To upgrade the special weapons in Elden Ring, you need Somber Smithing Stones of different sizes. Here is a guide with the best methods and locations to farm Somber Smithing Stones, as well as ways to get an unlimited supply of them through Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing.
Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stones Farming Guide
Upgrade materials are rare and valuable in Elden Ring, they are a good way to gain power and upgrade your weapon with Smithing Stones. But special weapons require Somber Smithing Stones, which are usually rarer and difficult to obtain. We have gathered here all the possible sources for these stones, whether it is a dedicated seller, a saleswoman with unlimited stock in the right conditions, where to pick them up, and even where to farm them in the worst case.
By donating Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearings to the carcasses of Round Table Twin Maiden Husks, you will be able to obtain a good number of Smithing Stones and Dark Stones to upgrade your weapon set. Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearings add unlimited amounts of Smithing Stones to your inventory. This is the best way to improve your high level Elden Ring weapons, but especially those that are said to be special.
1. Smithing Master Iji selling Somber Smithing Stones
Your best source of Somber Smithing Stones at the beginning of the game is northwest of Liurnia, on the way north you will come across Smithing Master Iji. He sells Somber Smithing Stones from rank 1 to 4 in limited quantities. If he ever dies for one reason or the other, you can bring his . Iji's Bell Bearing - Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing back to the Round Table to have access to his goods. Be careful though, its prices are high, at a low level, it is better to invest these Elden Ring runes in your character.
2. Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing Unlock Smithing Stones
By bringing these special Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing to Twin Finger Husks in Roundtable Hold, you will add Somber Smithing Stones in unlimited quantities to its inventory. This is the best way to upgrade your weapons at a high level. You will simply have to go and farm enough runes, preferably with the Golden Beetle, rather than farming the stones. But it is still necessary to find these famous Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearings.
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1): Unlocks Smithing Stone (1), Smithing Stone (2), and Glintstone Scrap for sale
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2): Unlocks Smithing Stone (3), Smithing Stone (4), and Explosive Stone for sale
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3): Unlocks Smithing Stone (5) and Smithing Stone (6) for sale
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4): Unlocks Smithing Stone (7) and Smithing Stone (8) for sale
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (5): Unlocks the Somber Smithing Stone (1), Somber Smithing Stone (2) and Glintstone Scrap for sale
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing Loactions in Elden Ring
How & where to collect all Forge Miner's Sounding Beads in Elden Ring? Here is the position of the 5 Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearings in the game, each one unlocks 2 ranks of Somber Smithing Stones (except the last one):
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1): On the dreaded boss of Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel in Caelid. You can open a certain chest to find yourself directly in the area.
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2): In a chest behind an illusory wall in the Sealed Tunnel, on Altus Plateau, just outside the southern ramparts of the capital
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3): Just outside First Church of Marika, in Mountaintops of the Giants. You cannot enter the Zamor Ruins without defeating Morgott, the Omen King.
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4): On a corpse, on one of the platforms from which you can see a dragon watching you back, in Crumbling Farum Azula. You must have defeated the Godskin Duo and revived the flame to access the area.
Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (5): On a corpse in the room before the elevator that leads to Farum Azula's main road and its final boss.
3. Other Fast Methods To Farm Each of Somber Smithing Stones
Since Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearings are clearly not always an option, especially for the bottom rows, here is a list of dark stones from different ranks that you can find or farm all over the World Map.
Somber Smithing Stone (1) Farm Methods
Smithing Master Iji sells one for 2000 runes.
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 2000 runes if you have brought back the Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1.
In the Limgrave Tunnels dungeon, on one of the platforms in the second elevator shaft.
On a corpse sitting after the bridge northeast of Limgrave.
By killing the weeping peninsula scarab not far from the huge aerial point towards the isolated divine tower, north of Limgrave.
South of the island of the Church of Dragon Communion, after going through the tunnel of Demi-Human Queen.
By killing Guardian Lion at the main entrance of Stormveil Castle.
Somber Smithing Stone 2 Farm Methods
Smithing Master Iji one for 3000 runes.
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 3000 runes if you have brought back the Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1.
On a corpse on the beach southeast of Stormveil Castle, south of the Weeping Peninsula. He is surrounded by spiritual jellyfish.
There are 3 just in the small chapel in the middle of the lake in Liurnia, it is a little west of the church of roses.
By killing the Weeping Scarab in the southwest corner of the lake, east of the Proselyte's Tower.
On a corpse present on a small island in the lake in La Siofra.
On another corpse in La Siofra, he is on top of the ruins near the teleport portal to the east.
In a chest in the Crystal Tunnels of Raya Lucaria, just after the Point of Grace.
The insufferable giant hands of Caria Manor, northwest of Liurnia, have a good chance of dropping some.
In the Gael Tunnel dungeon in Caelid.
Somber Smithing Stone 3 Farm Methods
Smithing Master Iji sells 3 for 4000 runes each.
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 4000 runes if you have brought back the pearl of dark miner 2.
The first is on a body east of Caria Manor in Liurnia.
On a corpse at the edge of the cliff in the underground river of Ainsel.
A little northwest of the entrance to the Dectus elevator, on a watery beetle.
On a corpse sitting atop the cliffs north of Lake Liurnia, not far from the Wandering Mausoleum.
On another seated corpse, this time on the cliffs north of the 4 Belfries, west of Liurnia.
On the body behind the altar of the Coucou church in the academy.
Obtained in the area after the huge lift at Liurnia Academy hubs. No need to use it, go straight and kill the gravitational guardian.
Miners in the Crystal Gallery of Selia in Caelid occasionally drop them, but this is rare.
Somber Smithing Stone 4 Farm Methods
Smithing Master Iji sells 3 of them for 6000 runes each.
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 6000 runes if you have brought back the pearl of dark miner 2.
On a corpse behind a building in Nokron, the Eternal City, the second part of La Siofra.
On a corpse surrounded by small crabs, on the roofs of the academy of Raya Lucaria.
Miners in the Crystal Gallery of Selia in Caelid occasionally drop them, but this is very rare.
Somber Smithing Stone 5 Farm Methods
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 9000 runes if you have brought back the pearl of dark miner 3.
On a corpse in the large building in the flooded heights of La Siofra.
In the prison cave southwest of Aeonia Swamp in Caelid. You need 2 Stone Blade Keys to open it.
Several can be found in the Altus Gallery dungeon on the Altus Plateau.
By killing a Scarab on the bridge of Nokron, the Eternal City.
In the Sealed Gallery, on the plateau of Altus.
On the Adult Celestial Creature boss in Mount Gelmir.
Somber Smithing Stone 6 Farm Methods
Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 12,000 runes if you have brought back Dark Miner's Pearl 3.
The boss of Selia's Crystalline Gallery also drops one, it's definitely the ultimate meeting place for Dark Forge Stones.
On the Spear Crucible Knight, in the Siofra Aqueduct, in the second part of Nokron.
South of the first camp of Mount Gelmir, on another corpse sitting on a chair on the edge of the cliff. It is definitely a custom in this country.
On a corpse in the large building in the flooded heights of La Siofra.
With the corpse perched balanced on a high ledge in the southern part of the ruins of the Palace of Uhl, in Ainsel.
On a weeping beetle at the foot of the stairs in Nokstella, the Eternal City, in the second part of Ainsel.
Held by another Watery Scarab lost in the Rotten Lake.
Miners in the Crystal Gallery of Selia in Caelid occasionally drop them, but this is very rare.
Somber Smithing Stone 7 Farm Methods
Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 16,000 runes if you have brought back Dark Miner's Pearl 3.
In a chest in one of the rooms of Nokstella, the Eternal City, in the second part of Ainsel.
Still in Nokstella, the eternal city, on a corpse balanced on the edge of a ravine overlooking the river.
On a body in the ruins of Rotting Lake.
On a body northeast of Rotten Lake.
In the blue cracked statue north of Giant's Rise. You have to attract one of the nearby giant golems to break it.
Small hands found all over the east in the final area of Giant's Peaks can drop some.
Somber Smithing Stone 8 Farm Methods
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 20,000 runes if you have brought back the Dark Miner's Pearl 3.
On the Weeping Scarab in the middle of the Dragon Mound area, north of Caelid. He is perched on a trunk on the ground.
One is found on one more body from the Rotten Lake, presumably there is something unhealthy in the area.
Still on a Weeping Scarab, in the lower part of the ruins of Ancient Snow Valley, in the Rise of the Giants.
In the area full of yetis and giant hands, on a Teleporter Weeping Scarab.
Not far from the church before the Fire Giant, still in the same area of Mountaintops of the Giants, and still on a beetle. This one is hidden high up on a small mountain.
In the Consecrated Snowfield, on a Weeping Scarab on the southeast edge of the area.
Somber Smithing Stone 9 Farm Methods
The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold sell an unlimited amount of them at 25,000 runes if you have brought back the Dark Miner's Pearl 3.
On a corpse on one of the platforms that emerge from the Decayed Lake when you activate them with the buttons on the islets.
On a slumped body on the bridge near the site of Ancient Snow Valley Ruin Grace, at Giant's Heights.
Possessed by one of the Death Fans on a chair at the edge of the void, this time it's on the South Bridge near the Astrologer Ruins in Giant's Rise.
On one of the corpses sitting with his colleagues at the feet of Caelid's Divine Tower. It is very easy to access, from the start of the game, at least by using the shortcut to the Dragon's Mound.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones Farm Methods
They CANNOT be obtained from the Twin Maiden Husks. Their number is therefore limited during each game, you will then have to wait for the DLCs or go to New Game Plus. We have listed at least 7 of them, so this list will be added to in the future.
The majority of them can be found in the Sacred Snowfields and the Sacred Tree of Miquella.
Some are given as quest rewards.
The first is in a small dead end of the Sacred Tree Corset.
The second is on the right side of the outer ramparts, you will have to kill the Avatar of the tree before venturing there.

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