a few different things, how strong you can get that particular category of build, number two how much variety you can get with those stats as well. Number three how viable they can be in different scenarios. So the scenarios mean different locations throughout the game if it's strong against certain bosses and even in PVP. Just because your favorite build ranks lower on Elden Ring build list doesn't mean that it's bad. You can create very strong builds with every single one of these categories, they're just going to have to be ranked accordingly.
15. Elden Ring Quality Builds
Split even stats into strength and dexterity, never has really been useful in the Elden Ring. With just how the game's scalings work, it's always better to just go in all into one stat. So having it heavily infused or keen infused is always going to be more beneficial. Unless you're above level 200 and then in that case you're probably better off going quality. But 99 of the playbase is not going to be above level 200. So you just wouldn't even really bother looking at quality builds, even some of the unique weapons in the game that cannot be infused don't really get the greatest quality scalings either one actually does. Yuri is just better off leveling up one stat in particular because it always just ends up being more beneficial in the long run. With how spells are really powerful in this game, you'd just rather put those stats elsewhere.
14. Elden Ring Intelligence/Arcane Builds
The reason why these builds are not good is, first of all, how do you sleep at night, second of all that's not really an optimized build that's just using two broken opens and then putting them together that doesn't really do anything. In terms of intelligence and arcane builds, there are no weapons that actually have those pure scalings, there are spells that do have requirements in both intelligence and arcane. Although there are only two and they both kind of suck, so there's really no synergy happening between those two stats whatsoever to really justify going to spec into that stat. The truth is both intelligence and arcane stats are really good but you just need to differentiate a bit better.
13. Elden Ring Pure Arcane Builds
The arcane stat is really powerful however going all-in in the arcane and not really putting those stats into other different locations. Not really the most viable option. The early game is still going to be plenty fine because everything bleeds out really quickly, especially the early game. But the reason that's why a pure arcane build isn't going to be that strong is that your total damage isn't going to be that great. Obviously, we're bleeding out enemies really quickly with most arcane builds, but if you go up against an enemy that is immune to bleed or really strong against bleed, you're just not going to really have a great time. Because if you go a bleed-type weapon the damage itself isn't that great, so you're just better off putting your stats into other areas where you can actually use some other cool arcane weapons themselves that actually have scalings in a different type of areas. If you were going to use a pure arcane build definitely want to utilize an occult weapon that has bleed already on it, so you can actually get the good damage and bleed build-up at the same time. Still, you're very limited with this build.
12. Elden Ring Pure Dexterity Builds
The early game is going to be completely fine but you're really specked into only one stat where dex really shines when you pair with other stats. Not really being able to use spells in this game isn't really the greatest thing either, because spells are just absolutely amazing. One good thing about pure dexterity though is that it actually has a lot of viable options for weapons.
11. Elden Ring Faith/Intelligence Builds
Faith/intelligence build is one of the most disappointing builds in Elden Ring. The only reason this is this high is pure because of the sword of knight and flame if it wasn't for that weapon, this one would probably lose the list. Because it really doesn't get the best of either faithful intelligence it kind of gets a middle ground in both when you're pretty much better off speaking into one or the other. So respect all into the faith you can utilize the talismans there, do a lot of damage. Same thing with intelligence whereas if you have both, you're just really going to do middle damage with both spells. But the sword of night and flame is an absolutely amazing weapon, however, it's the only weapon that you can really get with a faith intelligence build. Some of the spells that do have intelligence and faith requirements they're kind of bad as well. So the sword of night and flame is really the saving grace for this entire build.
10. Elden Ring Arcane/Strength Builds
The only reason you would ever want to use an arcane and strength build is pure because of the mohgwyn sacred spear. It is absolutely amazing weapon, a really good bleed weapon. But it's the only strength arcane weapon in the game and it was really good, there's not much variety going on there. Nothing really to warrant using that other than that there's one weapon.
9. Elden Ring Pure Strength
Pure strength builds are absolutely just amazing in terms of how much damage you can do in one hit. The only reason we have it this high on this Elden Ring build tier list is pure because of jumping attacks. The problem with slow opens in this game is that they're incredibly slow, but jumping attacks come out pretty quickly. We'll roughly have the same attack animation speed, so you always want to be utilizing that. With a lot of weapons having really high strength scalings in this game, there's a bunch of weapons that do have an s scaling. So if you just dual wield the giant crushes heavy infuse, use something like royal knights resolves. You can be doing a whole bunch of damage at once just by spamming jumping attacks and doing a whole bunch of stagger damage on top of that as well. In terms of total overall damage, pure strength is actually a very viable option.
8. Elden Ring Intelligence/Strength Builds
This one's pretty viable in terms of how many different weapons you can use. However, being that most of the strongest weapons in this game are just going to be not as good as dex weapons because they're very large and slow. The options that you do get with it are very nice, so health and staple is a good option, the roller grade sword and star scourge greatsword are also, all very viable options for a strength intelligence build. It's a bit outclassed by some of the other intelligence options of the games like pure intelligence, and intelligence decks. Because you just do more damage with them or just being able to attack quicker. This is a very bad option at all it's still very viable and solid.
7. Elden Ring Faith/Strength
Strength weapons aren't going to be as good as dex weapons in most cases. Being that dex gives you that spell casting speed, also just it makes for a better pairing with spells 99% of the time. The faith weapons are a little bit better than the intelligent weapons, so weapons like maliketh black blade, the envoy’s long horns, and magma blade are all very solid weapons. You get things like golden vows so it can actually boost your weapon damage by a lot more as well which is really nice if you are using strength-based weapons.
6. Elden Ring Pure Intelligence Builds
This will do some of the craziest damage in the game. If you use pure intelligence, the game is going to be pretty easy for you. The only reason why pure intelligence build is not in the top 3 best Elden Ring classes is because of the lack of variety you get with pure intelligence. There aren't many weapons that just have very low requirements and just only require an intelligence weapon. Obviously, there are weapons that have low issue requirements or something like the darkmoon greatsword is still very good using a speck into 16 strength which isn't that high in the long run. What’s more, using pure intelligence is that you're only stuck doing magic damage. So if you go up against an enemy that's really strong against elemental damage or just magic in general, you're going to be really having a tough time.
5. Elden Ring Pure Faith Builds
Pure intelligence you get stuck pretty much just using magic damage 99 of the time whereas faith you get to utilize lightning spells, holy spells, fiery spells even physical spells as well. So you get to do a bunch of different damage, you get to have status effect spells like flame grant me strength, golden vow, and a whole bunch of different healing spells on top of that which just all make for a nice wide variety. It suits all different types of play styles. And the good thing with pure faith as well is that there are dedicated weapons for a pure faith build.
4. Elden Ring Dexterity/Faith Builds
In Elden Ring, spell casting speed is actually tied to the dexterity stat which is absolutely amazing. Because if you have a lot of dexterity, you're noticing that your spells are going to be coming out a lot quicker. The fact that a lot of the faith dexterity opens in this game is really good. So you have things like the sacred relic sword, both of the faith daggers, the godslayer’s great sword as well as the winged scythe all very powerful options. Obviously, your spells aren't going to be doing as much damage but you have much more variety with the weapons themselves and the spells come out quicker.
3. Elden Ring Dexterity/Arcane Builds
It should be no surprise here, dexterity and arcane are one of the best builds in Elden Ring. Rivers of blood, eleonora’s pole blade, there's really nothing else we need to mention other than those two weapons to make you understand why this gets top three. It's just absolutely insane! Not only are we doing a decent amount of damage because obviously respect into dexterity, but you're also doing good physical damage as well. But the bleeders are absolutely ridiculous with these weapons. If you do up against go up against enemies that are weak or stronger immune to status effects, they're not going to be doing exactly that viable. It lacks a little bit of variety but blade through 90% of the game is just absolutely insane and this is just one of the best forms of just doing bleed with these weapons themselves.
2. Elden Ring Intelligence/Dexterity Builds
The weapons themselves are just absolutely amazing and how fast those sorceries actually come out with a dexterity build, especially in PVP. In PVP they pretty much just run rampant with how quickly you can do those spell combos and how fast they do come out. Then the weapons like moonveil katana exist, they get the wing of a still as well as the death poker which are just all amazing intelligence dexterity weapons. Due to all of that combined with the spell casting speed tied to dexterity, you're just doing an enormous amount of damage all at once and do have probably three of the best weapons in the game.
1. Elden Ring Faith/Arcane Builds
Faith and arcane are Elden Ring best builds ranked. These builds honestly are just absolutely insane in all phases of the game. It's just going to dominate. The dragon communion still exists and that gets an s scaling and arcane, so the fact you can do a lot of damage with your incantations without actually having much faith is actually insane. If you have about 30 faiths that's just enough to use as all the dragon spells like a lightning spear, and catch flame which is all really amazing spells and you were doing just as much damage as if you had a pure faith build. So you were first where you have some of the best incantations of the game, then you get dragon spells themselves which are actually insane. You can literally use one to rock cold, one to proc scarlet rot. If you want to do regular fire damage as well all of which are just absolutely amazing. Obviously, the dragon communion still boosts dragon incantations also and you're using an arcane build, so you can literally utilize bleed on top of all of that. One thing you probably wouldn't use is healing spells. Because healing ties directly to faith, and that's the one downside.