Today covering on hunting the reason for this is meat has gone up insanely, because of the drop of the vault, and then also it's probably going to continue to rise, because of the drop on vicus. To make a guide on how to hunt, how to level it up, and how to get the most out of lost ark hunting, so you can make some cash or save some lost ark gold by crafting your own meals.
Lost Ark Hunting Guide- How To Make Gold With Your Life Skill Energy
1. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Hunting
Hunting makes a ton of lost ark gold, the reason for this is because it's one of the few life skills, actually, interact with that also isn't superbotted and so that means that the market is actually going up based on what people need and by the fact that bots aren't farming meat, and so players have to actually go out and farm this.
Now, this might change in the future, because all slowly moving towards a Skynet takeover where bots control entire lives, however as it stands humans are still doing it, so you can make some lost ark gold from this.
2. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Cooking
Cooking is going to be a good investment for your life skills because obviously levelling it up is going to cost a lot less energy and a lot of your time, but prices will consistently stay high, because of the fact that prices first spiked when Walton released, because people were eating meals to clear Walton and every single time you die, you lose your meal meaning you have to continuously eat more.
Especially with Vikus coming out in a couple of weeks, people are gonna probably be going through these and so the price of food will probably spike again, this is a good skill to start investing in now, so that way you can start either crafting meals for yourself or crafting meals to sell to others.
3. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Tools
Now the best place to start is tools, if you're brand new to this, you probably are not going to be able to get tools right away, if you see the tool just to start levelling it up early, you're going to probably go for green tools while you wait for your epic tools to craft, what you're looking for on a green tool is just super armor, you can go to a life skill tool and PC, and just keep buying hunting tools until you get one with super armor, you're gonna absolutely need super armor, because you're just gonna be a ton of mobs hitting you when you're trying to carve meat to start crafting these in your strong holding to start crafting.
You know epic quality and higher tools, you're gonna come to the crafting recipe exchange NPC in your stronghold, and then you just buy the tool from her with adventure seals, another important thing to mention is this is also the NPC who sells you the food recipe. So be sure to pick up your master herb steak meal, once you're crafting your epic tool, you're gonna wanna go for these three bonuses, you wanna go for super armor, obviously, then you want to go increased basic reward, drop rate and increased rare material drop rate.
4. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Legendary or relic
Once you go above epic quality, let's see legendary or relic, you're going to want to then get an increased chance for special rewards, and then after that, you would probably go increased gathering speed for a relic tier, but if you do want to go up to legendary, the four best ones are always going to be super armour increased basic increased rare, and then increased chance for special rewards.
5. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Levelling up hunter
Now as you're levelling up hunter, there are a couple of things that are important to understand, once you hit level 10, the skill becomes a lot faster, the reason for this is because gathering nodes will now have a little marker on top of them, what this does is that it allows little mobs to spawn, so you just throw your accident and you throw your axe again.
Little mob- level 1
The little mob will spawn out of that you can harvest for meat before you get to level 10, the skill will be actual suffering, but do not worry, it's not always this slow, it is actually a pretty fast way of burning through your lifestyle energy, but it does take a very long time before level 10.
Laying traps- level 20
Once you hit level 20, you can start laying lost ark hunting traps, this is actually pretty convenient because this makes this skill a very good way of burning through your life skill energy when you don't really feel like doing it, it's a lot of electronics like 900 for retrieving the lost ark hunting trap.
All you have to do is walk up to a lost ark hunting trap area like this, you'll see it on the map, it'll look something like this, you just lay your lost ark hunting trap, and then you come back in 15 minutes, and you'll be able to harvest. It's obviously not as efficient to do it this way, but if it's a difference between sitting on max or lifestyle energy, just doing this is a way better option.
Pelts- level- level 30
Now before getting to the level 30 skill, to mention these pelts as you level up your hunting, you'll notice you're going to start getting a lot of these pedals tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 pelts, these are kind of like excavating treasure maps, but for hunting and they reward a ton of meat, you're going to definitely want to run the tier 3 ones, once you hit level 30.
The weird thing about hunting and also something that's good about it is that you get those pelts before you hit level 30. At level 30, you get a skill called tracking, which allows you to right-click the pelts, you've been collecting the entire time, and then treat them like a treasure map.
6. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Mining nodes
An arrow will come up, an error will come up, and you'd have to follow the arrow until you get the portal, usually, it's about three or four destinations that you have to hit, and then finally you'll get the point that'll teleport you to a little instance where you get a ton of meat.
Once you're in the instance, what you're gonna want to do is just hunt the way, it's separated is there's gonna be a bunch of small regular little bunnies, and then on the other side, there's gonna be a room with a couple of bushes and one golden bunny that drops a ton of meat.
There's a bunch of bunnies here, you just have to kill all of them, they're all one-shots, if the rabbits are able to despawn in this area, pretty sure they can't, but just to be safe, and then do all the carving.
This lost ark hunting trap jump over, and then just keep doing that circle over and over again, the reason for this is because this path has a lot of mining nodes that can spawn pretty much. This entire path is very good because there are a ton of ore nodes the worst thing that can happen here isn't usually people competing with you for meat it's actually people who are trying to get their mining skills up if you notice that there are not a lot of nodes or there's someone that you notice is mining be sure to just hop channels.
7. Lost Ark Hunting Guide- Selling your meat
Personally suggest if you are planning on selling your meat right now, just sell the meat raw, the reason for this is that if you end up, actually crafting a meal, you end up breaking even between the material cost and the crafting cost, you end up breaking completely even on lost ark gold.
If you actually post this to the auction house, you will lose money, because of the fact that there is also a listing fee, this means like most things in the stronghold, you only make money off of your great success crafts, which means that you're going to want to make sure you're running future millionaire Zenry in your stronghold, you want to get his rapport up, and then you can buy one of his outfits for blue crystals. What did these outfits do? Once you equip them, it gives you a bonus, a two per cent chance of great success in cooking.
A good life skill is because all of the resources are actually worth money a lot of life skills even the profitable ones right now if you look at something like forging all the money is in the white flowers, but the thing that's nice about hunting is that the white meats are worth money, the blue meats are worth money, even the green meats are worth a little bit of money, so whenever you're harvesting all the materials that you're getting, actually make you some cash.
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