A lot of you are probably aware of the bot issue in Lost Ark, and if you have experienced any of this or it has affected your ability to play the game whether you're playing on na west or eu west, maybe this guide can help a bit, we spread awareness of the bot issue and offer insight, we cover the truth behind bots in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Bot Problem Explained - The Truth Behind Bots In Lost Ark
Bots have become a massive issue again now. There was a time where bots already were a massive issue, then it slowed down a little bit, but over the past few weeks or even months, bots have been running rampage everywhere mostly on the NA servers, they are now queues up to 15K just because the bots are taking up all the slots for actual players. Eu had a situation where it was one region that was undivided, there was no n a east and a west and the problem was that there were so many people that you couldn't get into the game, so then they created eu west and as people leave the game and things like that, you're now on eu west because you just wanted to log into the game and you wish you were on euc because that's where everyone the majority of players are at. And the same goes for na west and n east.
All those are exactly what we want to talk about in this guide, how bots are ruining the game, how they have been ruining the game from the get-go and all the things that surround bots.
Authentication & Ban Waves
It's way too easy to make an account, all you gotta do is just make a new steam account, the problem is that we do get ban waves, it's not like amazon and smallgate aren't doing anything, but what they're doing right now isn't working. It's not actually solving the problem and the ban waves happen but they just make a new account. These bots just come back the next day, you can see some of the dips. They have so much gold at this point that they could they could get to tier three if they wanted to.
Stricter RMT Policies
A lot of people been calling for stricter policy on rmt, which is when you buy goldsmith third-party website real money transaction, outside third-party arm team because you can buy gold in-game. And some people have reported that they've gotten three-day bans or suspensions and going forward a statement needs to be made that, it's a perma-ban policy going forward. So if you get banned, it's permanently banned. So this is not for the bots but for the players that are participating in third party rmt because that is also a major cause of it. The bots are able to make money because players willing to spend real life money outside of the game and get gold for much cheaper.
Locking Servers & Transfers
Locking the servers especially servers that have long queue times like na west, at launch we saw that where they locked servers and they created new servers. They're reluctant to do that because they have this huge summer event that's going to be coming up, they have the vykas raid coming up, they're going to have the clown raid soon after that and they want new players to come back or get into the game. And they're worried about locking them out. But the issue is that you need to do it, they're about the long-term health of the game, if you don't do that, that's worse for the long-term health of the game. You need to do the launch strat where you lock the servers that players are active on, create new servers and for the time being while you try to manage the bot situation funnel the bots there. And then offer server transfers, it's clear that the technology isn't there. You don't have the ability to do that because if you did, you could just do the launch strategy over again. And they're worried that if they lock the servers, they don't want to create new ones and have another eu west situation, but we need to solve the eus situation. You need to have server transfer functionality or character data transfers, but you need to lock the service because there's no reason that real players should be getting locked out of the game due to bots. You're going to lose players that way right. That's going to cause more damage to the game in the long term.
Competitive Gold Rates
Another thing is they need to adjust the broil crystal, the blue crystal to gold conversion rate, so when you go into the cash shop in Lost Ark, you go to the currency exchange, there's a description here and the game sets the value, basically how many royal crystals when you convert roll crystals when you want to buy gold, they need to make it a more competitive value. And at the bottom line at any game company, they'll never do that, they're going to lose money that way, but a lot of people aren't really interacting with this. You're probably losing a lot of money from players going to third party websites and illegally buying gold. This needs to be a more competitive value, in other regions when playing on Russia, it was you got more gold for your royal crystal, not because of the inflation but because of the set value. This needs to be adjusted to be something that's more competitive, and if more players interact with this system, it's actually better for the free-to-play player rather than them going to the third party. It's gonna inflate people are getting more gold, the value of materials and engraving recipes and everything is already inflated. Go to the end, 23000, 24000 gold for a grudge is not reflective of the currency exchange value at 772. Some people do busing and carries in Lost Ark and they priced their bussing or carries at the third party website value, they don't price it at the cash shop and that's a serious problem for the actual free-to-play player, that needs to get solved, you need to make the prices more competitive, you need to have players interact with the system more and end up probably making more money in the bottom line if players are using your system more often.
Transfers & Merges Cont.
You need to offer confirmation that we will see region or server transfers that are going to happen at some point in the future that you're working on the technology to do it, you're getting care you're able to export character data, you're gonna merge regions at some point, you need to offer the confirmation because players are getting deeper and deeper into the tier and that's not fair to the player. That spent so much time progressing their character
Low Hanging Fruit (Fishing, Chaos, & Market)
All low hanging fruit should be removed, there's no way that these guys should be able to sit here and hang out, you can't individually ban like every single bot, you can't just have some people sit there all day, but you see it in runescape, they just hang out, there's no reason they should be able to just sit here on every channel, you got to get rid of them and on top of that, if you go to the auction house and we just look at accessories and go to tier 1 accessories. Go to recent prices things that have sold 20000 gold for a tier 1 swiftness earring, 830000, 650000. This has to be an instant ban, there's no way and that's the beauty of Lost Ark. You can literally track all of the auction house or market sales and purchases right in the game. These have to be flagged for instant bans, permanent bans.

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